We begin this episode of Drag Race right after the elimination of Trixie Mattel. (You can read my recap of last week’s episode here.) Everyone assumed Pearl would be the one sashaying away, and they are all shocked that Trixie left instead. Pearl is also shocked, but for different reasons: he thought the judges were unfairly harsh on him because he “gave great energy” and “the people at home love him.” Mmmkay. I don’t know what he’s trippin’ on, but to everyone else, Pearl has the enthusiasm of someone going to their sausage-fingered proctologist for an annual checkup. The other queens agree that Pearl should be grateful for the opportunity to even be there and show some enthusiasm or leave.
RuPaul enters the werk room and tells them about a Drag Race fan artist who recreates the queens’ hottest looks using paper. This is where the next mini-challenge comes in: they have to recreate classic celebrity red carpet outfits using only paper. They will be working in pairs on this assignment: Ginger Minj and Kandy Ho get Lil’ Kim; Jaidynn Diore Fierce and Kennedy Davenport get Lady Gaga; Pearl and Max get Cher; Mrs. Kasha Davis and Katya get Björk; and Violet Chachki and Miss Fame get Jennifer Lopez. We hear paper tearing, scissors cutting and tape ripping as the queens rush to recreate these well-known outfits. The winners of this mini-challenge are Kasha and Katya, who recreated the infamous swan dress that Björk wore.
Ru now announces the main challenge for this week: the queens are invited to the first annual DESPY awards! Working in the same pairs they had for the mini-challenege, the queens will be presenters and nominees at the award show. The duos will be responsible for throwing shade at the other nominees, coming up with witty banter and having unforgettable acceptance speeches prepared if they “win” their awards. The categories are “Sexy, Sexy Drag Queen” presented by Jaidynn and Kennedy; “Most Busted Queen” presented by Pearl and Max; “Shadiest Queen” presented by Ginger and Kandy; and “Meatiest Tuck” presented by Violet and Miss Fame. Since they were the winners of the mini-challenge, Kasha and Katya will be the DESPY co-hosts. Kathy Griffin shows up once again… this time to help the queens work on their comedic material for the DESPYs.

As the queens get to work trying to come up with material for the DESPYs, Ru drops in as usual to check on them and see how they are progressing. He makes his rounds to the different pairs and asks them how the preparation is going. He gives them the advice to make it a special and memorable moment. He makes it over to Pearl and Max and this is where we get a little drama and awkwardness. Ru says Max has a very big personality while Pearl doesn’t and he asks Pearl how he’s going to overcome that for this challenge. Pearl immediately goes on the defensive instead of taking the constructive advice. “I think I have a great personality, actually.” Really, bitch? RuPaul says that the only reason he is twisting Pearl’s tits is because he was in the bottom two last week and wants him to up the ante this week. Pearl snaps back that RuPaul’s saying he has no personality doesn’t help his confidence any. RuPaul then says he hopes this will light a fire under Pearl’s ass. Follow this remark with the world’s most uncomfortable death stare. Seriously. RuPaul’s gaze looked as though it would eat a hole right through Pearl’s body. Determined as ever to get the last word, Pearl asks Ru “Is there something on my face?” I have to admire Ru right here. Ru managed to keep cool and not slap the stupid right off of Pearl’s face. Instead, he said he isn’t convinced that Pearl will do what it takes to remain in the competition. Max wants to get back to work after this little confrontation, but Pearl the drag drama queen leaves the werk room. Aaaand cue the dramatic music. Cut to commercial. Will Pearl return? Stay tuned! RuPaul’s Drag Race season 7 will be back after a word from these sponsors!
We return to the werk room and Max is almost ready to start editing and Pearl still hasn’t returned. Just as quickly as I typed the last sentence, the attention whore Pearl finally returns to the werk room, seemingly having given up all hope. Anyway, moving on… The queens begin working on their material with direction from Kathy. She seems to be very picky on what the queens should and shouldn’t include in their bits. Pearl admits in his confessional that he is stuck inside his shell. He spent most of his teen years were spent being angry and feeling abandoned. All shade aside, I hope he can break out of his shell, because he has the potential to be funny!

Now to the main stage of Drag Race for the inaugural DESPY Awards! The hostesses Katya and Kasha come out and begin the awards show. Right off the bat, Kasha flubs one of her lines. The presenters all have their funny moments (some more than others), but Pearl and Max KILLED it! The funniest acceptance speeches belonged to Miss Fame: “I wish I could cry, but goddamn Botox got me every time! Other than that, I’d like to thank Mexico for the tapeworm that snatched my body!” and Violet Chachki with her homage to Sally Field’s infamous acceptance speech: “You don’t like me! You really don’t like me! And last but not least, God… thanks!” No surprise, but Max and Pearl are the winners of the main challenge. They were the funniest, and honestly, the negative edit of Pearl through the whole first half of the episode pretty much foreshadowed that she would finally start breaking out this week. Pearl thanks RuPaul for kicking his ass into gear. 🙂 Awww happy ending!
Ru announces the bottom two this week: Kandy Ho and Mrs. Kasha Davis. The time has come for them to lip sync… FOR. THEIR. LIFE!! The two face off and lip sync to Teena Marie’s “Lovergirl.” The queen eliminated tonight and sashaying away from the competition is Mrs. Kasha Davis.
What did you think of this episode? Do you think Pearl will start coming out of his shell more and start killing the competition? Let me know in the comments below and on Twitter!
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