Our teams are heading to Buenos Aires this leg of the race. Michaelia and Hamilton are the first to depart with a 2.5 hour lead on Gino and Jesse, but that lead is blown out of the water as all teams are equalized waiting for their flight to depart. Although the young couple used their Express Pass right away they still have one up for grabs by the end of the next leg. Kristin wastes no time and blatantly asks them how bad she needs to kiss their butts to get that pass. Michaelia says she’ll think about it. This is the team to be nice to people. They may be young but they have travelled the world and have that second express pass! Who would you want to have that second pass?
Once they land in Buenos Aires teams need to find the Plaza Canada, a totem pole give to them by us to honor our native people. Teams need to learn the story of the totem pole before getting their next clue. There is nothing difficult about that task itself, it’s just reading and Nic and Sabrina are the first out. Poor Simi and Ope and Gino and Jesse are having navigation issues AGAIN this leg of the race and their cab driver gets them lost. After a few hours and a detour the Canadian embassy they do finally get there and all teams head off to Barrio La Boca.
At Barrio La Boca Sabrina is the first to reach the Roadblock. In this roadblock Mentos Name Game, one person must navigate the confusing streets to find marked kiosks selling Mentos. Once they pick up all their packages of candy they need to go to La Boca playground and uncover their puzzle board, answer the questions about 4 famous Argentinians and spell the names out using the candies. Sabrina kills this challenge early. She has family from Buenos Aires and is familiar with the city and is fluent in Argentinian Spanish. She has no problems finding all her candy and can names the 4 people with barely a second thought. Things come to a stop when she’s missing 3 letters….all D’s after a while she realizes that there is no difference in a d and p on mentos candy you just need to flip it, and her and Nic are out of the roadblock. Some teams smart and team up to find the candy. Nick and Dana and
Brent and Dujean all work together to bust out the roadblock. With the help of some locals they get their answers. Simi manages to make up some time finishing fast and catching up to the others. What killed me was Cynthia and Neil. Hamilton asked for help from Neil who I think may have helped him had Cynthia not barged over and told him flat-out No, we’ve been doing this a long time we won’t help you. Not something you want to say to a team holding a potential game saver in their pocket. Not only did you just cost you and Brian the express pass you just screwed over Neil and Kristin! Would you have helped Hamilton out knowing he had that pass? I would have!
With a huge lead Nic and Sabrina head over to the next challenge at Futbol Madera. Nic was a professional soccer player in Italy! Was this leg geared for this couple? At this challenge teams must work together as coach and player. The coach has to direct the blindfolded player around the obstacles and they must do that and score on next in under a minute. Nic things he has this in the bag. The blindfold completely throws him though and they see their lead disappear as other couples show up. Sabrina wants to take the penalty but Nic wants to keep trying. Teams all get discouraged as they see how much trouble Nic has with the challenge. Neil and Kristin used the clock startegy.Instead of going right or left Neil is directing Kristin as she was looking at a clock. The strategy worked and they were the first out of the road block. Gino and Jesse managed to get out second, which spurs Nic to agree to taking the penalty shocking the rest of the racers. Nick and Matt come up with the hop strategy. No one said you had to kick the ball so Nick keeps the balls between his ankles and hops it through the course as per Matt’s directions and gets them out of the roadblock. All the teams adopt The Hop and move on to the Detour.
The detour this leg is Dance or Dine. In Dance teams must learn the complicated Tango. Once approved they will receive their next clue. In Dine one person must take 3 diners orders in Spanish and relay it to the Chef (their team-mate) who has to learn the dishes in Spanish. Once they take the order, plate it and deliver it perfectly they will get their clue. To make it even more difficult they can’t write ANYTHING down. There is also limited stations. Each place can only have 6 teams so if you arrive and it’s full you must do the other one. First place Neil and Kristin and Second place Gino and Jesse both opt for dance which proves to be very difficult. Nic and Sabrina opt for dine, her language skills again giving her an edge. At dance Hamilton and Michaelia, Nick and Matt, Brian and Cynthia and DuJean and Leilani show up. The dancers of
course have an edge here and should be able to pick up the choreography faster than anyone else. Sabrina thinking of her 2 hour penalty only wants to do this once so she makes the locals repeat their orders over and over and over and over until she has it. Her strategy works and she is out of the detour before Simi and Ope, Dana and Amanda and Brent and Sean even show up. Back at dance Kristin and Neil contemplate switching but stick it out. Simi and Ope try to switch detours but because it’s full they have to go back. The best part of this episode was watching the guys dancing together. Nick and Matt and Gino and Jesse were hilarious! Perseverance pays off and Neil and Kristin are first out of the dance detour. It’s a three-way race and dine and the couples at dance at working their tails off. Who will be number one?
When done the detour teams are to head over to Puento de la Mojeu to meet Jon at the Pit Stop. Nic and Sabrina with their large lead arrive first but must sit and wait out their penalty. This gives Neil and Kristin the edge they need to slip into first place and they win free gas for 6 months and a trip to Beijing China. Not
far behind them in second is Gino and Jesse. Nick and Matt follow in 3rd and DuJean and Leilani are number 4. Simi and Ope made up a lot of time finishing in 5th followed by Brent and Sean in 6th. Michaelia and Hamilton are number 7 and now Nic and Sabrina are allowed to check in placing 8th. It came down to a foot race between the 4 police officers with Brian and Cynthia edging out Dana and Amanda by a mere seconds. Dana and Amanda are eliminated from the race but Brian and Cynthia don’t feel great about sending fellow cops home.
Teams are now going to be headed back home to Halifax. Brent and Sean and Michaelia and Hamilton should have the edge here. Who will end up getting the couples second express pass? Can’t wait to watch and find out!