The Canadian racers are now in for a true test of how good they really are. They are all on their way to Kolkata, India after being on home turf for the three legs. Because Sean and Brent came in first they have been upgraded to business class this flight and to put more pressure on them they can pick one team to join them. They have until their layover in Vancouver to make their decision. In Vancouver they let Leilani and Dujean know that they chose them to be upgraded with them. Why? Because kindness can get you everywhere and nice guys don’t always finish last. Back in the Magdalen Islands when the boys were U-turned and had to do both detours when they showed up at the Equestrian challenge Leilani and Dujean gave the guys simple encouragement. You can do this, you can totally do this gave them the confidence to not use their express pass and in turn gave the exes a nice flight to India in business class!
Once they arrive in India everyone is automatically put into culture shock. It’s over 40 degrees Celsius and everything is chaos. Tightly wound and organizationally OCD couple Brian and Cynthia know it’s going to be a bad leg. Everyone needs to make their way to the Mallick Ghat Flower Market to receive a blessing and their first clue. Welcome to India and their taxis and traffic. Everyone is afraid of the traffic and holding on for dear life. Here lanes mean nothing and the only real rule is let the cows cross. Their reactions are hilarious as Gino searches for a non-existent seat belt and Ope is wide-eyed in wonder. Check out their reactions here, you’ll have a great laugh. Sean and Brent were the first to the flower market and receive their first clue, Stop and Smell the Flowers they are told. Teams have to replicate the ornate flower garland exactly to receive their next clue. Flowers are Sean’s thing and both being design students they should have this in the bag. All teams begin to show up, but Sean is focused. The key to this challenge is one and done. Do it slow and do it right. His theory works and the two are the first out of the challenge and he asks the clue giver to give their garland to his wife. Such sweet boys, their mom must be so proud. Leilani was denied her first time but all teams seem to have no real issues with this except for Brian and Cynthia. Those two can’t concentrate with the noise and the crowds and are constantly thinking someone is trying to rob them. Calm yourselves down and make the freaking garland guys. They are last to leave the flower stand
After making their garlands they must race to the Armenian Ferry Ghat and make their way to Kumartuli Pottery Colony. Brent and Sean, Simi and Ope and Nick and Matt are hoping Gino and Jesse don’t make the ferry but they do, so the four teams are off together. Here they find their Roadblock; Who Wants to Meet Their Idol. They need to find an Idol vendor and search through her Idols to find the one that matches their picture perfectly. The details are small so you need a sharp eye to find it. The wrestlers are irritated that Simi and Ope follow them after they find someone to show them where the shop is. Gino finds it quiet easily and off
he goes. Brent is doing this challenge for the boys and you can see he his instantly overwhelmed. Simi is out second and Matt is out third. At this point Brent is just grabbing random statues and asking. Brian and Cynthia
catch up and Leilani is out 4th. Brian decided to be a super douche. He goes to the lady and tells her all these idols look like his picture. She says no they don’t and he keeps saying yes they are the same. Brian….stop being a condescending jerk and check out the details. You’re a cop…details are your thing! Finally he gets his and Brent is left there still struggling but he finally gets it.
Once they complete the roadblock teams must make their way to the Swami Vivkananda House. Swami was credited with bringing yoga to Canada and was an Indian embassador of spiritual insight. Simi and Ope find a cab before Gino and Jesse can. It looks like the cab troubles that plagued them early in the racer are coming back to haunt them. After reading about Swami’s significance they get their clue for the Detour. Tuck or Roll. In Tuck teams must learn 6 couples yoga poses and perform them in sequence. Once the instructor is satisfied they will receive their clue. In Roll teams to load up a rickshaw with bottles and manoeuver the rickshaw through the crowed streets and deliver them, head back and load up with linen, deliver those and bring the rickshaw back. Simi and Ope opt for Roll, as do work horses Gino and Jesse and Nick and Matt. Leilani and Dujean head over to Tuck. Being dancers they are probably the only two flexible enough for this challenge. Brian and Cynthia go to Roll and Brent and Sean feeling confident that they master synchronized swimming think yoga is on land…we can do this and head over to Tuck Matt and Nick just beat out Gino and Jesse finding their linen store faster than the brothers and Simi and Ope get through pretty easily. Brian is not acting like an ass to Cynthia and their communication is
breaking down by the second. Over in Tuck both teams are practising. Obviously Leilani and Dujean have the upper hand but the complicated last pose is even giving them a bit of trouble. They do manage to impress their instructors first leaving Brent and Sean behind. Brent is having a rough leg. He’s having a hard time getting the last pose and despite Sean’s encouragement feels he’s letting his brother down. Sean does drop him on his head though, so that could be the reason for the tears. But no…the boys muster some strength and get it done. Check out Brent and Sean’s hilarious take on the yoga challenge here. My heart really did break for Brent. I love these brothers and I hate to watch them struggle but their humor ALWAYS makes me laugh.
Teams are now on the way to the National Library, the Pit Stop for the 8th leg of Amazing Race Canada. It’s a cab race for first between Nick and Matt and Leilani and Dujean. Cabs are still being a bitch to poor Gino and Jesse and they can’t find one to save their lives. Brian and Cynthia have a hard time to and he’s complaining like its his job. I wouldn’t want to drive him either. Dujean and Leilani come in first for the second time this race! Beating Nick and
Matt to Jon they win a trip to London and a year of free gas. Nick and Matt are sitting nicely in second but can taste that first place prize. Brent and Sean despite the difficult leg come in third and Simi and Ope have their best leg yet finishing fourth. Gino and Jesse finally get a cab bringing them in fifth and Brian and Cynthia finish 6th. Brian who in the cab in INDIA with an INDIAN driver was telling him mucho rapido…really Brian…this isn’t Spain, you aren’t in South America. You sound like a jerk. I was thinking this was going to be a non elmination leg but i was wrong. Brian and Cynthia are eliminated for the race, and I’m not really that sad.
What did you guys think of this leg of the race? How do you think we are comparing with TAR US? I think we are getting better and better every year and our racers are far more entertaining than what we see on the US version. Comment below and let me know your thoughts…..See you next week from Dehli!!!!