We rejoin the Space Cadets HOH comp that we began on Thursday’s show. The comp was shown on Live Feeds after Cody’s eviction. It’s interesting to watch live feeds verses the edited version. For one, many fans were glad to be rid of Cody’s sociopathic stare, but he revisits us. Twice. I hope the houseguests prevent any of the evicted houseguests from coming back into the game after Friday’s Battle Back Showdown. I digress. In the first Cody flashback, we see him telling Paul that Mark and Dominique knew about his plans to backdoor him. This is the same thing…
Author: Becca
Julie announces that there will be a Battle Back Showdown next Friday. She also says that Christmas underwent successful surgery but hasn’t been medically cleared yet to return to the game. She will cast her vote remotely later in the show. The fallout after the POV was explosive, yet again. Josh points at Cody and says, “Who wants meatballs for lunch? I bet you do, you fool.” He goes onto say, “There’s no way to hop off the block, little toad. You’re going to hop out the door on Thursday to Julie in a frog costume.” Cody calls him a…
After the nominations, Cody knows that he is getting backdoored this week. Jessica says that she is staying by Cody’s side until the end no matter what. Um, could that possibly because NO ONE wants to be around her bitchy ass? She’s isolated herself since Christmas was backdoored by Cody. Since Ramses is the only possible wrinkle in Paul’s plans for the week, Paul and several other people ask him to throw the veto, telling him that no one is going to vote him out. Ramses agrees to throw it in front of a room full of people. However, in…
As it said on the CBS banner all day Thursday, the HOH competition was to be live streamed beginning at 10 p.m. EST/7 p.m. PST. The feed was delayed for 15 minutes. It turns out the reason for that is that Cody and Jessica were going off on Josh. Josh is starting to come around to being a better houseguest with coaching from Christmas and Paul. He’s joking with other houseguests, has stopped being super paranoid and is interacting with everyone (minus Cody and Jessica). When the feeds came on, Paul was taking the majority of turns with all the…
Thanks, BB producers for the edit you gave Cody and Jessica; it was the one that they deserved. Cody complains that he and Jessica were blindsided by the vote to keep Christmas in the house. Cody and Jessica EXPLODE after the vote going into the HOH comp. First, as we saw on Thursday, Jessica literally gets in the face of a girl on crutches, calling her a coward. 1. Christmas is continuing to play BB with a broken foot, the first broken bone in BB history, so she is brave. 2. Jessica saying that Christmas told her she was targeting…
Boom goes the dynamite after the POV! Paul and Christmas are pissed, and Paul doesn’t know who he can trust after the lies that Cody told in his POV re-nom speech. Nobody was aware that Cody planned to backdoor Paul. Christmas confronts Cody, and he can’t give her a straight answer for nominating her. They were all supposed to be on the same team. Christmas tells Cody that she has lost all respect for him. Everyone from his team is shocked and pissed because Cody, as Elena eloquently puts it, threw a grenade into all their games. Many of the…
After nominating Alex, Cody choked up a bit when giving his speech as the reason for the nomination. Jessica says in DR that she thinks it’s cute that Cody showed emotion, but not about Alex. She wants to break their connection. She wants her out of the house as soon as possible. In the bathroom, Cody tells Alex that he thinks of her as Wonder Woman. She says she’s not there to be on The Bachelor; she’s there to play the game. She says that the girls don’t like her, and that’s why she didn’t want to join up with…
Josh gives support to Jillian after nominations. After Cody’s asshole “I don’t like you” speech, Megan is feeling attacked by him and was attacked verbally by Josh on episode 2. She’s already saying in DR that she’s not sure she can handle BB. We learn about the 3 showmances, which I’m listing in order of how tolerable they are. Big Brother REALLY seemed to be pushing showmances with the preseason interviews with Jeff. Yes, it’s great that Rachel and Brendan and Jeff and Jordan are married, but 3 in one season is overkill and is the same as BB18. Maven=Matt+Raven…
When the feeds came on after Thursday’s episode, there was a lot of info to process. First off, Josh spent at least the first hour of live feeds pandering to America telling us what a good person he is and repeatedly calling out to his family. It was annoying as a live feeder. Apparently, he isolated himself from the cast after taking the golden apple in the HOH comp. We saw his crazy come out on Thursday’s episode. When the feeds came on and he was pandering to the cameras, Dominique and Mark were sitting at the chess table. It…
Paul says in the DR that he’s surprised that comp beast Christmas wasn’t voted out during the houseguest swap vote. Christmas says in her DR that she used the voting to see where she stood in the house, and she’s coming after the two that voted against her. Watch out, Jason and Josh, you’re getting coal from Christmas. Josh is losing his shit in the BB house! Oh, how I wish feeds started week 1! He cries in the DR that he’s having major anxiety and paranoia. He’s then seen in the lounge with Mark and Jason explaining that his…