Arisa reminds us that Johnny or Ryan will be the first member of jury. The week is recapped at the top of the show with an emphasis on the Ding Dongs working to save Johnny. (I’m so glad they got on board with saving Johnny; he’s the best houseguest left for #TeamFunFeeds.) Picking up after the POV ceremony, Derek tells Kaela that he wants Johnny to go, and he thinks he has the votes to make that happen. He knows that Liv and Ali are pushing for Johnny to stay, but they think that Paras, Maddy and maybe Will should…
Author: Becca
Picking up after the nom ceremony, Derek says in DR that he and Kaela have alliances all over the house, and really the only 2 houseguests that he could put up were Ryan and Johnny. Johnny says in DR that he blew up his own game with the vote and lying about it, and now he must do serious damage control. Ryan says that since he is nominated next to Johnny, he feels that he has a good chance of staying this week. Derek asks to speak with Johnny post-noms, and he tells him that he likes him so much…
After Johnny’s emotional outburst after Erica’s eviction, he digs in his heels saying that he didn’t vote against Will. He says that someone cast a rogue vote to blame on him. Everyone knows this is BS, as Kaela counted the votes before putting Erica on the block. Kaela goes over to a crying Will and tells him that Johnny voted against him, and she told him that she had his back. Johnny swears to God that it wasn’t him, but Kaela says that the whole house knows it was. She is so self-righteous and sanctimonious. He even tells Kaela to…
It’s hard to believe, but the surprise winner of a mental competition is Derek. He pulled out the win of the Before and After HOH competition, so Daela has control of the house for the second week in a row. UGH! Derek and his beard Kaela are in power again, which basically means that Kaela has her second HOH. #FakeShowmance Kaela and Derek have been busy establishing final 4’s all over the house. They have one with Ali and Liv and another with Paras and Will. Additionally, they’ve set up an alliance with Maddy, who Paras and Will want to…
Arisa lets us know at the top of the episode that Canada voted to Save a Nominee this week. UGH! This sucks. I’m going to lose a player that I’m a fan of; I’m sure of it. I advised you guys to hold off on using the twist until next week. Guaranteed by the time you read my spoilers blog on Monday, you’ll wish you had. Fuck; I need a Valium to watch the rest of this episode. Picking up from after the POV Ceremony, Will isn’t worried being on the block next to Ryan. We’re reminded of Kaela’s threat…
Picking up after the nomination ceremony, Kaela says that she doesn’t care who she has to lie to, what stories she makes up or how she makes people feel. She loves playing with people’s emotions, and she’s going to screw with all the emotional players. Kaela is a next level see you next Tuesday. Ryan says in DR that no one has his back in the game and he must win veto to stay in the game or he’ll be scrambling to stay in the house. Will says that what Kaela said in her speech about Ryan being manipulative and…
For the conclusion of the Buttoned-Up HOH competition, Erica gives the players temptations. The first temptation is a pizza party, and no one budges. The second temptation is $1,000, and Paras takes it. She says in DR that she feels comfortable with either side of the house winning, so she uses her hyperhidrosis as her excuse for taking the temptation. Ali expresses in DR that she and Liv want to work with Daela since both are seen strong duos. What happened to you two working with Erica and Johnny until Final 4? They suck up to whoever is in power.…
The Buttoned-Up HOH competition was shown on the feeds. Incidentally, it aired at the same time as the east coast eviction episode. It started early, and there was a technical difficulty with Johnny’s button. Initially, I thought this was an accidental feeds leak, but learned that BB meant to show it online. The temptation competition is a fan favorite, and it aired last year on the feeds, but this year it aired at the same time as the East coast eviction episode. The first temptation was a pizza party, and there were no takers. Paras has hyperhidrosis, which causes her…
Arisa says, “Either Ryan or Merron is headed home tonight.” I’m expecting Arisa to congratulate the houseguests on making it to jury. Instead, she teases a surprise for fans to impact the game. With 11 houseguests in the house, tonight’s evictee should be the first member of jury, unless the jury is only 7 people this year. Oh, gawd. Please don’t tell me the jury is made up of 8 houseguests, and we all vote for the winner as the 9th member of the jury. That’s a gut-punch to the game for people that don’t watch live feeds (casuals) and…
Ryan believes that he is not the target this week. After the nominations, Erica talks to Ryan and tells him that Merron is her target. Ryan tells Erica that she will have to make a substantial move to keep him in the game if Merron comes off the block. Liv and Ali think they’re the masterminds of the season by influencing the last 2 weeks, plus Olivia’s HOH win during the double eviction. They must make sure that Ryan goes home this week. They think that Merron is moldable, and they can make him a number for them, whereas Ryan…