After nominating Alex, Cody choked up a bit when giving his speech as the reason for the nomination. Jessica says in DR that she thinks it’s cute that Cody showed emotion, but not about Alex. She wants to break their connection. She wants her out of the house as soon as possible. In the bathroom, Cody tells Alex that he thinks of her as Wonder Woman. She says she’s not there to be on The Bachelor; she’s there to play the game. She says that the girls don’t like her, and that’s why she didn’t want to join up with his side. She says he signed her death warrant, and now she needs to fight for veto, which Cody says in DR that she hopes she wins so he can backdoor Paul.
Alex is all about taking the showmances out, specifically Cody and Jessica. Jason is on board with this agenda, so he wants to keep Alex around. If she gets houseguest’s choice at the veto draw, she is picking him. Ideally, he would win, take her off the block and they’d both be safe.
Houseguests are called to the Den of Temptation for the curse portion. They must stick their hand into the mouth of a giant snake. If the eyes turn green, they are safe. If they turn blue, they are cursed. Many of the houseguests hate having to stick their hand in the snake’s mouth, even though it’s obviously a super-fake huge snake. Ramses is cursed. He must nominate himself as a 3rd nominee during 1 of the next 3 nominations.
Kevin is the perfect host as a merman king of the Fin to Win competition. The players are: Cody, Jillian, Alex, Matt, Raven and Jason. They must gather starfish and stack them while their water tanks drain out to time them. They are tempted to find a large gold star fish to become a Never Not. Raven needs it since she has gastroparesis. Once she finds it, she takes the temptation and is out of the comp. Most houseguests have a tough time getting the starfish to stay in place and they must add water to their tanks to add time. Matt stacks up 10 starfish and lets his time run out. Jason times out with 14 starfish. Cody sees that Alex is doing well, so he knocks his stack over and quits working on his puzzle, even though he had about 2-minutes’ worth of water left in his tank. He times out with 2 stars. Alex wins the POV. Everyone sees it, and it’s obvious he threw it. He comes to Alex after the comp to tell her that he exposed himself and that he has a plan. In the DR, he says that he is telling no one his plan to backdoor Paul.
Jessica says that it looks like Cody threw the comp to Alex. She’s super jealous of Alex, and wants to break Cody’s connection with her. We find out later in the episode that she has reason to be. She questions Cody about it and fumes that he wanted her to win. All he will say is that he has a plan, but gives no details.
Before the veto ceremony, Paul tries to talk to Cody while he is brushing his teeth and Cody gives him no information. Paul says the toothbrush makes more noise than Cody. He’s been telling the team that he has a plan, but won’t expand on the details.
Jason goes to talk to Cody, and he asks Jason to keep all 3 showmances and Dominique safe if he wins HOH next week. 7 people? WTF? That’s the most lopsided deal I’ve ever seen in BB history. Jason agrees to it to stay off the block, but thinks it’s ridiculous. On the feeds, he offers Alex the same deal, and she tells him that he needs to trim the fat. In DR, Cody says that Paul and Christmas can’t be controlled. What a douchebag!
While Jessica and Cody are in bed in HOH making out, Cody calls her Alex. Freudian slip because he wishes he were with Wonder Woman. Jessica is such an idiot that she goes back to making out with him, after he stupidly stammers, “I don’t know why I said that.” They both fucking suck. From the feeds, if I could give 1 piece of advice to the next HOH, better wash those sheets. Twice.
Nobody knows what is about to happen at the veto ceremony, so Cody didn’t even secure the votes with his own “team” beforehand. Alex uses the veto on herself. Cody announces that Paul has sewn seeds of doubt and distrust about his game based on his conversations with people. Lies!! On the feeds, it was revealed that Cody was butt hurt about not receiving a friendship bracelet the first night so, he used the logic of a 13-year-old girl. Then, on the screen behind him, the pendant of protection appears. Paul rises, says that he is safe for the next 3 evictions, so Cody must name a different nominee.
Cody is visibly pissed with his psychotic stare and says, “Christmas, you got screwed” and puts her on the block. That’s 4 people that Cody nominated during his HOH.
Make sure to read my spoilers blog for the aftermath after the veto ceremony! HERE
And before you go… please comment below and let us know what you think! Who do you think will win? Are you excited for this season? Let me know!
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