After the nominations, Cody knows that he is getting backdoored this week. Jessica says that she is staying by Cody’s side until the end no matter what. Um, could that possibly because NO ONE wants to be around her bitchy ass? She’s isolated herself since Christmas was backdoored by Cody. Since Ramses is the only possible wrinkle in Paul’s plans for the week, Paul and several other people ask him to throw the veto, telling him that no one is going to vote him out. Ramses agrees to throw it in front of a room full of people. However, in DR, Ramses says he is going to gun for the veto. Dumbass—he’s going to make everyone trust him less since the whole house is on board with taking Cody out. Jessica hopes that Ramses wins the POV to throw everything off or that she or Cody get drawn for the veto comp.
The Den of Temptation unleashes its curse from Christmas accepting the Ring of Replacement. Jason, Cody and Jessica are cursed to be Ve-Toads for the week. They must wear frog costumes, hop everywhere and always be on lily pads throughout the house for a week. Everyone laughs as they come out of the Den, especially Christmas. The 3 of them realize that Christmas got the temptation and cursed them. Cody and Jessica have been horrible to Christmas, and Jason broke her foot, then voted to evict her. Jessica calls Christmas a bully. Bitch, please. You’re the one that’s exploded on multiple houseguests: Megan, Christmas, Paul and Josh. That’s 25% of the cast in 3 weeks. On the plus side, the frog head covers up Jessica’s balding problem from not taking proper care of her hair extensions.
Paul talks to Kevin and asks him to make sure that Ramses throws the Veto competition, explaining to him that he will be safe because the whole house is on board with voting out Cody this week. Big Brother loves to make Kevin seem like a mobster, and the way that he words his conversation with Ramses with the mobster music in the background sounds like he may have had those types of conversations in his real life. He says, “The powers that be want to make sure that everything is gonna be alright. That’s what I’m trying; I want to make sure everything is gonna be alright.” Ramses tells him it will because when he gives his word, he keeps it and doesn’t lie. In DR, Ramses says he’s very conflicted because the whole house wants to get Cody out, and the only way that’s going to happen is if he throws the veto.
Time for the veto player draw. 6 people will participate: Paul, Ramses, Alex, Josh, Elena and Matt. Cody says in DR that his name getting drawn for the veto competition was the last bit of hope that he had. Sad little froggies Jessica and Cody won’t be participating, making Paul’s backdoor plan a step closer to completion. As the guys are getting changed into their costumes for the veto competition, at first Ramses tells Paul that he can trust him to not fuck this up. Then he says that he promised his mom and his brother that he would never throw a comp. Josh points out that he and Alex agreed to go up as pawns and that if he wins, he is screwing them both over.
The Veto Competition is The Path of Least Resistance. They are taking a trip around the world going thru airport terminals. In each terminal, they are asked a question. They must pay attention to the details in each terminal to get questions correct. If correct, their flight is on time and they can move to the next terminal. If incorrect, flights are delayed and they must complete delay challenges to move forward to the next terminal. There are 5 terminals, and this is a timed competition. First, they must go thru security, where there is a graphic of people on the wall. The first question is how many people are on the wall. Everyone gets delayed and must add up items in a gift shop to exactly $19. The next terminal question is about the time in NY on the terminal wall. If incorrect, the delay challenge is punching through boards karate style. The third question is how many red suit cases there were in Terminal 2. The delay challenge is moving a small gondola boat through a maze. Question 4 is what color Australia was on a map. If incorrect, the delay is sitting between a fat, sweaty man that lays against the players and a snooty woman while eating pate (cat food in my book), escargot and caviar. Question 5 is which location is not featured on posters. The delay challenge is taking a polar bear dunk in freezing water to find their passport. There are some funny moments in this comp: Paul talking shit about how gondolas are overrated, and Elena gagging while trying to eat pate exclaiming, “People eat this shit on purpose?!” (Exactly, Elena. It’s cat food.)
The houseguests are gathered in the living room to learn their times and who won the POV:
• Josh: 7:48
• Ramses: 7:44
• Elena: 22:35
• Matt: 11:32
• Alex: 16:38
• Paul: 4:37
Paul wins the POV. Ramses says in DR that his goal was to throw the competition and throw it well. He’s shocked as the times come out that he was in the lead until Paul beat him because that wasn’t the plan. Everyone says how sketchy it is that Ramses did so well, and now he is on everyone’s radars, which he kinda already was because he’s being blamed for Kevin’s hinky vote last week and people think he took the $25K temptation. The houseguests think he’s sneaky. After the veto comp results are revealed, Ramses goes to the HOH room to say that he realizes that looked super-sketchy, but swears to everyone in the room that he was tried to throw it. Nobody is buying it. Ramses is trying to play the “Pop Up Andy” game, and he is failing miserably.
At the Veto meeting, Alex, Ramses and Josh are given the opportunity to plead for the veto. Alex give a funny speech ending with, “If you don’t use it on me, bite me.” Ramses says to do what Paul thinks is best for his game and the house.
Then it’s Josh’s turn, and he goes off on Cody: “…Let me get down to business. You have blown up this house, lied on everybody, you turned on Christmas, tried to get her out the door and rallied against her to tell us all ‘I want to play a game with integrity.’ No, you were terrified of your squad, and then you turned on us, still lying on me telling these people I came to you for safety or whatever. I don’t want to work with you. I want you out of this house. If it weren’t for that golden apple, I would’ve been home. I hope I see you hop your ass on out of here.” The jaws of the other houseguests are on the floor. Then Cody says the Josh needs to change his diaper. Josh says. “Dude, I didn’t call you a coward, a victim, a loser. You’re a meatball, a loser. You lied on everybody and then you still continue to lie. I can’t wait for you to hop your ass on out of here to Julie on Thursday in your frog costume. And you have this girl (pointing to Jess) doing your dirty work.” The Jessica says that he needs to not shake the next time he gives a speech because it’s not intimidating. Josh continue with Jessica, “You’re gonna lose it when he walks out that door, so try to make friends and don’t make more enemies.” Jessica says for him not to give her life advice. He replies, “You need it.” Other houseguests speak up and tell Josh that he needs to stop.
Paul then uses the Veto on Josh and puts Cody on the block, saying that Cody attacked his character, stabbed him in the back and made promises that he couldn’t keep last week. Cody wanted to battle it out with him. Paul says he’s more of a checkmate kind of a guy and tells him to hop on over to the block.
It was a lit POV meeting, and the aftermath will be shown on Thursday’s episode, but if you can’t wait to hear about it, read my live feeds spoilers blog. HERE
Before you go… please comment below and let us know what you think! Who do you think will win? Are you excited for this season? Let me know!
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