We rejoin the Space Cadets HOH comp that we began on Thursday’s show. The comp was shown on Live Feeds after Cody’s eviction. It’s interesting to watch live feeds verses the edited version. For one, many fans were glad to be rid of Cody’s sociopathic stare, but he revisits us. Twice. I hope the houseguests prevent any of the evicted houseguests from coming back into the game after Friday’s Battle Back Showdown. I digress.
In the first Cody flashback, we see him telling Paul that Mark and Dominique knew about his plans to backdoor him. This is the same thing he told Christmas right before she left for surgery. Since Paul’s safety is up next week, he’s glad that Cody dropped these bombs to create new targets in front of him. He’s also using the 2 hinky votes to his advantage because only Jessica has fessed up to voting for Ramses. Paul knows where one of those votes came from because he asked Kevin to evict Ramses to create chaos after the vote.
Back to the comp, the houseguests begin to drop. First out is Josh. Mark is out second; he has a dislocated finger making it extremely difficult to grip the wall’s hand slots. Green space goop and water are being sprayed on the houseguests. Paul is sitting in a captain’s chair and BB makes it look like he’s in control of the goop. Raven, who fell down the spiral staircase on feeds and ended up with 5 stitches in her foot, falls after 47 minutes. Ramses falls at 61 minutes. Kevin drops at 63 minutes and Matt at 73. Jessica is shown in a bizarre ‘zen trance’ thinking of when Cody was telling her that when it comes to endurance, he pictures one of his family members dying if he doesn’t win it. Thanks for making us look inside the mind of a douchebag sociopath dressed as a frog, BB. It doesn’t work and she falls. Dominique feels safe to fall since the house has stated that this week’s nominees should be Ramses and Jessica. We’re left with Jason, Elena and Alex. Jason starts trying to make a deal with Elena. Alex is saying Hail Mary’s from the pain. Jason is guaranteed safety by Elena, so he falls. Elena makes Alex swear to God that she’ll keep her people safe. Alex swears to God and then says, “we’ll talk.”
We see that Paul and Alex have made an alliance. They can’t broadcast the name on CBS. It’s A²MFers. (Asian+Armenian Motherfuckers). They talk about noms and Paul tells her that something weird is going on with Dominique and Mark. He thinks that Dominique is the best target because she’s very intelligent and did well in the wall comp.
Jessica talks to Jason, telling him that since she has 0 allies left, getting rid of her this week makes no sense. Jason tells her he wants to go after Matt and Dominique (as if he won HOH). He says he wants Matt out because he’s strong and in a showmance, and he wants Dominique out because she’s connected to the showmances and has a good social game. Um, no she doesn’t. She spends much of her time reading the Bible and doing her hair and makeup while saying affirmations in the mirror (many about Mark because God told her she was coming on Big Brother and would meet the man she’s going to marry). She keeps everyone at arm’s length, she’s trying to be the next Oprah with her cheesy bi-weekly talk show. She asks serious questions instead of keeping it fun, and it’s generally a snooze fest except for last Wednesday when Cody came on to drop bombs before his eviction.
Jason tries to tell Alex what to do with her HOH. Alex tells him that she knows what she is doing to keep them safe. She explains that if she fires shots at them like he wants, they’ll both be on the block next week and he’ll go home. Jason is a ding dong when it comes to Big Brother strategy and runs his mouth to the wrong people saying the wrong things. He cannot be trusted with any information. Alex made a deal with Elena not to put any of her people on the block. She tells Jason that Jessica must be on the block. Alex says she can convince them that there is a rat in the group, and now that she and Jason are part of the collective (showmances + Dominique, Paul and Christmas), they must think ahead.
Paul meets with Alex and tells her that Dominique and Mark are sketchy based on what Cody told him and Dominique’s show on Wednesday when Mark became so reactive as Cody dropped bombs on his game. Paul then passes the info along to Dominique and Mark that Cody told him, telling him that he doesn’t believe it or he wouldn’t be telling them.
Elena talks to Alex telling her who she wants safe per the deal that Alex swore to on the wall. She lists Mark, Raven, Matt, Dominique, herself and Paul. (Paul is still ineligible because of the Pendant of Protection.) Alex tells her that there’s something sketchy going on with Mark and Dominique. In DR, Elena is pissed that Mark is even being considered for the block because obviously this goes against their agreement and she doesn’t want him on the block. Paul lets Alex know that Dominique is the bigger threat because Mark doesn’t compete that well, and Dominique is using her talk show to gain info for her game. He advises Alex to nominate Jessica and Dominique. While Alex is taking this under advisement, she still thinks Mark is an option to go on the block. Girl, I thought you said you were thinking ahead; Elena will come after you guns blazing if you nominate Mark.
In a segment featuring Ramses and Kevin, #KevinKnowsBest, Kevin explains in DR that he is taking Ramses under his wing to teach him about life. We see him telling Ramses what to do regarding laundry, making his bed, how to play and cheat at pool, the proper way to fight someone with a pool cue (LMAO). Ramses says in DR that Kevin is his BB Dad, teaching him about history (Montezuma’s revenge), street smarts and self-defense. Kevin is seen putting blankets over him at night. They are seen making a pinky swear as Ramses burps. Kevin says in DR that Ramses has a ways to go but he loves the kid.
Jason and Jessica are called to the Den of Temptation, where the VeToad curse is lifted from them. They are extremely happy to get out of those horrible costumes and to sit in chairs again.
Raven explains in DR that she has gastroparesis and tells us about Thor, her stomach pace maker. If you watch the feeds, you know this from hearing about it constantly. It drives some people nuts, but I have a soft spot for her and this segment proves why. This is her third pace maker and she calls it her second heart because without Thor, she’d be dead. She’ll need a new one eventually. Josh and Alex are telling her by the pool that she has a great body, and Raven tells them that she used to be ashamed of her scars, but now she looks at them as her story. She tells them that she’s had 8 stomach surgeries and was hospitalized for 6 months one time, so now she lives the hell out of life. Josh tells her that she has a great spirit and not to change that. She responds that she has 2 hearts, so what’d you expect. Her voice bugs some people, and people question if she really is that sick, why does she eat like shit? I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. You can see Thor sticking out of her belly, and I hope tonight’s edit of her will move some people into better understanding her.
Christmas comes back from surgery, explaining that she had 10 broken bones, 4 dislocated bones and reconstruction of a ligament. She also has a donor bone in her foot because one of the bones was so effed up. Jason is teary eyed and full of guilt. He says in DR that you can see the devastation in her face. Jessica asks Christmas if she’ll regain full mobility, and Christmas says no. Arthritis will set in within 1-5 years and she’ll need another surgery to fuse the bones. Everyone hugs her after this revelation, even Jessica. She says in DR that she aspired to compete in fitness competitions again, and this takes that off the table. She says that she has to take gifts as they come, even in banged up packages.
Our prospective second nominees each speak with Alex. Mark encourages her to nominate Jessica. Alex isn’t sure about not targeting Mark, even though Paul advised that Dominique is the bigger threat. She says in DR that eventually she is going to have to take out the showmances to take control of the house. When Dominique speaks with Alex, she says that she’s been sensing something about someone as it pertains to her friendship with another person. It’s obvious to Alex that Dominique is talking about Elena, and this is a major red flag for Alex because it’s super uncool.
Time for nominations: Jessica and Dominique are nominated. She tells Jessica that they haven’t made a personal connection, and tells Dominique that their conversation sent up red flags and she wanted to make it clear that she doesn’t like those things. Dominique only hugs Mark after nominations and walks out of the room. She says in DR that it’s clear that Alex wasn’t working alone. She feels betrayed and lied to. Jessica isn’t surprised to be nominated; she knows they’ve been gunning for her.
Alex and Paul have a Final 2. Paul feels that he’s dropped enough bombs in the house that people will go after each other until he and Alex are the only ones left in the house. She echoes this sentiment.
Before you go… please comment below and let us know what you think! Who do you think will win? Are you excited for this season? Let me know!
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