When the feeds came on after Thursday’s episode, there was a lot of info to process. First off, Josh spent at least the first hour of live feeds pandering to America telling us what a good person he is and repeatedly calling out to his family. It was annoying as a live feeder. Apparently, he isolated himself from the cast after taking the golden apple in the HOH comp. We saw his crazy come out on Thursday’s episode. When the feeds came on and he was pandering to the cameras, Dominique and Mark were sitting at the chess table. It was so obnoxious that she finally said to him that this was the most she’s heard him talk all week. About 9 houseguests were in the HOH room watching him on the TV because he would turn around for a minute and then start talking to the cameras all over again. The houseguests were all saying that he had lost his damn mind. Paul was among those in the HOH room, saying that he couldn’t handle Josh asking him repeatedly how to make America like him.
Also pandering to the cameras were Alex and Jillian, telling us that they need America’s help because they’re on the block. Huh? What about Megan? Megan was nowhere to be found. Eventually, we learn that she self-evicted at about 1 p.m. on Thursday. Aside from the aggressive outbursts by Josh towards Megan and Cody saying that he does not like her during the nominations we saw on Thursday’s episode, there was a big fight between Jessica, Alex and Megan for a “racist” comment made about Alex by Jessica. Paul told Jessica that he overheard Megan telling Alex that Jessica made a racist comment about her, calling her a panda referencing her Asian heritage. That’s a new one. Paul let Jessica know what Megan said because being called a racist is not okay. Megan couldn’t handle the drama. Her official statement was released on Friday about why she left. It turns out that she was sexually assaulted and suffers from PTSD.
Already, Cody and Jessica are a showmance and she was pretending to give him a handy when she thought the feeds weren’t on yet. She’s overtly sexual in the way she talks, and she and Cody aren’t hiding their showmance at all, kissing in front of houseguests and being extremely affectionate, including doing the deed several times already.
Friday was the Veto comp. Players were: Cody, Alex, Jillian, Matthew, Jason and Raven. Kevin hosted. It was some sort of beach theme with players having to stack up starfish. Alex won the veto, and has speculated that Cody threw it to her. He has said in DR sessions that he wants to backdoor Paul, but we learned for certain that Paul received the Pendant from the Den of Temptation for 3 weeks of safety, but he felt like his social game was going well enough that he was hoping not to have to use it. Ramses received the curse which is that he has to go up in one of the 3 weeks of Paul’s safety as a 3rd nominee.
Cody said all week long that he wasn’t telling anyone what he was doing. In the beginning of the game before feeds came on, a 9-person group was formed with the 3 showmances, Dominique, Paul and Christmas with the plan to keep each other around until jury and then fight it out. Paul felt secure with the group. After Alex won the veto, each one of them thought the replacement nom was either going to be Ramses or Jason, with ‘Cowboy’ being the more likely choice.
Saturday, Paul fucked up. Twice. He was holding court in the bathroom and then in the HOH room, letting people know why he didn’t win last season. He was loudly defending his choice to take Nicole to final 2 verses James. He says he had a bitter jury with one even saying afterwards that they voted for Nicole to win because they wanted to see a female winner. He explains that James would’ve won if he had taken him because he had friends in the jury. He took Nicole because he respected her game more than James, who didn’t do anything all season long—throwing competitions, not studying and staying out of the drama. He did the same thing up in the HOH room. He’s trying to use being a vet to his advantage by doling out advice to houseguests to help their games, but he stood on a soapbox twice to explain his decisions and talk about last season verses this season. It was cringe-worthy. At one point when Paul was doing this in the HOH room in front of many of the same houseguests that were in the bathroom Jessica waved bye behind his head. It was terrible for his game. When Paul gets impassioned he gets LOUD. I wanted to jump through my computer to tell him to shut up about last year and quit showing that you’re salty about not winning.
Dominique held a ‘talk show’ in the lounge, which the houseguests call the Austin Powers Sex Room or ASPR for short. She interviewed Kevin and Mark. During Mark’s interview with Elena present, Mark was questioned about whether what was happening with him and Elena was a showmance or a romance. Mark was caught off guard. Dominique has been flirting with Mark and was even talking to herself in the mirror about making Mark fall in love with her instead of Elena. Matt piped in, saying he wanted to know his intentions with Elena. Mark was visibly uncomfortable. Paul piped in with silly questions to deflect for him, but Christmas and Matt demanded answers for their questions. That pissed Mark off and he lost trust in Matt and Christmas. He confided in Dominique and Paul afterwards, saying he was blindsided by the questions.
Prior to the veto ceremony, Cody asked Jason and Alex separately to keep the showmances and Dominique safe if they win next week’s HOH. He told Jason this would keep him from being the replacement nominee. Jason took the deal. Alex told him that she is asking for 2 people (Jason and Jillian) and he is asking for 7. Alex told him that he needed to trim the fat. Then, the veto ceremony happened. And all hell broke loose.
At the veto ceremony, Cody says his replacement nominee is Paul. Paul then reveals after telling everyone that he didn’t get the temptation, that he has the Pendant of Protection. Then, Cody nominates Christmas. Everyone is completely shocked. The group of 9 alliance members are completely blindsided, and they are completely torn apart.
Afterwards, Paul and Christmas are rightfully pissed. Paul is saying that he didn’t want to need to use the pendant because he trusted the group they created. Cody made it sound like people in the group of 9 were throwing Paul under the bus the night before the veto competition, which is untrue. Jessica is pissed at Cody for not clueing anyone into his plan beforehand and pissed that Paul didn’t reveal that he took the temptation. Cody leaves the HOH room and tells Paul in part he was backdooring him because he didn’t give him a friendship bracelet. How freaking petty and silly; his poor ego was bruised so he backstabbed Paul and fucked up the games of everyone on his ‘team.’
Paul then spends time questioning each member of the group to figure out who was throwing him under the bus. It turns out that no one did. Christmas works out to take out some of her anger, and she’s ready to plead her case. Paul starts to plead her case, too. He tells Jason and Alex that they need to keep her instead of Jillian to weaponize her. Matt, Raven, Elena, Dominique, Kevin and Paul are firm ‘yes’ votes to keep Christmas. They just need 1 more vote. Mark tells Paul, Elena and Christmas that he will vote for her to stay. Christmas thinks Josh will vote for her to stay because she’s been emotionally supportive to him. Afterwards, Mark goes to tell Cody that he’s not sure that he’s going to vote against the rest of the alliance, but he might try to flip the votes to get Christmas out because he wants to remain loyal to Cody. I didn’t figure Mark to be a villainous player, but he’s playing both sides, just like Cody. Douchebags.
We shall see what the next 3 days of campaigning turns into with votes for either Christmas or Jillian for eviction. The feeds are lit unless they are on Jessica and Cody. Those two are not #TeamFunFeeds. Jillian is also not #TeamFunFeeds so my fervent hope is that Christmas sticks around because she will be an amazing competitor for whatever new alliance Paul is able to form. Fingers crossed for Christmas!
BREAKING NEWS: Quite literally, Christmas was laying on the ground screaming for help because she thinks she broke her foot. They zoomed in on it and it looks like where her foot meets her ankle. Will Cody’s cursed HOH. Feeds were down down since 8:50 EST. Jason was in the backyard and ran inside to get help. Christmas returned to the house on crutches with torn ligaments in her foot. She has to have an MRI on Wednesday to learn if there are broken bones.
And before you go… please comment below and let us know what you think! Who do you think will win? Are you excited for this season? Let me know!
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