Did you catch that HUGE FIGHT on the feeds yesterday? What about the latest twist Julie dropped on the house? Did you see who the hot new showmance is? No, well then good thing we are here for you this Big Brother 19 Season! Below you will find our list for what we think are thee most “flashback worthy” events of the season. So make sure you check back often because this will be constantly updated all season! And follow our special twitter account @BB19LiveFeed for 24/7 live feed updates!
Sept 18, 11:22pm (Cam-ALL) Earthquake! WATCH HERE!
Sept 17, 12:38am (Cam 3/4) Paul practices his speech WATCH HERE!
Sept 17, 1:17am (Cam 3/4) BB is messing with Josh WATCH HERE!
Sept 17, 7:36pm (Cam 1/2) Paul practice speech over and over WATCH HERE!
Sept 16, 1:15am (Cam 3/4) Josh and Paul talk about taking each other to final 2
Sept 16, 1:30am (Cam 3/4) Paul and Josh talk about Matt’s fight with Jason
Sept 16, 1:50am (Cam 3/4) Paulmas bed talk WATCH HERE!
Sept 16, 9:47pm (Cam- ALL) Feeds back after 2nd part if HoH WATCH HERE!
Sept 15, 12:25am (Cam-ALL) Feeds come back after HoH competition
Sept 15, 2:39pm (Cam 1/2) Final 3 Morning Mimosas WATCH HERE!
Sept 13, 9:47pm (Cam 3/4) Paul friendship chat WATCH HERE!
Sept 14, 12:58am (Cam-ALL) Josh tells Paul he is a horrible parent to Trejo
Sept 14, 7:23pm (Cam-ALL) Kevin’s exit interview WATCH HERE!
Sept 13, 11:47pm (Cam 1/2) Josh spit water all over Paul WATCH HERE!
Sept 13, 9:47pm (Cam 3/4) Paul’s Friendship chat WATCH HERE!
Sept 11, 10:59am (Cam 3/4) After POV ceremony in HoH room WATCH HERE!
Sept 11, 5:34pm (Cam 1/2) Alex tries to juggle and finds anything to keep her busy
Sept 11, 9:55pm (Cam 3/4) Josh killed a fish WATCH HERE!
Sept 10, 12:23am (Cam 3/4) Kevin to Paul- Alex thought she won the POV WATCH HERE!
Sept 10, 3:24pm (Cam 3/4) Josh figures out that Christmas will take Paul to final 2
Sept 10, 10:30pm (Cam 1/2) Ice cream party WATCH HERE!
Sept 10, 6:54pm (Cam 1/2) Paul talking to Alex about Jury votes WATCH HERE!
Sept 10, 7:38pm (Cam 1/2) Alex stretching talking to herself WATCH HERE!
Sept 10, 9:05pm (Cam 3/4) Paul, Christmas, Josh in HoH talking about making it this far
Sept 10, 11:48pm (Cam 1/2) Alex rants about losing game WATCH HERE!
Sept 9, 6:43pm (Cam 3/4) Paul wins POV WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 3:41am (Cam-ALL) Josh, Alex, Paul, Christmas drinking beer without Kevin
Sept 8, 5:41pm (Cam 1/2) Alex talks to Josh after nominations WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 5:46pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas & Paul comfort Josh after nominations
Sept 8, 12:29am (Cam 1/2) Paul friendship chat WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 12:54am (Cam-ALL) Alex HoH basket WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 2:13am (Cam-ALL) Who wants to see Josh’s HoH room WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 6:00pm (Cam 1/2) Alex tells Paul she thinks Josh will backdoor him
Sept 8, 6:01pm (Cam 3/4) Josh ask Christmas about final 2 plans WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 6:05pm (Cam 3/4) Paul slaps Josh WATCH HERE!
Sept 8, 6:53pm (Cam 1/2) Alex talks to Christmas about being on the block
Sept 8, 6:55pm (Cam 3/4) Paul tells Josh to get out of his funk WATCH HERE!
Sept 7, 3:29pm (Cam 1/2) Josh talks to Jason in APSR WATCH HERE!
Sept 7, 7:42pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas I look at Josh like a brother WATCH HERE!
Sept 7, 8:34pm (Cam-ALL) Jason’s exit interview WATCH HERE!
Sept 7, 7:57pm (Cam-ALL) Raven’s exit interview WATCH HERE!
Sept 7, 10:29pm (Cam 1/2) Josh wins HoH WATCH HERE!
Sept 7, 11:38pm (Cam 3/4) Paul/Christmas/Josh everything has gone as planned
Sept 6, 12:13am (Cam 1/2) Josh and Christmas talk about Paul’s game WATCH HERE!
Sept 4, 3:15am (Cam 1/2) Christmas/Paul talk about Raven and how they feel sorry for her
Sept 4, 3:39am (Cam 1/2) Christmas to Paul how will people be outside BB house
Sept 4, 12:09pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas and Josh talk about the plan WATCH HERE!
Sept 4, 9:05pm (Cam 3/4) Labor Day Party WATCH HERE!
Sept 4, 11:30pm (Cam 3/4) Josh has an emotional talk with Jason WATCH HERE!
Sept 3, 4:47pm (Cam 1/2) Raven’s kitchen dance WATCH HERE!
Sept 3, 1:08am (Cam 1/2) BB messing with Christmas, Josh and Jason WATCH HERE!
Sept 3, 2:50am (Cam 1/2) Josh doesn’t like Paul’s plan talks to himself in hammock
Sept 3, 3:36am (Cam 1/2) Josh goes to HoH to tell Christmas he does not like Paul’s plan
Sept 2, 12:36am (Cam 1/2) Paul says Raven has rough knee syndrome WATCH HERE!
Sept 2, 11:42am (Cam 1/2) Raven /Christmas talk about Mark tanning his ass
Sept 2, 11:54am (Cam 3/4) Jason asking Alex why both are on the block WATCH HERE!
Sept 2, 3:20pm (Cam 3/4) Josh falls off the bed pulls covers, reveals Paul’s woodie
Sept 2, 8:55pm (Cam 1/2) Feeds Return from POV Paul wins POV WATCH HERE!
Sept 2, 10:08pm (Cam 1/2) Raven celebrating Jason going to home WATCH HERE!
Sept 2, 10:22pm (Cam 1/2) Jason says he trust Alex and Paul WATCH HERE!
Sept 2, 11:11pm (Cam 3/4) Paul talks to Raven/Josh about evicting Alex over Jason
Sept 2, 11:57pm (Cam 3/4) Raven telling Christmas, that Paul is not sure Alex or Jason
Sept 1, 12:26am (Cam 3/4) Paul asks Alex who should get POV WATCH HERE!
Sept 1, 1:04am (Cam 3/4) Paul/Josh tell Jason he is F* after the show for things he says
Sept 1, 1:41pm (Cam 3/4) Raven dancing WATCH HERE!
Sept 1, 6:26pm (Cam 3/4) Jason talking to Paul about getting backdoored
Sept 1, 7:27pm (Cam 3/4) Raven dance party WATCH HERE!
Sept 1, 7:34pm (Cam 3/4) Paul says he is winning POV WATCH HERE!
Sept 1, 8:02pm (Cam 3/4) Raven says production f*** up talking to Paul
Sept 1, 8:51pm (Cam 3/4) Jason and Paul talk in APSR who is target
Sept 1, 1:03am (Cam 3/4) Paul tell Jason he is F* WATCH HERE!
Sept 1, 1:28pm (Cam 3/4) Raven picks her nose or maybe brain
Sept 1, 1:44am (Cam-ALL) Christmas who wants to see my HoH room
Sept 1, 6:22pm (Cam-All) POV ceremony is over WATCH HERE!
Sept 1, 6:41pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin tells Jason he is not a pawn WATCH HERE!
Aug 31, 7:42pm (Cam-ALL) Matt exit interview WATCH HERE!
Aug 31, 9:53pm (Cam 3/4) Josh has Paul’s back WATCH HERE!
Aug 31, 10:42pm (Cam 1/2) Paul wants HG to think he’s getting backdoored
Aug 30, 2:00am (Cam 3/4) Paul/Josh/Christmas in HoH room who to vote out
Aug 30, 1:49pm (Cam-ALL) Raven has a fear – Arachnophobia WATCH HERE!
Aug 30, 7:08pm (Cam 1/2) Matt talks about Alex gaining weight WATCH HERE!
Aug 30, 9:07pm (Cam 1/2) Xmas wants Raven’s head in a garbage disposal
Aug 30, 9:35pm (Cam 1/2) Maven talk about Alex’s weight again WATCH HERE!
Aug 30, 9:40pm (Cam 1/2) Matt tells Raven she has 2 people protecting her
Aug 30, 12:54am (Cam 1) Alex scares Jason WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 1:36pm (Cam 1/2) Raven and Matt talk about Jason WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 5:19pm (Cam 1/2) Alex is nervous about what she has said WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 6:42pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin and Matt fight WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 8:40pm (Cam 1/2) Alex bashes Kevin WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 9:00pm (Cam 1/2) Paul tells Kevin not to win next HoH WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 1:54am (Cam 1/2) Paul friendship chat WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 11:36am (Cam 3/4) Jason and Alex get on the same page WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 2:01pm (Cam 1/2) Kevin ask Matt about votes WATCH HERE!
Aug 29, 2:01pm (Cam 3/4) Alex finds a place to hide and eat as a HN WATCH HERE!
Aug 28, 7:04pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas calls Alex nasty WATCH HERE!
Aug 28, 10:55pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas/Paul try to plan next few weeks WATCH HERE!
Aug 28, 2:20pm (Cam 1/2) Fight with Kevin and Josh gets heated WATCH HERE!
Aug 28, 2:16pm (Cam 1/2) Kevin and Christmas fight WATCH HERE!
Aug 28, 12:10pm (Cam 3/4) Matt and Raven confront Jason WATCH HERE!
Aug 28, 11:59pm (Cam -ALL) After POV ceremony fight WATCH HERE!
Aug 26, 6:26pm (Cam 1/2) Jason tells Kevin, Raven’s backdoor plan WATCH HERE!
Aug 26, 7:30pm (Cam 1/2) Kevin checks in with Paul WATCH HERE!
Aug 26, 7:32pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas, Alex, Paul try to get Jason to put Kevin up
Aug 26, 7:46pm (Cam 3/4) Alex says she will draw the line with Jason WATCH HERE!
Aug 26, 8:08pm (Cam 1/2) Jason tells Paul he can make his own decisions
Aug 24, 12:54am (Cam 1/2) Josh gives Christmas a pep talk WATCH HERE!
Aug 25, 12:34am (Cam 1/2) Who wants to see Jason’s HoH room WATCH HERE!
Aug 25, 12:11pm (Cam-ALL) Matt’s new outfit WATCH HERE!
Aug 25, 2:49pm (Cam 3/4) Paul friendship chat WATCH HERE!
Aug 25, 3:24pm (Cam 3/4) Paul ask Jason about the vote WATCH HERE!
Aug 25, 6:33pm (Cam 3/4) Feeds are back after nominations WATCH HERE!
Aug 24, 7:40pm (Cam-ALL) Raven already begs for a deal in HoH comp
Aug 24, 7:47pm (Cam- ALL) Alex/Jason battle it out for HoH Matt is heated
Aug 24, 8:17pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin ask Jason about the votes WATCH HERE!
Aug 24, 9:09pm (Cam 3/4) Jason tells Alex he told Kevin about votes
Aug 24, 10:27pm (Cam 1/2) Josh eating under blanket as a HN WATCH HERE!
Aug 23, 10:46am (Cam 3/4) Christmas shows Matt her foot WATCH HERE!
Aug 23, 3:19pm (Cam 1/2) Josh finds some suspicious things in Raven’s drawer
Aug 23, 8:25pm (Cam-ALL) Jason does cinnamon challenge WATCH HERE!
Aug 22, 12:46am (Cam 1/2) Alex and Paul talk about Raven WATCH HERE!
Aug 22, 12:55am (Cam 1/2) Paul says he will take $50,000 again WATCH HERE!
Aug 22, 1:39am (Cam 1/2) Paul’s friendship chatWATCH HERE!
Aug 22, 8:20am (Cam 3/4) Christmas chats with feeders WATCH HERE!
Aug 22, 11:50am (Cam 3/4) Christmas gets her new boot WATCH HERE!
Aug 22, 2:15pm (Cam 3/4) Paul finds Raven’s bracelet WATCH HERE!
Aug 21, 4:01pm (Cam 1/2) Kevin tells Mark he lost a son WATCH HERE!
Aug 21, 4:40pm (Cam 3/4) Paul talks game to feeders WATCH HERE!
Aug 21, 7:17pm (Cam 1/2) Josh gives an update WATCH HERE!
Aug 21, 10:14pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas and Paul talk game WATCH HERE!
Aug 20, 12:07pm (Cam 3/4) Paul game talk w/ friendship chat WATCH HERE!
Aug 19, 9:22pm (Cam 3/4) Jason wins POV WATCH HERE!
Aug 19, 3:32am (Cam 1/2) There is a RAT in the kitchen WATCH HERE!
Aug 19, 3:39am (Cam -ALL) Xmas watches as Paul/Josh hunt for the Rat
Aug 19, 4:0 am (Cam 3/4) Paul and Josh build rat trap WATCH HERE!
Aug 19, 4:28am (Cam 1/2) Matt/Xmas are trying to trick Paul & Josh
Aug 19, 12:07pm, (Cam 1/2) Paul finds the “Rat” WATCH HERE!
Aug 19, 1:03pm (Cam 3/4) Paul, Xmas, Alex, Jason talk about Kevin
Aug 19, 2:33pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas picks Have-Nots WATCH HERE!
Aug 19, 3:19pm (Cam 3/4) Jason and Christmas talk in rose room
Aug 19, 4:37pm (Cam 1/2) BB gives rat proof containers WATCH HERE!
Aug 16, 12:08am (Cam 1/2) Paul and Christmas help Josh WATCH HERE!
Aug 16, 10:11pm (Cam 3/4) Paul, Alex, Matt, Raven in HoH WATCH HERE!
Aug 17, 1:19am (Cam 3/4) Alex’s replaces sugar with salt WATCH HERE!
Aug 17, 1:43am (Cam 3/4) Alex HoH Cam WATCH HERE!
Aug 17, 10:05am (Cam 3/4) Kevin spits coffee out WATCH HERE!
Aug 17, 7:38pm (Cam- ALL) Cody exit interview WATCH HERE!
Aug 17, 8:00pm (Cam- ALL) Elena exit interview WATCH HERE!
Aug 16, 2:14am (Cam 3/4) Paul confronts Mark & Elena WATCH HERE!
Aug 16, 9:32am (Cam 1/2) Cody talks about getting out WATCH HERE!
Aug 16, 9:51am (Cam 1/2) Cody makes coffee for HG w/decaf WATCH HERE!
Aug 16, 12:38pm (Cam 3/4) Elena ask Cody if he is going to blow up their game??
Aug 16, 8:10pm (Cam 1/2) Alex delivers Cody’s hot dog with some words WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 7:48pm (Cam 1/2) Kevin and Jason talk to Paul WATCH HERE!
Aug 15, 10:41am (Cam 3/4) Cody talking to himself WATCH HERE!
Aug 15, 11:15am (Cam 3/4) Kevin gets a Zing from BB WATCH HERE!
Aug 15, 1:49pm (Cam 3/4) Jason and Alex fight with Cody WATCH HERE!
Aug 15, 2:14pm (Cam 3/4) Josh, Christmas, Alex fight with Elena WATCH HERE!
Aug 15, 8:18pm (Cam 1/2) Cody and Elena talk about today WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 10:08am (Cam 3/4) Jason/Christmas/Paul talking about Raven WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 1:20pm (Cam 1/2) Elena talks about Marks grooming WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 2:34pm (Cam 1/2) Jason and Paul talk about Kevin WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 5:48pm (Cam 1/2) Alex goes on a pillow hunt (fight with Mark) WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 8:37pm (Cam 3/4) Cody hears what Raven has been saying WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 9:29pm (Cam 3/4) Mark & Cody in the hot tub WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 9:27pm (Cam 1/2) Paul and Christmas are free WATCH HERE!
Aug 14, 11:26pm (Cam 1/2) Josh calls Mark out WATCH HERE!
Aug 13, 7:20pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin to Jason about Cody’s daughter WATCH HERE!
Aug 13, 8:15pm (Cam- ALL) Raven dancing in HoH WATCH HERE!
Aug 13, 10:39pm (Cam 1/2) Cody is pleading to Alex and Jason WATCH HERE!
Aug 13, 10:59pm (Cam 1/2) Watching Mark/Elena adding commentary WATCH HERE!
Aug 12, 7:31pm (Cam 1/2) Jason’s EXTREME unitard WATCH HERE!
Aug 12, 8:34pm (Cam 1/2) Paul/Christmas sky divers chained together WATCH HERE!
Aug 12, 9:26pm (Cam 1/2) Alex comes out with her camping gear WATCH HERE!
Aug 11, 10:20am (Cam 1/2) Christmas talks about not competing WATCH HERE!
Aug 11, 11:36am (Cam 3/4) Mark expresses jealousy of Josh WATCH HERE!
Aug 11, 4:15pm (Cam 3/4) Josh talks to Alex in HoH WATCH HERE!
Aug 11, 4:35pm (Cam 1/2) Cody says he would use POV on Elena WATCH HERE!
Aug 11, 5:03pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas and Mark fight WATCH HERE!
Aug 11, 7:35pm (Cam 3/4) Mark and Christmas try to talk things out WATCH HERE!
Aug 10, 9:28pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin/Paul talk how DR separate Cody/Josh for a week
Aug 10, 11:36pm (Cam- ALL) Alex gets HoH WATCH HERE!
Aug 9, 11:10pm (Cam 1/2) Josh talks to Mark about fight w/ Jody WATCH HERE!
Aug 9, 9:16pm (Cam 1/2) Cody tells Mark they’re gunning for him WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 12:30am (Cam 1/2) Paul and Kevin talk about Christmas WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 12:36am (Cam 1/2) Paul/Josh/Kevin talk how Maven drive them crazy
Aug 8, 2:22pm (Cam 1/2) Josh starts pots and pans with Cody WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 2:29pm (Cam 1/2) Paul & Mark fight about bullying APSR WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 2:33pm (Cam 3/4) Jason & Alex argue about Josh WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 3:22pm (Cam 3/4) DR told Josh to throw pots away WATCH HERE!
Aug 6:46pm (Cam 1/2) HG in HoH talking about Jody WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 8:35pm (Cam 3/4) Paul talks about a girl outside of BB WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 1:15pm (Cam 3/4) Jess/Cody fight with Josh WATCH HERE!
Aug 8, 1:27pm (Cam 1/2) Josh in HoH crying after fight WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 1:12pm (Cam 3/4) Raven turned Cody down. WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 1:39pm (Cam – ALL) Crying Baby WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 1:58pm (Cam – ALL) Barking dog WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 4:32pm (Cam – ALL) Jackhammer WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 6:31pm (Cam – ALL) Drum WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 6:35pm (Cam – ALL) Lawnmower WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 9:45am (Cam 1/2) Christmas brings Kevin breakfast in bed
Aug 7, 10:30am (Cam 1/2) Cody joins Jason/Kevin walk WATCH HERE!
Aug 7, 11:00am (Cam 1/2) Christmas vents to Raven about Cody
Aug 6, 12:56am (Cam 1/2) Everyone in Kitchen singing WATCH HERE!
Aug 6, 1:14am (Cam 1/2) House toast WATCH HERE!
Aug 6, 10:33am (Cam 1/2) Cody/Kevin is there any way to save Jess
Aug 6, 12:21pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas/Alex talking about Elena WATCH HERE!
Aug 6, 4:30pm (Cam 3/4) Friendship Chat WATCH HERE!
Aug 6, 9:20pm (Cam 1/2) Cody refers to Audrey as a dude dressed as a girl
Aug 5, 6:49pm (Cam 1/2) Alex goodbye message to Jess WATCH HERE!
Aug 4, 1:05am (Cam 1/2) Paul/Christmas talk of Ring of Replacement
Aug 4, 8:18am (Cam 1/2) Josh tells Christmas Elena is his target
Aug 3, 10:17pm (Cam- All) Josh gets HoH room WATCH HERE!
Aug 3, 7:08pm (Cam 3/4) Alex get caught talking about Mark/Elena
Aug 3, 8:03pm (Cam 1/2) Elena talks to Josh WATCH HERE!
Aug 3, 8:36pm (Cam 1/2) Paul checks in with Elena WATCH HERE!
Aug 3, 10:46 pm (Cam 3/4) Mark is jealous of Paul WATCH HERE!
Aug 3 1:02am (Cam 3/4) Kevin teaches Mark/Josh to cheat WATCH HERE!
Aug 3, 1:54am (Cam -All) Josh discovers blanket snowman WATCH HERE!
Aug 2. 4:23pm (Cam 1/2) Paul and everyone plan to lie to Jody WATCH HERE!
Aug 1, 4:44pm (Cam 1/2) Cody/Jess global warming talk. WATCH HERE!
Aug 1, 12:21pm (Cam 1) Raven/Elena twerking! WATCH HERE!
July 31, 7:12pm (Cam 1/2) Megaphone “America Loves Jess” WATCH HERE!
July 31, 12:48pm (Cam 3/4) Raven explains what was said to Jason
July 31, 1:11pm (Cam 3/4) Jason confronts Jody WATCH HERE!
July 31, 1:14pm (Cam 1/2) Jess & Raven after fight WATCH HERE!
July 31, 1:33pm (Cam 3/4) House meeting WATCH HERE!
July 31, 2:16pm (Cam 3/4) Matt & Christmas fight WATCH HERE!
July 31, 2:53pm (Cam 1/2) Josh going after Cody WATCH HERE!
July 31, 4:04pm (Cam 1/2) Paul talks to Elena, & Jess WATCH HERE!
July 30, 2:27pm (Cam 3/4) Jess explains Cody’s Military Serv. to Raven
July 30, 12:26am (Cam 3/4) Jess & Cody fight! WATCH HERE!
July 30, 11:38am (Cam 3/4) Jess confronts Matt! WATCH HERE!
July 30, 11:56am (Cam 3/4) Jess confronts Mark! WATCH HERE!
July 29, 12:42am (Cam 1/2) BB Storm Watch update! WATCH HERE!
July 28, 7:34pm (Cam 1/2) Paul apologizes to Jess WATCH HERE!
July 28, 7:42pm (Cam 3/4) Cody talks to Mark after everything WATCH HERE!
July 28, 8:11pm (Cam 3/4) Elena and Jess BR talk WATCH HERE!
July 28, 8:13pm (Cam 1/2) Elena joins upstairs crew WATCH HERE!
July 28, 9:05pm (Cam 3/4) Elena & Mark unsure of things to come WATCH HERE!
July 28, 9:06pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas comforts Jess after fight. WATCH HERE!
July 27, 12:49am (Cam 1/2) Mark and Elena have a fight WATCH HERE!
July 27, 1:25am (Cam 3/4) Mark and Elena fight cont. WATCH HERE!
July 28, 7:40pm (Cam 3/4) Mark/Josh physical fight! WATCH HERE!
July 28, 7:21pm (ALL CAMS) Feeds back from NOMS FIGHTS! WATCH HERE!
July 27, 10:32am (Cam 1/2) Josh goes after Mark WATCH HERE!
July 27, 10:57am (Cam 1/2) Cody tell Mark about his daughter WATCH HERE!
July 27, 7:34pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas has heart to heart with Jess WATCH HERE!
July 27, 7:35pm (Cam 3/4) Elena is mad for being lied too WATCH HERE!
July 27, 9:32pm (Cam 3/4) Paul think Jessica’s temptation is fake WATCH HERE!
July 25, 5:04pm (Cam 3/4) Jody mocks Paul’s warning WATCH HERE!
July 25, 6:45pm (Cam 1/2) Alex/Jason explain Amish to Paul WATCH HERE!
July 25, 8:03pm (Cam 1/2) Kevin joins Josh & Orwell in APSR WATCH HERE!
July 25, 11:38pm (Cam 1/2) Elena gives Paul a massage, Josh watches WATCH HERE!
July 24, 1:44am (Cam 3/4) Matt/Raven maybe have sex? WATCH HERE!
July 24, 11:04pm (Cam 1/2) Josh/Christmas long chat about everything WATCH HERE!
July 23, 12:18am (Cam 3/4) Jessica/Cody hammock chat about HGs WATCH HERE!
July 23, 10:50am (Cam 1/2) Jessica/Cody talk about next week’s plan WATCH HERE!
July 23, 3:57pm (Cam 3/4) Mark opens HN temptation WATCH HERE!
July 22, 2:15pm (Cam 1/2) Jessica explains to Alex why Josh needs to go WATCH HERE!
July 22, 6:57pm (Cam 3/4) Josh counts the votes WATCH HERE!
July 22, 9:18pm (Cam 1/2) Matt/Raven what happens after Thursday? WATCH HERE!
July 22, 10:10pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin talks game talk (Hilarious) WATCH HERE!
July 22, 10:16pm (Cam 1/2) Mark/Elena/Paul talk of Cody’s game WATCH HERE!
July 21, 10:20pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin was on Geraldo show WATCH HERE!
July 18, 8:00 pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas falls in the Kitchen
July 18, 8:07 pm (Cam 1/2) Elena & Jessica switched faces WATCH HERE!
July 18, 8:56 pm (Cam 1/2) Ramses almost burns the house down WATCH HERE!
July 18, 1:51am (Cam 1/2) Dom apologizes to Ramses WATCH HERE!
July 18, 11:39am (Cam 3/4) Kevin learns what Tinder is WATCH HERE!
July 18, 1:34pm (Cam 3/4) Bikini Talk with Kevin WATCH HERE!
July 18, 2:05pm (Cam 3/4) Whistlenut gets Snapchat glasses WATCH HERE!
July 17, 3:06am (Cam 3/4) Josh declares war WATCH HERE!
July 17, 12:21pm (Cam 1/2) Elena is done having a conversation w/ Dom
July 17, 10:45pm (Cam 3/4) Raven/Jessica surprise Matt WATCH HERE!
July 17, 11:24pm (Cam 3/4) Kevin annual bleaching WATCH HERE!
July 17, 1:11am (Cam 3/4) Paul/Elena – Dom is a prophet WATCH HERE!
July 17, 9:27am (Cam 1/2) Jason/Alex figure out Kevin & Paul WATCH HERE!
July 17, 11:11am (Cam 3/4) Paul talking about painting his face WATCH HERE!
July 17, 12:39pm (Cam 1/2) Dominique tells Matt she’s a nuclear engineer
July 17, 3:15pm (CAM 1/2) Pool game that lead to fight. WATCH HERE!
July 17 3:30pm (ALL CAMS) Josh/Mark food (real) fight. WATCH HERE!
July 17 12:16pm (ALL CAMS) Feeds back from snake POV. WATCH HERE!
July 16, 5:11 pm (Cam 3/4) Paul plans his outfit for POV WATCH HERE!
July 15, 5:45am (Cam-ALL) FIGHT/Meeting with Dominique WATCH HERE!
July 15, 2:00pm (Cam 1/2) Mark begging to not go up to Alex/Jason WATCH HERE!
July 15, 10:46pm (Cam 3/4) They tried to scare whistlenut WATCH HERE!
July 15, 11:02pm (Cam 1/2) Ramses/Josh/Mark fight over beds in HN WATCH HERE!
July 14 9:49am (Cam 3/4) Raven wrapped in a blanket WATCH HERE!
July 14, 12:19pm (Cam 1/2) Dominique/Paul talk in HoH WATCH HERE!
July 13, 12:33am (Cam 3/4) Matt/Raven talk about Dom’s Show WATCH HERE!
July 12, 9:36am (Cam 1/2) Christmas/Cody have a talk WATCH HERE!
July 12, 3:17pm (Cam- All) Raven falls down the stairs WATCH HERE!
July 12, 9:58pm (Cam 3/4) Dominique Show (thats caused drama) WATCH HERE!
July 12, 11:17pm (Cam 3/4) Cody talks to Paul in HoH WATCH HERE!
July 11, 5:20pm (Cam 1/2) Elena/Dom talk about Mark/Elena WATCH HERE!
July 10, 11:32 am (Cam – ALL) After POV Ceremony WATCH HERE!
July 10, 11:52 am (Cam 1/2) Cody is going to say Josh is a sexual predator WATCH HERE!
July 10, 3:36 pm (Cam 3/4) Paul Friendship Chat HoH WATCH HERE!
July 10, 6:15 pm (Cam 1/2) Jessica and Christmas talking in HN Room WATCH HERE!
July 9, 11:10 pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas/Kevin on lounge chair that breaks WATCH HERE!
July 8, 3:24 pm (Cam-ALL) Jason have not challenge WATCH HERE!
July 8, 11:47 pm (Cam 3/4) Jessica asks Paul for personal advice WATCH HERE!
July 8, 11:37 pm (Cam-ALL) Jason auction offs an apple WATCH HERE!
July 8, 10:45 pm (Cam 1/2) Dominique show WATCH HERE!
July 7, 11:58 pm (Cam 3/4) Jason gives Alex his whistlenut. WATCH HERE!
July 7, 5:36 pm (Cam 3/4) Christmas tells Paul she got the temptation. WATCH HERE!
July 7, 8:19 pm (Cam -All) Jason, Cody, Jessica- V Toads curse. WATCH HERE!
July 6, 7:41 pm (Cam – ALL) Production tells house guests they can fight. WATCH HERE!
July 6, 9:55 pm (Cam3/4) Cody ready to explode Jessica won’t let him. WATCH HERE!
July 6, 10:15 pm (Cam 3/4) Fight with Jessica and Josh WATCH HERE!
July 6, 9:50 pm (Cam 1/2) Christmas is having foot surgery Monday
July 6, 11:15 pm (Cam- All) Paul letter from home WATCH HERE!
July 1, 6:42 pm (Cam 3/4) Paul talks about season 18 houseguests WATCH HERE!
July 5, 3:17 pm (Cam1/2) Christmas is back from MRI WATCH HERE!
July 5, 1:39 pm (Cam 3/4) Matt – BB wants to destroy Cody WATCH HERE!
July 4, 4:41 pm (Cam 1/2) Jason I am not going to be some f*g WATCH HERE!
July 4, 6:32 pm (Cam 3/4) Jillian, Cody, Ramses see BANNER! WATCH HERE!
July 4, 9:52 pm (Cam 1/ 2) Paul talks Cody’s game to Alex/Jason WATCH HERE!
July 3, 2:21 pm (Cam3/4) Christmas comes back from doctor. WATCH HERE!
July 3, 8:40 pm (Cam 3/4) Mark and Christmas have a heart to heart talk.
July 3, 10:11am (CAM 3/4) Matthew recaps Christmas injury. WATCH HERE!
July 3, 8:46am (CAM 3/4) Christmas on ground she broke her foot! WATCH HERE!
July 3, 12:22am (CAM 1/2) Mark tells Cody he is his “Ride or Die” WATCH HERE!
July 2, 9:33pm (CAM 1/2) Paul and Cody in HoH after POV WATCH HERE!
July 1, 1:14 pm (Cam 1/2) Cody talks about Tranny’s WATCH HERE!
June 30, 3:51 pm (CAM 3/4) Alex Won POV WATCH HERE!
June 30, 4:07 pm (CAM 3/4) Kevin and Paul cuddling #Friendship WATCH HERE!
June 30, 3:52 pm (CAM 3/4) Ramses/Elena talk after POV WATCH HERE!
June 30, 8:36 pm (CAM 3/4) Cody “I actually went to Ferguson Missouri for the Riots”.
June 29, 10:35pm (CAM 1/2) Talk about Megan self evicting! WATCH HERE!
June 29, 10:35 pm (Cam 1/2) Talk of why Megan left the game. WATCH HERE!
Aug 6, 10:59pm (Cam 3/4) Paul does Elena’s makeup WATCH HERE!
Aug 6, 11:52pm (Cam 1/2) Elena does Paul’s makeup WATCH HERE!
Aug 4, 1:51am (Cam 3/4) Alex scares Cody WATCH HERE!
Aug 4, 10:32am (Cam 3/4) Josh and Alex dance WATCH HERE!
Aug 2, 10:43pm (Cam 1/2) Josh dances with Elena & Mark WATCH HERE!
July 30, 1:05am (Cam- All) Kevin coaches Josh w/ Elena/Christmas WATCH HERE!
July 27, 8:48pm (Cam 3/4) Elena hiding food from others. WATCH HERE!
July 25, 7:59pm (Cam 1/2) Josh cracks 2 apples on his head & more WATCH HERE!
July 8, 3:46 pm (Cam 3/4) Jason pooped his pants. WATCH HERE!
July 1, 1:14 am (Cam3/4) Cody calls Jessica “Alex” WATCH HERE!
July 2, 9:40pm (CAM 1/2) Kevin only has 1 sock… WATCH HERE!
June 30, 12:03am (CAM 1/2) Paul scares Kevin (HYSTERICAL). WATCH HERE!
Aug 10, 3:09am (Cam 1/2) Mark and Elena after sex WATCH HERE!
Aug 3, 1:31am (Cam 3/4) Maven has sex with Jody next to them WATCH HERE!
July 30, 11:23pm (Cam 4) Matt falls out of shower WATCH HERE!
July 23, 8:48pm (Cam 3/4) Cody/Jess having sex BB catches short glance
July 6, 3:57 am (Cam 3/4) Mark/Elena under covers WATCH HERE!
July 6, 1:39 pm (Cam 3) Elena forgets shares it all WATCH HERE!
July 4, 10:31 pm (Cam 3/4) Elena and sucking Marks face WATCH HERE!
July 4, 1:23 pm (Cam 3/4) Mark shows some ass. WATCH HERE!
June 30, 11:38am (CAM 3/4) Kevin has a dick slip! WATCH HERE!
June 30, 11:42am (CAM 1/2) Elena seen naked in mirror. WATCH HERE!
June 30, 12:16am (CAM 3/4) Christmas has a nip slip! WATCH HERE!
June 30, 8:32pm (CAM 1/2) Christmas/Elena shower time! WATCH HERE!
AND DON’T FORGET… we are doing YouNow shows all season when the feeds go down so make sure you BECOME A FAN there! We will of course be doing recap shows and interviews too! Whenever something goes down on the feeds we will get on social media via YouNow or Twitter to discuss LIVE with you! We will also have recap blogs after every episode and speaking of episodes we will also be live on YowNow live tweeting during them! Still want more? Then become a Patreon for EXCLUSIVE content, giveaways, access to reality stars and become a member of the private Patreon group! But what were really excited about is our BIG BROTHER SPOILERS PAGE! It’s full of “Cheat Sheets” for you to use to stay on top of all the latest alliances and info!
So in order to help support us in our coverage of Big Brother this season please consider: Getting the live feeds from us here or becoming a Patreon, making a pay pal donation. Of course we get it, money can be tight… so if you’d like to help us for free then be sure to subscribe to our shows in YouTube, iTunes, YouNow, and thumbs up and give us a nice review (we want to win a podcast award this year). Also following us on your favorite social media site (by clicking the icons in the side bar) and then sharing our content there is also a great way to help as well! We can’t thank you enough for enjoying our shows these last 8 years, hopefully with your support we can continue to do them for the rest of the year. You could also see what specific help we need by checking out our HELP US page HERE! We can’t thank you enough for all your support! We love you all!
We also have a BRAND NEW TWITTER ACCOUNT which we will be using solely for our Live Feed updates. It’s a great way for you to find out what is going down as it happens 24/7 on the live feeds! We wanted to keep it separate from our MAIN TWITTER ACCOUNT which covers all our shows because we love you and don’t want to fill up your timelines! Plus we will be posting news, gossip and spoilers there about BB19 exclusively too and we don’t like to spoil on our main twitter account. Now while twitter is a great way to get your 140 character live feed updates sometimes you just
need more details! Which is why we suggest you also join our news letter! This way you can get info like the exact cameras and flashback times for the updates we are giving you, plus interact with other fans! You can also get special prizes and all the latest info by subscribing to our monthly newsletter (WE WON’T SPAM YOU). Thank you for all the support!