Did you catch that HUGE FIGHT on the feeds yesterday? What about the latest twist Julie dropped on the house? Did you see who the hot new showmance is? No, well then good thing we are here for you this Big Brother 21 Season! Below you will find our list for what we think are thee most “flashback worthy” events of the season. So make sure you check back often because this will be constantly updated all season! And follow our special twitter account @BB21LiveFeeds for 24/7 live feed updates!
TOP MOMENTS (Now In Expandable Tabs Below!)
September 12th 12:42AM (Quad Cam) Jackson listens in on Tommy/Nicole/Cliff in the HN room WATCH HERE!
September 12th 1:18AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson tells Cliff/Nicole that Tommy is lying to them WATCH HERE!
September 12th 1:23AM (Quad Cam) Jackson infers something about production (uses production as strategy) WATCH HERE!
September 12th 1:28AM (Quad Cam) Nicole gets upset, asks for a moment, hides in the bathroom in tears WATCH HERE!
September 12th 2:13AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Nicole discuss what they have been told WATCH HERE!
September 12th 2:16AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Holly discuss plan for getting their stories straight.
September 11th 6:04AM (Quad Cam) HGs have a 9-11 memorial service WATCH HERE!
September 11th 3:39PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff/Nicole game talk in the HOH WATCH HERE!
September 11th 5:32PM (Cam 1/2) Holly beginscampaigns WATCH HERE!
September 11th 7:53PM (Cam 1/2) Holly/Jackson give specifics of wall yeller WATCH HERE!
September 11th 11:55PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole/Cliff discuss options and compare notes
September 10th 12:28AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Nicole hammock chat WATCH HERE!
September 10th 6:03PM (Quad Cam) Easter Egg hiding/hunt begins WATCH HERE!
September 10th 8:04PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy/Holly take a break from hunting eggs to talk game.
September 10th 10:23PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson tells Cliff Tommy is going to “Drop a bomb” tomorrow
September 10th 10:58PM (Quad Cam) HGs put final touches on 9-11 “memorial” WATCH HERE!
September 10th 11:12PM (Cam 1/2) Holly campaigns to Nicole in RV WATCH HERE!
September 9th 12:47AM (Quad Cam) Holly/Jackson fight about MTV’s the Challenge WATCH HERE!
September 9th 2:04AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole Cam talks about wanting to keep Tommy WATCH HERE!
September 9th 2:19AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Holly fight starts, Holly curses at BB WATCH HERE!
September 9th 10:04AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff cam talks in the BY-about Nicole’s game WATCH HERE!
September 9th 11:39AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after veto meeting WATCH HERE!
September 8th 3:23AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole cam talks in the HOH WATCH HERE!
September 8th 11:40AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole talks to cams about using POV and that Holly needs to go
September 8th 9:26PM (Quad Cam) HGs have a wine tasting WATCH HERE!
September 8th 9:34PM (Quad Cam) HGs play “bucket pong” WATCH HERE!
September 7th 1:11PM (cam 3/4) Tommy tells Jackson/Holly that he knew Christie pre-show WATCH HERE!
September 7th 6:56PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after BB Comics POV-Nicole wins WATCH HERE!
September 7th 7:19PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson/Holly talk about her going on the block WATCH HERE!
September 7th 11:58PM (cam 1/2) Nicole tells Tommy about the F4 with Jackson, Cliff, Holly. WATCH HERE!
September 6th 12:05AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole reads and responds to her HOH letter in the RV
September 6th 12:57AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
September 6th 11:10AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after HOH comp-Jackson won
September 6th 12:13PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff scares Jackson WATCH HERE!
September 6th 3:25PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy/Jackson HOH talk WATCH HERE!
September 6th 6:43PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after Noms-Cliff and Tommy nominated
September 6th 11:47PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson gives Nicole the HOH room. She cam talks
September 5th 12:40AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson tells Holly that Cliff/Nicole are playing both sides
September 5th 11:23PM (Quad Cam) Nicole gets her HOH basket WATCH HERE!
September 5th 11:37PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole show her photos to the live feeders WATCH HERE!
September 4th 12:21PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole cam talks in RV WATCH HERE!
September 4th 2:47PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole/Cliff game talk in target room-confirm F2
September 4th 5:15PM (Cam 3/4) Jessica campaigns begin WATCH HERE!
September 3rd 11:22AM (Cam 1/2) Christie/Tommy talk about saving Jessica
September 3rd 1:18PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole cam talks in RV WATCH HERE!
September 3rd 5:12PM (Quad Cam) Fredrick The Bug WATCH HERE!
September 3rd 8:51PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole cam talks in RV WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 12:12AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff talks to cams WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 12:15AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson puts salt in the Sprite WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 12;20 AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole explains live feeds to Jessica WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 9:38AM (Cam 1/2) Tommy cam talks in the hammock WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 10:37AM (Cam 1/2) Jessica cam talks in the hammock WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 11:40AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after veto ceremony WATCH HERE!
September 2nd 9:12PM (Quad Cam) BB gives the HGs a Labor Day BBQ w/food & beer
September 1st 12:55AM (Cam 1/2) Holly cam talks in the kitchen WATCH HERE!
September 1st 1:10AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole/Tommy chat in the hammock Tommy plans to use veto.
September 1st 1:51AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson/Holly alk in HOH bed, rehash argument WATCH HERE!
September 1st 3:25AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole cam talks in hammock, talks to her family WATCH HERE!
September 1st 12:37PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy tells Christie about convo with Nicole about Jackson. WATCH HERE!
August 31st 9:28AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after veto player pick WATCH HERE!
August 31st 10:06AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Cliff discuss Hide-n-Go veto strategy and hiding places
August 31st 10:26AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Holly spat about him “ignoring her” WATCH HERE!
August 31st 4:48PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after Hide-n-Go veto (Tommy wins) WATCH HERE!
August 31st 6:24PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole cam talks WATCH HERE!
August 31st 11:28PM (Cam 1/2) Holly/KJackson fihgt. WATCH HERE!
August 30th 12:37AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole/Jackson HOH chat WATCH HERE!
August 30th 12:44AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole/Cliff game talk in HOH WATCH HERE!
August 30th 12:51AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Nicole/Cliff chat in HOH WATCH HERE!
August 30th 4:47PM (Quad Cam) Feed back after noms-Jessica and Christie WATCH HERE!
August 30th 915PM (Quad Cam) Booze delivery WATCH HERE!
August 30th 10:12PM (Cam 3/4) Holly/Tommy talk about Jackson WATCH HERE!
August 30th 10:26PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole/Jess chat *LONG* WATCH HERE!
August 29th 2:26AM (Quad Cam) Late Night pie punishment WATCH HERE!
August 29th 1:24PM (Cam 3/4) Nick cam talks while packing WATCH HERE!
August 29th 7:02PM (Quad Cam) HOH comp begins WATCH HERE!
August 29th 7:58PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after HOH comp-Jackson wins WATCH HERE!
August 29th 10:49PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Holly celebrate and chat in storage room WATCH HERE!
August 29th 11:46PM (Quad Cam) Who wants to see Jackson’s HOH room WATCH HERE!
August 28th 1:59PM (Cam 1/2) Nick’s Campaigns start WATCH HERE!
August 28th 7:23PM (Quad Cam) Christie talk to Jackson/Holly in HOH WATCH HERE!
August 28th 1047PM (Cam 3/4) Christie falls off kitchen couch WATCH HERE!
August 28th 11:43PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole tells Nick he doesn’t have the votes.
August 27th 2:29PM (Cam 1/2) Nick/Nicole game talk WATCH HERE!
August 27th 3:48PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
August 27th 10:19PM (Cam 1/2) Nick runs campaign by Nicole in HN Room
August 27th 10:21PM (Cam 3/4) Christie/Holly game talk in HOH WATCH HERE!
August 26th 12:45AM (Quad Cam) Nicole pretends to be upset with Nick/Tommy
August 26th 2:32AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole cam talks WATCH HERE!
August 26th 12:48PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after POV mtg. Jackkson does not use.
August 26th 7:19PM (Quad Cam) 1st clown sighting over kitchen sink WATCH HERE!
August 26th 7:32PM (Quad Cam) Cliff pranks HGs as another clown appears by kitchen table
August 26th 8:26PM (Cam 1/2) Holly/Tommy see clown in storage room WATCH HERE!
August 26th 8:50PM (Quad Cam) Clown in bathroom mirror WATCH HERE!
August 26th 9:50PM (Quad Cam) HG/BB play prank on Nicole. WATCH HERE!
August 26th 10:16PM (Quad Cam) Clowns in HOH room WATCH HERE!
August 26th 11:02PM (Cam 3/4) Nick cam talks, Apologizes to America WATCH HERE!
August 25th 12:01AM (Cam 1/2) Christie/Tommy game talk. Tommy tells her that Nick is the prankster WATCH HERE!
August 25th 1:28AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole game talks to cams in the BY WATCH HERE!
August 25th 5:13PM (Cam 1/2) Cliff’s Notes WATCH HERE!
Augst 25th 11:19PM (Quad Cam) Holly, Tommy, Nick’s song and dance WATCH HERE!
August 24th 8:35AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff’s Notes WATCH HERE!
August 24th 9:54AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after veto players pick WATCH HERE!
August 24th 1108AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Nicole game talk WATCH HERE!
August 24th 4:22PM (Cam 1/2) Feeds back after veto-Jackson won. WATCH HERE!
August 24th 4:25PM (Cam 1/2) Nick tells Tommy he was the prankster WATCH HERE!
August 24th 5:08PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Holly talk about Zingbot’s zings WATCH HERE!
August 24th 11:09PM (Quad Cam) Pie Wars! Jackson vs. Nicole WATCH HERE!
August 23rd 2:00AM (Cam 3/4) Christie/Tommy game talk, talk production and the yeller incident
August 23rd 4:00AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
August 23rd 9:45AM (Cam 3/4) Holly starts her on one ones in the HOH
August 23rd 11:41AM (Cam 1/2) Nick thanks America for voting him prankster
August 23rd 3:54PM (Cam 1/2) Nick/Christie argument in HOH WATCH HERE!
August 23rd 5:33PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after noms. Holly nom’d Nick, Prankster nom’d Christie WATCH HERE!
August 22nd 4:05AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole cam talks WATCH HERE!
August 22nd 6:02AM (Quad Cam) Birdwatching audio recap WATCH HERE!
August 22nd 2:30PM (Cam 3/4) Analyse/Christie confrontation and emotional talk in bunk room
August 22nd 2:32PM (Cam 3/4) Emotional Analyse yells at Jackson “I F*cking hate you!”
August 22nd 7:03PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after HOH comp-Holly wins WATCH HERE!
August 22nd 9:30PM (Quad Cam) 1st pie punishment WATCH HERE!
August 22nd 9:46PM (Quad Cam) Nick says DR told him about the Six Shooters name
August 22nd 10:32PM (Quad Cam) Holly gets her HOH room WATCH HERE!
August 21st 1:25PM (Cam 3/4) Analyse campaigns to Holly WATCH HERE!
August 21st 1;56PM Analyse’s campaigns begin with Cliff (Quad cam) WATCH HERE!
August 21st 2:32PM Christie’s campaigns begin with Cliff (Cam 3/4) WATCH HERE!
August 21st 6:18PM (Cam 3/4) Christie/Nick discuss their fight WATCH HERE!
August 21st 8:30PM (Quad Cam) Bird watching audio tour starts WATCH HERE!
August 21st 9:37PM (Cam 1/2) Christie tells Tommy she has votes to stay WATCH HERE!
August 20th 9:32AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff notes at 9:53AM WATCH HERE!
August 20th 1:46PM (Cam 1/2) Christie campaigns to Nicole WATCH HERE!
August 20th 7:51PM (Quad Cam) Taco Tuesday fight between Nick/Christie WATCH HERE!
August 20th 10:47PM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Nicole game talk (possible vote flip?) WATCH HERE!
August 19th 12:43AM (Cam3/4) Nicole cam talks in boatroom WATCH HERE!
August 19th 11:39AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back from veto meeting-Jackson does not use veto WATCH HERE!
August 19th 1:22PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole cam talks in HOH about empathy, lip synchs Eminem WATCH HERE!
August 19th 3:02PM (Cam 3/4) Analyse confronts Nick in HOH room WATCH HERE!
August 19th 9:30PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after wall yeller. WATCH HERE!
August 18th 10:21AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff’s Notes WATCH HERE!
August 18th 8:02PM (Cam 1/2) Christie/Tommy game talk in hammock WATCH HERE!
August 18th 8:22PM (Cam 3/4) Tommy/Analyse pitch plan to Jackson/Holly WATCH HERE!
August 17th 8:29AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff’s notes WATCH HERE!
August 17th 9:26AM (Quad Cam) Veto players picked-aftermath WATCH HERE!
August 17th 9:41AM (Cam 3/4) TOmmy questions Nick if Nick made a deal with Jackson WATCH HERE!
August 17th 9:47AM (Cam 1/2) Nick confronts Christie/Analyse about not trusting him WATCH HERE!
August 17th 11:02AM (Cam 1/2) “You can look at me and see home” WATCH HERE!
August 17th 3:31PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after veto- Jackson wins WATCH HERE!
August 17th 3:33PM (Quad Cam) Tommy/Holly play Baywatch, Christie complains about it to Analyse WATCH HERE!
August 17th 10:53PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson and Analyse talk in the HN room to settle differences
August 16th 1:00AM (Cam 1/2) Jessica campaigns to Holly/Jackson WATCH HERE!
August 16th 1:27AM (Cam 1/2) Holly/Jackson talk noms, votes and BD vs. Nominating Christie
August 16th :8:24AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff’s Notes WATCH HERE!
August 16th 9:41AM (Cam 1/2) Campaining to Jackson starts WATCH HERE!
August 16th 4:53PM Feeds back after Nominations Christie and Analyse Nominated
August 15th 11:12AM (Cam 3/4) Analyse/Cliff confirm deal is on WATCH HERE!
August 15th 7:04PM (Quad Cam) Aug-Tober fest HOH begins on the feeds WATCH HERE!
August 15th 7:54PM (Quad Cam) Jackson wins HOH WATCH HERE!
August 15th 11:48PM (Quad Cam) Who wants to see Jackson’s HOH room?
August 15th 12:11AM (Cam 1/2) Jessica/Analyse game talk in target room *LONG* WATCH HERE!
August 15th 2:06AM (Cam 1/2) Analyse tells Christie about talk with Jess. Fight ensues, HGs listen at boat room door. WATCH HERE!
August 15th 2:16AM (Cam 3/4) Jess tells Kat about “new six” deal. Kat wants to blow up Cliff’s Angels WATCH HERE!
August 15th 2:25AM Kat tells Cliff she’s disappointed in him making deals and leaving Jess out
August 15th 2:29AM (Cam 1/2) Christie/Analyse explain the six deal to Jessica WATCH HERE!
August 15th 2:36AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff, Nick and Kat confrontation WATCH HERE!
August 15th 2:39AM (Cam 1/2) Jess gets very angry-doesn’t understand why Kat is targeted
August 15th 2:47AM (Cam 3/4) Kat tells Nick about Cliff’s Angels WATCH HERE!
August 15th 3:04AM (Cam 1/2) Jess tells Christie/Analyse about Nick playing both sides-he wanted Jack out last week
August 15th 3:17AM (Cam 3/4) Christie calls everyone a liar and storms out of the room WATCH HERE!
August 15th 3:37AM (Cam 3/4) Nick mad at Nicole b/c she didn’t tell him about Cliff’s Angels WATCH HERE!
August 15th 3:52AM (Cam 3/4) Jess, Kat, Nicole talk about Night’s events. Jess tells Kat that Kat blew up Jess/Nicole’s game tonight WATCH HERE!
August 15th 4:08AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson tells Kat his “Savage eviction speech” Re: Christie/Jack being ex’s lie WATCH HERE!
August 15th 4:48AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson/Holly think she’s “on something” or “losing her mind”
August 14th 9:47AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff notes-Plans to honor “the deal” WATCH HERE!
August 14th 1:32PM (Cam 3/4) Kat campaigns start WATCH HERE!
August 14th 3:03PM (Cam 3/4) Nick/Tommy game talk WATCH HERE!
August 14th 5:10PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff campaigns start WATCH HERE!
August 13th 12:18PM (Cam 3/4) Tommy/Analyse talk about New Six deal and strategy
August 13th 12:54PM (Cam 3/4) Christie/Analyse game talk in boat room WATCH HERE!
August 13th 4:59PM (Quad Cam) Kat campaigns to Tommy WATCH HERE!
August 13th 9:21PM (Cam 3/4) Nick tells Kat his entire game to this point WATCH HERE!
August 13th 11:00PM (Cam 3/4) Holly/Jackson ask Cliff about the live feeds WATCH HERE!
August 13th 11:33PM (Cam 3/4) Jess/Nicole talk about what is best for their games WATCH HERE!
August 12th 11:20AM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after veto ceremony, Tommy used POV on Christie-no new nom. WATCH HERE!
August 12th 10:46PM (Quad Cam) Booze Delivery WATCH HERE!
August 12th 11:06PM (Cam 1/2) Never Have I Ever in the HOH room WATCH HERE!
August 12th 11:17PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole talks to the cams about leaving the HOH room and peer pressure. WATCH HERE!
August 11th 1:29AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole talking alone in the boat room WATCH HERE!
August 11th 6:36PM (Quad Cam) Movie Prep starts WATCH HERE!
August 11th 8:36PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole tells Cliff she is voting for him to stay WATCH HERE!
August 10th 12:07AM (Cam 1/2) Christie thinks America hates her. WATCH HERE!
August 10th 1:05AM (Cam 1/2) Tommy’s BB Explorer misson ends WATCH HERE!
August 10th 9:35AM (Quad Cam) Veto players picked WATCH HERE!
August 10th 10:27AM (Cam 1/2) Analyse and Holly game talk WATCH HERE!
August 10th 10:49AM (Cam 3/4) Jessica/Tommy LONG game talk. She wants clarification of some things WATCH HERE!
August 10th 5:58PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after POV-Tommy wins (It was OTEV) WATCH HERE!
August 10th 7:31PM (Cam 1/2) Nick and Kat game talk WATCH HERE!
August 10th 10:24PM (Cam 3/4) Jess tells Kat to watch what she tells others WATCH HERE!
August 10th 10:31PM (Cam 1/2) More is added to Analyse’s punishment WATCH HERE!
August 10th 11:05PM (Cam 3/4) Holly/Kat game talk WATCH HERE!
August 9th 12:16AM Tommy’s One on One’s start (Cam 3/4) WATCH HERE!
August 9th 3:20AM (Cam 3/4) Nicole Cam Talks WATCH HERE!
August 9th 8:24AM (Cam 3/4) Tommy asks Jackson to vote how Tommy wants WATCH HERE!
August 9th 8;55AM (Cam 3/4) Tommy tells Analyse his plans for the week plus game going forward WATCH HERE!
August 9th 3:02PM (Quad Cam) Cams back after “Field Trip” WATCH HERE!
August 9th 3:54PM (Cam 1/2) Kat apologizes to Nicole for telling Tommy what Nicole said Re: Noms WATCH HERE!
August 9th 4:57PM (Quad Cam) Analyse gets Chicken costume WATCH HERE!
August 9th 6:25PM (Quad Cam) Cliff/Kat nominated WATCH HERE!
August 9th 6:55PM (Cam 1/2) Christie crying about 3rd nom, Questions her beliefs, the unverse and karma WATCH HERE!
August 8th 10:01AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff’s “it’s Jack Day” dance and celebration WATCH HERE!
August 8th 10:29AM (Cam 3/4) Jack campaigns to Cliff in the HOH shower WATCH HERE!
August 8th 1:20PM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Nick chat about the vote, what to say to Jack WATCH HERE!
August 8th 1:28PM (Cam 3/4) Jack tells Nick his plans to get Kat’s vote WATCH HERE!
August 8th 1:32PM (Cam 3/4) Jack pitches his deal to Kat WATCH HERE!
August 8th 8:02PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson/Tommy chat after HOH comp WATCH HERE!
August 8th 10:53PM (Quad Cam) Tommy’s HOH room WATCH HERE!
August 8th 11:30PM (Quad Cam) Happy Birthday Tommy! WATCH HERE!
August 7th 12:58AM (Cam 1/2) Strategy talk with Cliff’s Angels in the HOH WATCH HERE!
August 7th 11:54AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson starts to campaign. WATCH HERE!
August 7th 1:07PM (Cam 1/2) Kat listens at the door of the boat room. WATCH HERE!
August 7th 3:10PM (Cam 3/4) Jack campaigns to house guests. WATCH HERE!
August 7th 3:31PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson campaigns to Cliff WATCH HERE!
August 7th 8:30PM (Cam 1/2) Jack campaigns to Kat, drops a hint about his “blackmail” WATCH HERE!
August 7th 11:07PM (Cam 3/4) HOH room makes fun for Christie’s “Manifesting” WATCH HERE!
August 6th 8:03PM (Quad Cam) “Gratitude Circle” at the dinner table WATCH HERE!
August 6th 8:22PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole emotional and homesick-camtalks in the hammock WATCH HERE!
August 5th 9:23AM (Cam 3/4) Tommy, Jack, Analyse and Cliff talk about the “Alien’s visit” WATCH HERE!
August 5th 1:04PM (Cam 1/2) Feeds back after veto meeting. Jessica did not use veto WATCH HERE!
August 5th 1:26PM (Cam 1/2) “The Six” talk in the HN room. WATCH HERE!
August 5th 6:16PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson gets first “Dr Alien” punishment- he is covered in colored “slime” WATCH HERE!
August 5th 11:03PM (Cam 1/2) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
August 4th 10:25AM (Quad Cam) HGs gather in the living room after Jack’s “Allen the Alien” punishment WATCH HERE!
August 4th 4:25PM (Cam 3/4) Jessica has a meltdown and throws pillows about Jack WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 4:45PM (Cam 3/4) Jess, Cliff and Nicole dance and celebrate Jess’ POV win. WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 8:16PM (Cam 1/2) Jess talks about not trusting Nick WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 8:52PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole rants again about the others treatment of Cliff WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 9:01PM (Cam 3/4) Tommy gets his punishment costume WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 9:06PM (Quad Cam) Tommy’s first mission (Speed of Light) WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 9:55PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy’s mission “Speed of Sound” WATCH HERE!
August 3rd 11:43PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy’s mission “Speed of Smell” WATCH HERE!
August 2nd 1:22AM (Cam 1/2) Jessica’s “Big Move” HOH room speech WATCH HERE!
August 2nd 11:43AM (Cam 3/4) Tommy “apologizes” to Kat for the pre show fight and possible vote flip WATCH HERE!
August 2nd 4:12PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back after nominations (Jack/Jackson nominated) WATCH HERE!
August 1st 12:07AM (Cam 1/2) Jack/Jackson talk Christie again. Jackson gets very heated WATCH HERE!
August 1st 10:31AM (Cam 3/4) Jack tells Christie about Sam’s campaign against her WATCH HERE!
August 1st 2:13PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson tells Jack that Holly/Kat know each other WATCH HERE!
August 1st 8:16PM (Quad Cam) Jessica wins HOH-convos are happening all over the house
August 1st 9:01PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy tells Kat he won’t work with Jackson anymore. WATCH HERE!
August 1st 11:28PM (Quad Cam) Jessica’s HOH room reveal WATCH HERE!
July 31st 2:04PM (Cam 1/2) Dance rehearsals start-Tommy tells Sam to postpone his campaigning.
July 31st 2:26PM (Cam 3/4) Sam tells Nick that Jackson says there are cracks in The Six WATCH HERE!
July 31st 2:36PM (Cam 1/2) Nick/Nicole gametalk they decide to feed Kat lies because she is a mole.
July 31st 6:01PM (Quad Cam) Dance-Flash Mob WATCH HERE!
July 30h 3:05PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff gives Nicole a pep talk WATCH HERE!
July 30th 5:49PM (Quad Cam) Analyse hides in a garbage can in the storage room WATCH HERE!
July 30th 6:18PM (Cam 3/4) Analyse scares Jackson WATCH HERE!
July 29th 12:41AM (Cam 1/2) Christie confronts Sam about game. WATCH HERE!
July 29th 1:45AM (Cam 1/2) Analyse and Tommy realize that Kat is the mole. WATCH HERE!
July 29th 1:35PM (Quad Cam) Feeds return and Kat is the replacement nominee WATCH HERE!
July 29th 3:24PM (Cam 1/2) Six Shooters Meeting WATCH HERE!
July 29th 11:11PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson has food poisoning WATCH HERE!
July 28th 2:47PM (Quad Cam) Christie/Tommy fully covere by poison ivy “treatment”
July 28th 2:57PM (Quad) Tommy gives dance lessons WATCH HERE!
July 28th 9:34PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole camtalks in the hammock WATCH HERE!
July 27th 11:12AM (Cam 3/4) Sam/Nicole gametalk WATCH HERE!
July 27th 1:09PM (Quad Cam) Veto players were picked. WATCH HERE!
July 27th 8:09PM (Quad Cam) Nick wins veto WATCH HERE!
July 27th 8:32PM (Cam 3/4) Nick cam-talks, shoutouts WATCH HERE!
July 27th 9:21PM (Cam 1/2) Analyse/Sam gametalk. She tells him renom options are Nicole and Kat
July 27th 10:19PM (Cam 1/2) Tommy and Christie return with more poison ivy “treatment”
July 27th 11:28PM (Cam 1/2) Christie tells Analyse she thinks Holly/Jackson are working with Nick and Sam.
July 26th 12:56AM (Quad cam) Holly gets her HOH room WATCH HERE!
July 26th 4:02PM (Cam 3/4) Christie and Tommy’s Poison Ivy punishment costumes WATCH HERE!
July 26th 4:56PM (Cam 3/4) Nick/Sam stratergize and then Nick cam talks WATCH HERE!
July 26th 9:57PM (Quad Cam) HNs chosen-Jessica, Nicole and Sam WATCH HERE!
July 25th 12:37AM (Cam 1/2) Bella chats with Holly. Some game, some personal stuff. WATCH HERE!
July 25th 12:48AM (Cam 1/2) Bella chats with Cliff. Long convo WATCH HERE!
July 25th 2:01AM (Cam 3/4) Christie and Tommy chat in the treehouse about other HGs, Tommy’s convo with Sam and that Jackson “had a mental breakdown” and is “off his meds” WATCH HERE!
July 25th 7:13AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson wakes Bella up with coffee in bed, they chat in the SR He tells her she doesn’t have the votes to stay. WATCH HERE!
July 25th 11:03AM (Cam 3/4) Kat crying in upstairs hallway about being yelled at by Jackson again. Tommy and Jack console her. WATCH HERE!
July 25th 1:05PM (Cam 3/4) Christie and Sam convo, he confronts her about some things he heard. She talks about Nick. WATCH HERE!
July 25th 1:38PM (Cam 1/2) Kat says Jackson makes her “feel unsafe” in the house…not game related.
July 25th 1:45PM (Cam 1/2) Nick and Jack clear the air, Nick is tired of personal jabs and comments about Jack staying while he is still on the block WATCH HERE!
July 25th 1:48PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson says he had to walk away from Kat or he would have “run her”
July 25th 7:03PM (Quad cam) Poison Ivy Endurance Comp begins WATCH HERE!
July 25th 7:49PM (Quad cam) Jackson pees himself during the HOH comp WATCH HERE!
July 25th 9:12PM Holly wins HOH. WATCH HERE!
July 24th 12:07AM (Cam 3/4) Bella/Cliff HOH chat about her campaign WATCH HERE!
July 24th 1:19AM (Cam 3/4) Brief Clff-Notes WATCH HERE!
July 24th 11:32AM (Cam 1/2) Jack campaigns to Nicole WATCH HERE!
July 24th 11:44AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole asks for America to cast her vote for her via a toll free number.
July 24th 12:55PM (Quad cam) BB “Top Model” Draft WATCH HERE!
July 24th 1:20PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole/Cliff tell Sam about the internet sites and fans that update the live feeds 24/7 WATCH HERE!
July 24th 3:13PM (Quad Cam) Big Brother’s “Next Big Look” Competition WATCH HERE!
July 24th 10:40PM (Cam 1/2) Nick asks Bella to be his girlfriend WATCH HERE!
July 24th 11:48PM (Quad Cam) HGs play “Guess the foot and Guess the hand” Game
July 23rd 3:47AM (Cam 1/2) Did Jackson hide food behind the trash can? WATCH HERE!
July 23rd 3:07PM (Cam 1/2) Cliff’s Angels forms WATCH HERE!
July 23rd 3:34PM (Cam 3/4) Tommy comes clean to Sam about lying regarding the “Flaming 5”
July 23rd 9:19PM (Cam 1/2) Bella campaigns to Holly and Jackson WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 2:30AM (Cam 1/2) Bella “sneaks” into Cliff’s room with her plan to have Christie not use her power, Cliff to lie about who he is going to use as replacement nom. WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 9:14AM (Cam 3/4) Christie/Analyse talk about Nick, The “plan” Etc WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 9:22AM (Cam 1/2) Jack/Jackson talk in BY. WATCH HERE!
Jackson: They’re (Nick/Bella) like puppies. They shit on the rug and you have to rub their nose in it.
July 22nd 10:17AM (Cam 1/2) Sam tells Cliff to let Christie use her power to flush it out. WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 1042AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff/Christie shake on their deal. Cliff will use Bella as a replacement nom and Christie keeps her power. The Six keep Cliff safe at least 2 weeks. WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 10:58AM (Cam 1/2) Sam tells Bella that Cliff is using her as the replacement nom.
July 22nd 12:04PM Nick/Cliff talk in the kitchen. Nick tells Live Feeders just to turn off the feeds, that Jack will win BB21 and that this is now like BB19 and everyone following Paul. WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 7:39PM (Cam 3//4) Jackson eating in the shower again? Called to DR mid-shower.
July 22nd 8:21PM (Quad Cam) Sam calls a house meeting WATCH HERE!
July 22nd 10:05PM (Cam 1/2) Bella/Nick and Nicole all clear the air, Nick/Bella apologize. All hug.
July 22nd 11:38PM (Cam 1/2) Nick, Bella, Sam hugging in the RV. All are very emotional, crying. Bella tells Sam to win it for “those boys” WATCH HERE!
July 21st 10:54AM (Cam 3/4) Christie tells Holly about her deal with Cliff WATCH HERE!
July 21st 12:08PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff/Nicole chat about deal, count votes WATCH HERE!
July 21st 1:55PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson/Cliff chat about veto plan WATCH HERE!
July 21st 3:34PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson eating in the HN shower? WATCH HERE!
July 21st 7:48PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson hides in his shorts pockets WATCH HERE!
July 21st 7:55PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson eating in HN shower again? WATCH HERE!
July 21st 8:37PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole’s message to Cliff’s family WATCH HERE!
July 21st 9:54PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson and Holly “Break up” WATCH HERE!
July 21st 10:25PM (Cam 3/4) Bella/ Christie “clear the air” WATCH HERE!
July 21st 11:33PM (Cam 3/4) Jack’s “rice pudding” comment WATCH HERE!
July 20th 9:35AM (Quad Cam) Veto Draw-Jack uses his chaos power. WATCH HERE!
July 20th 10:25AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Kat chat. “If this doesn’t work we’re all gone”
July 20th 4:18PM (Quad Cam) Cams back from Veto-Jackson wins-HGs discuss the comp
July 20th 6:44PM (Cam 1/2) Bella has complete breakdown about her outside life.
July 20th 7:08PM (Cam 1/2) Christie/Cliff discuss her power. WATCH HERE!
July 20th 9:40PM (Quad Cam) 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
July 19th 12:20AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson’s plan to be a pawn WATCH HERE!
July 19th 2:09AM (Quad Cam) Cliff gets his HOH room WATCH HERE!
July 19th 2:34AM (Cam 1/2) Jackson’s pitch to Cliff WATCH HERE!
July 19th 2:57AM (Cam 1/2) Christie tells Cliff about her power WATCH HERE!
July 19th 2:21PM (Cam 1/2) Sam tells Cliff about Gr8ful WATCH HERE!
July 19th 2:48PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson tells Cliff about Ovi’s power WATCH HERE!
July 19th 3:04PM (Cam 1/2) Cliff/Nicole HOH Chat WATCH HERE!
July 19th 4:44PM (Quad) Cams back after Jack/Jackson nominated WATCH HERE!
July 18 10:45am (Cams 3/4) Nicole campaigns to Christie. WATCH HERE!
July 18 1:40pm (Cams 3/4) Holly tells Kat about the plan to vote out Cliff. WATCH HERE!
July 18 2:03pm (Cams 3/4) Kat tells Cliff he has her vote. WATCH HERE!
July 18 7:36pm Feeds back after live eviction. WATCH HERE!
July 17 11:38am (Cams 1/2) Jack will make anyone who didn’t follow the rule of no game talk stay in the camp comeback room. WATCH HERE!
July 17 2:09pm (Cams 3/4) Kemi vents to Sam about Jack and Nick. WATCH HERE!
July 16 2:40am (Cams 3/4) Christie takes Kemi’s Camp Comeback bathing suit and Kat tries it on.
July 16 2:33pm (Cams 3/4) Jackson is annoyed that Ovi is eating MnMs and makes him swap for a bag with less MnMs in it. WATCH HERE!
July 16 3:34pm (Cams 1/2) Ovi and David talk about how they are treated as people in Camp Comeback.
July 16 4:36pm (Cams 3/4) Ovi and David give a tour of Camp Comeback. WATCH HERE!
July 16 7:33pm (Cams 1/2) Tommy tells Michie his plan if he wins HOH. WATCH HERE!
July 16 7:38pm (Cams 1/2) Sam tells Nick and Bella about his game talk with David. WATCH HERE!
July 15 12:18pm (Cams 1/2) Christie tells Kat she thinks she’s going up as a replacement nom.
July 15 1:06pm (Cams 1/2) Nick talks to Christie and tells her he’s not putting her up. WATCH HERE!
July 15 2:12pm (All 4 cams) Feeds back from Veto Ceremony WATCH HERE!
July 15 2:41pm (Cams 3/4) Christie tells Nick and Bella about her Diamond Power of Veto.
July 14 4:15pm (Cams 3/4) Jack gives Kemi “perspective” about putting her bottle in the fridge.
July 13 12:19am (Cams 3/4) bella and nicole talk with Tommy mediating. WATCH HERE!
July 13 1:37am (Cams 1/2) holly and michie comfort Nicole. WATCH HERE!
July 13 5:44pm (Cams 1/2) nicole apologizes to bella and then asks to talk to her. They talk with kat mediating.
July 13 6:11pm (Cams 1/2) nicole and nick talk with tommy and holly mediating. WATCH HERE!
July 13 7:20pm (Cams 1/2) tommy, christie, and jack talk about keeping nicole. WATCH HERE!
July 12th 5:08pm (Cams 1/2) Christie tells Tommy about winning DPOV. WATCH HERE!
July 12th 6:33pm (Cams 1/2) Feeds come back after Nom ceremony. Majority of houseguests meet in HOH about Nicole.
July 12th 6:45pm (Cams 1/2) Jackson tells Nicole it’s not a good time to come in HOH
July 12th 8:56pm (Cams 1/2) Nicole explains to kemi what is going on. WATCH HERE!
July 12th 9:49pm (Cams 3/4) Cliff and Christie come clean to each other. WATCH HERE!
July 11th 12:15AM (Cam 1/2) Tommy/Jackson discuss lying to Cliff/Nicole about the vote
July 11th 1:01AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson/Kemi chat- “We have a mutual enemy” WATCH HERE!
July 11th 3:07PM (cam 1/2) Kemi tells Nicole her eviction speech WATCH HERE!
July 11th 7:23PM (Cam 3/4) Bella/Kemi fight WATCH HERE!
July 11th 7:35PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson tells Holly he was the rogue vote WATCH HERE!
July 11th 8:05PM (Cam 1/2) Bella tells Nicole that Christie overheard Cliff Notes
July 11th 8:22PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole Cam talks WATCH HERE!
July 11th 11:02PM (Quad) Kemi’s Camp Comeback outfit reveal, she trips and falls.
July 11th 11:21PM (Quad) Nick’s HOH room reveal WATCH HERE!
July 10th 8:37AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff’s notes-Jackson overhears WATCH HERE!
July 10th 10:53AM (Cam 3/4) Sam discusses flipping the vote with Kemi. WATCH HERE!
July 10th 11:46AM (Cam 3/4) Bella tells Kemi about Gr8ful and about Zing WATCH HERE!
July 10th 2:53PM (Cam 1/2) Kemi asks Jack to talk, he wants a witness (Tommy) WATCH HERE!
July 10th 10:58PM (Cam 1/2) Sam tells Nicole about the 8/9 person alliance WATCH HERE!
July 9th 9:34AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
July 9th 9:49AM (Cam 1//2 and Quad) Christie eavesdrops on Cliff Notes-hears his whole gameplan.
July 9th 2:04PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff’s mouse prank goes wrong, Jackson hurts his foot again. WATCH HERE!
July 9th 6:45PM (Cam 3/4) Bells tells Sam about Gr8ful WATCH HERE!
July 8th 1:58AM (Quad cam) Nick and Christie talk about Jack, Tommy and Sam. WATCH HERE!
July 8th 3:17AM (Cam 3/4) Christie tells Tommy that Jack won the Chaos Whacktivity WATCH HERE!
July 8th 9:31AM (Cam 1/2) Kemi’s Pet Peeve WATCH HERE!
July 8th 11:54AM (Cam 3/4) Kemi and Bella talk after the veto ceremon about Kemi’s convo with Jackson.
July 8th 12:04PM (Cam 1/2) Bella confronts Jackson about his conversation with Kemi WATCH HERE!
July 8th 12:21PM (Cam 3/4) Kemi rants to self/cams in storage room about Bella WATCH HERE!
July 8th 1:02PM (Cam 3/4) Bella/Kemi argue about Bella confronting Jackson with what Kemi told her.
July 8th 1:36PM (Cam 3/4) Jack asks Jackson to clarify his Kemi convo and why he did it. WATCH HERE!
July 8th 11:07PM (Cam 3/4) Nick and Analyse discuss her dating life and the shower sex with Jack.
July 7th 1:01AM (Quad Cam) Jackson: If it was six inches further BB: That’s what she said!
July 7th 8:05AM (Quad Cam) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
July 7th 10:29AM (Cam 3/4) Analyse “Kisses and tells” about HOH shower sex to Holly/Christie
July 7th 2:30PM (Cam 3/4) Jessica campaigns to Sam to use the POV on her. WATCH HERE!
July 7th 3:29PM (Quad Cam) Sam comes out of the DR with a letter from his wife. His Pops (wife’s grandfather) passed away. WATCH HERE!
July 7th 7:00PM (Quad Cam) HGs sing Happy Birthday and made cakes for Kemi and Jack.
July 7th 8:30PM (Cam 1/2) Jack tells Christie he won the Whacktivity Chaos comp WATCH HERE!
July 7th 11:00PM (Cam 1/2) Kemi makes her second pitch to Sam to use the POV on her.
July 7th 11:48PM (Cam 3/4) Gr8ful gathers at the Hammock and all agree to vote out Kemi.
July 6th 7:53AM (Quad Cam) Cliff Notes WATCH HERE!
July 6th 12:34 PM (Cam 3/4) Tommy gives Bella a foot massage, the cameras love it.
July 6th 1:11PM (Cam 3/4) Tommy tells Nick he looks like a 20-something Santa would look. Nick isn’t thrilled.
July 6th 1:26PM (Cam 1/2) Jessica tells Analyse that Bella is targeting her. WATCH HERE!
July 6th 5:50PM (Quad cam) Cams back from POV (Sam wins!) HGs talking about Tyler BB20 hosting comp. Jackson says he doesn’t think Tyler likes him. WATCH HERE!
July 6th 6:00PM (Quad Cam) Kemi makes her first pitch to Sam to save her with the veto. WATCH HERE!
July 6th 7:27PM (Quad Cam) Tommy tells Christie he’d nominate Sam/Nick if he wins HOH, with a possible Jack BD
July 6th 8:27PM (Quad Cam) Booze Delivery! Tommy shotguns a beer. WATCH HERE!
July 6th 9:10PM (Cam 1/2) Kat reveals her ex-BF was on Desiree’s season of the Bachelorette.
July 5th 7:55AM (Quad Cam) “Cliff Notes” WATCH HERE!
July 5th 2:53PM (Quad Cam) Feeds back from Whack-tivity comp. HGs discuss it involved snakes.
July 5th 3:07PM (Cam 3/4) Nicole fills in Bella on her theory about the powers. WATCH HERE!
July 5th 4:06PM (Quad Cam) Jack and Kemi talk in the HOH. He “hints” she may be a nom.
July 5th 4:49PM (Quad Cam) Jessica and Jack talk in HOH. He “hints” she may be a nom. WATCH HERE!
July 5th 5:22PM (Cam 1/2) Bella tells Jack about the “Black Widows” WATCH HERE!
July 5th 5:27PM (Cam 1/2) Nick comes into HOH dressed in hat, sports bra and snakeskin shorts.
July 5th 8:20PM (Quad Cam) EARTHQUAKE-Take 2! WATCH HERE!
July 5th 10:20PM (Quad Cam) Ovi and David Debut “Camp Comeback” Uniform WATCH HERE!
July 4th 6:23AM (Cam 1/2) “Cliff Notes” Eventually David comes in to chat game. WATCH HERE!
July 4th 9:26AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff tells Jack about his convo with David WATCH HERE!
July 4th 10:34AM (Quad Cam) EARTHQUAKE! WATCH HERE!
July 4th 10:59AM (Cam 1/2) Cliff tells Jackson about his convo with David. WATCH HERE!
July 4th 12:23PM (Quad) Jackson “breaks up” With Kat WATCH HERE!
July 4th 2:15PM (Cam 1/2) Jack tells Christie about his DR Warning re: Stomp a mud hole. WATCH HERE!
July 4th 2:23PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson leaves DR in tears after a warning about the things he’s been saying.
July 4th 6:17PM (Quad Cam) HGs ready their slip-n-slide for use. 1st HG slides at 6:20PM WATCH HERE!
July 4th 11:57PM (Quad Cam) “Gr8ful” has first full meeting, does hand signal.
July 3rd 12:04AM (Cam 3/4) Kemi goes “missing” WATCH HERE!
July 3rd 12:16AM (Cam 1/2) Jack/Jackson tell Christie and Tommy about Ovi’s power WATCH HERE!
July 3rd 6:00PM (Quad) Feeds back from live show, Jack is HOH, David and Ovi still in the house.
July 3rd 6:37PM (Quad) Jack calls a house meeting and states that no one is to talk game with David/Ovi.
July 3rd 7:36PM (Cam 1/2) Nicole confirms to Ovi that Jack and Tommy have been lying to him re: vote.
July 3rd 10:48PM Jack gets his HOH room, letter is from his dog-sitter. WATCH HERE!
July 2nd 11:18AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson rants to Tommy about Kat, wants to ask Christie to flip the vote.
July 2nd 2:25PM (Cam 3/4) Jess teaches Nicole and Kat how to selfie WATCH HERE!
July 2nd 5:12PM (Cam 3/4) Bella scolds Jack in the storage room. WATCH HERE!
July 2nd 10:17PM (Cam 3/4) Bella hints to Ovi that it looks like he will be evicted and gives him a pep talk.
July 2nd 11:32PM (Cam 3/4) Ovi tells Jack and Jackson he won the Nightmare power WATCH HERE!
July 2nd 11:41PM Jack and Jackson discuss Ovi’s power, what to do about it. “What did we just get hit with?”
July 1st 11:47AM (Cam 3/4) Bella and Christie discuss Jack/Analyse, Nick joins WATCH HERE!
July 1st 1:26PM (cam 3/4) Jack says production warned him to be careful what he says so things can’t be “taken out of context” WATCH HERE!
July 1st 4:37PM (Cam 3/4) Inside lockdown because Nick hears people yelling from outside
July 1st 8:17 and 8:21PM (Cam 1/2) Bella/Nick discuss their relationship WATCH HERE!
July 1st 10:42PM (Cam 3/4) Jackson and Holly talk about wanting a showmance with each other.
July 1st 12:30AM (Cam 3/4) Jack and Analyse become showmantical. WATCH HERE!
June 30th 12:05PM (Quad Cam) Feeds return from veto ceremony. Sam uses veto on Cliff, Ovi is renom.
June 30th 1:00PM (Cam 1/2) Jess, Kat, Christie, Nicole and Kemi discus starting an all girls alliance.
June 30th 11:10PM (Cam 3/4) Jack tells others in HOH that Kemi makes him want to “Stomp a mudhole through her chest” WATCH HERE!
June 29th 12:29AM (Cam 1/2) Tommy and Bella become the “BB Goblins” WATCH HERE!
June 29th 1:00AM (Cam 3/4) HGs realize all the fish are dead/dying. WATCH HERE!
June 29th 2:04AM (Cam 3/4) Christie and Jack talk about Analyse “She’s perfect” WATCH HERE!
June 29th 9:50AM (Cam 1/2) “Coffee with Cliff” “Cliff’s Notes” Day 2 WATCH HERE!
June 29th 10:43AM (Cam 1/2) Christie starts to fill in Ovi on he veto ceremony plan. WATCH HERE!
June 29th 10:48AM (Cam 3/4) Jack/Holly talk about Nick “He’s a smart fucker” WATCH HERE!
June 29th 10:50AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson makes a “deal” with Cliff “We’re the southern folks” WATCH HERE!
June 29th 11:34AM (Cam 3/4) Christie tells Kemi if veto is used, she may NOM her. WATCH HERE!
June 28th, 1:17AM (Cam 1/2) Ovi cam talks to the live feeders. WATCH HERE!
June 28th 2:17AM (Cam 1/2) Nick and Bella discuss possible showmance. WATCH HERE!
June 28th 2:18AM (Cam 1/2) Nicole crying in the lounge, missing her family. WATCH HERE!
June 28th 3:12AM (Cam 1/2) Bella breaks down talking about her father’s death and the guilt she carries.
June 28th 7:44AM (Cam 3/4) Cliff talks to live feeders. WATCH HERE!
June 28th 12:25PM (Cam 1/2-becomes Quad) Backyard FINALLY open on feeds for 1st time.
JUNE 26 – 4:54pm (ALL CAMS) Back from POV Sam won & Kaycee BB20 hosted. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 26 – 10:38pm (CAM 1/2) Christie begins to have doubts about the BD Kemi plan. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 26 – 12:05am (CAM 1/2) Christie crying about BD Kemi to Tommy. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 25 – 12:36am (QUAD) Cams return from POV player picks. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 25 – 12:59am (CAM 1/2) First “Tears” on feeds. Kathryn crying to Tommy in the lounge.
JUNE 25 – 11:33pm (CAM 3/4) Ovi “massages” & “touching people” convo, plus backdoor Kemi plan.
JUNE 25 – 10:49pm (CAM 1/2) Jackson/Holly worried about Jack being a threat. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 25 – 9:12pm (CAM 3/4) Kathryn/Jessica confirming Kathryn is a nom. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 25 – 9:00pm (QUAD) Feeds go live (Quad Cam) WATCH HERE!
August 5th 10:00AM (Cam 3/4) Bird attacks and poops (?) on Christie
August 2nd 9:34AM (Cam 1/2) Jessica learns about the “Sex Stool” from the HOH shower
July 31st 11:00PM (Quad Cam) Holly takes Kat on a wine date WATCH HERE!
July 30th 12:37PM (Cam 1/2) Nick does Jackson’s “body count” Zing WATCH HERE!
July 28th 3:12PM (Cam 3/4) Cliff falls off kitchen bench WATCH HERE!
July 26th 3:34AM (Cam 3/4) Analyse scares Tommy WATCH HERE!
July 10th 1:29AM (Cam 1/2) David’s Peanut Butter Jelly song. WATCH HERE!
July 6th 1:19 PM (Cam 3/4) Bella “changes the boys diapers” WATCH HERE!
July 3rd 10:26PM (Quad) Jack challenges Bella to “Odds Are” with mayo and a glass of hotdog water.
July 2nd 12:02PM (Quad Cam) Tommy’s Dance lessons WATCH HERE!
July 2nd 2:10PM (Cam 1/2) More dance lessons with Tommy, featuring Cliff WATCH HERE!
July 1st 10:04PM (Cam 1/2) Jackson bench presses Kemi WATCH HERE!
July 1st 9:17PM (Cam 3/4) Kemi finds a bee in her hair! WATCH HERE!
July 1st 5:15PM (Quad cam) HGs play hide and seek WATCH HERE!
June 28th 1:17AM (Cam 3/4) HGs gather in kitchen, give “Background Stories” to other HGs.
JUNE 26 – 9:23pm (CAM 1/2) HGs wish Cliff’s son Dan a Happy Birthday. WATCH HERE!
July 6th 11:47PM (Cam 1/2) Jack/Analyse kiss in HOH bed (leads to much more-first shower time) WATCH HERE!
June 29th 9:55AM (Cam 3/4) Jackson wanders around in tight boxer briefs, showing off his package.
JUNE 26 – 8:08pm (CAM 1/2) Jackson admits he and Kathryn had sex pre-feeds. WATCH HERE!
JUNE 25 – 9:22pm (CAM 4) Jackson prepares for shower, drops towel. WATCH HERE!
AND DON’T FORGET… we are doing YouNow shows all season when the feeds go down so make sure you BECOME A FAN there! We will of course be doing recap shows and interviews too! Whenever something goes down on the feeds we will get on social media via YouNow or Twitter to discuss LIVE with you! We will also have recap blogs after every episode and speaking of episodes we will also be live on YowNow live tweeting during them! Still want more? Then become a Patreon for EXCLUSIVE content, giveaways, access to reality stars and become a member of the private Patreon group!
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We also have a BRAND NEW TWITTER ACCOUNT which we will be using solely for our Live Feed updates. It’s a great way for you to find out what is going down as it happens 24/7 on the live feeds! We wanted to keep it separate from our MAIN TWITTER ACCOUNT which covers all our shows because we love you and don’t want to fill up your timelines! Plus we will be posting news, gossip and spoilers there about BB21 exclusively too and we don’t like to spoil on our main twitter account. Now while twitter is a great way to get your 140 character live feed updates sometimes you just
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