Though he put his 2 best allies on the block, Ryan has a plan to save them both. He did it to get the house behind him. It was crucial that he nominate Andrew as it was the group consensus after his actions last week trying to flip the house. Andrew says in DR that nominating him and Hamza was a weak move on Ryan’s part. He thought they were cool. They both came on BB to make big moves, but he was wrong. After noms, Ali is making a sandwich in the pantry. Andrew comes in and starts talking to her about being on the block. He tried to get her voted out last week, so she is thinking tit for tat. She thinks that he is looking for sympathy. She gives him none. He says that he must fight for the veto. Eye roll.
Then Andrew goes to talk to Ryan, who he guilt-trips. He’s the king of guilt trips. Ryan tells him that he wants him to win the veto and is trying to put together a plan in that will save both him and Hamza. He asks him to please trust him. In DR, Andrew says that he wants to replace either nominee with Olivia because she hasn’t talked game with him at all.
Ali and Jesse are talking about Ryan. She says that she likes his noms, he’s a man of his word and he knows the game better than anyone. She is low-key trying to form a secret alliance with him, which I gathered from the feeds when she was talking to him about working together. Ali is a floater!
The houseguests are treated to game night with Twister and a pizza party. They have a supersized Twister board and are excited to get to take a break from the game to play games. They are seeing sides of each other that they’ve never seen before. Kaela is staring at Derek thinking how hot he looks after he is eliminated. In the end, Paras wins. I’m low-key hoping I don’t write that sentence at the end of the season. The jealousy in her is REAL towards Olivia and Erica. She wants Erica out because she is smart, pretty, funny and social—her words on feeds. She wants Olivia out because she asked Paras if she and Jesse have a thing. When Paras said no and told Olivia to go for it, Paras has told everyone who will listen that Olivia said she is the jealous type if a guy is friends with girls. That never came out of Olivia’s mouth. Her issue with Olivia becomes a little clearer in the next paragraph.
Jesse and Paras are flirting with each other, and they say that they shouldn’t get into a showmance. It would be bad for their games, yet they continue making eyes at each other, and Jesse cuddles up to her and shows her that he can hop to the other bed so that no one catches on. It looks like The Real Deal is possibly going to have 2 showmances. Eye roll.
Hamza says to Andrew that he enjoys being on the dark side. Andrew tells Hamza that Ryan has a plan and asks if he trusts Ryan. Hamza says he does but this is very risky. Andrew says that he came in trying to dunk like Shaq, and he says to Canada that he gets it; sometimes, you just have to go with the flow. Andrew goes on to say that these people aren’t big ballers; they’re playing little ball and he and Hamza are Big Ballers. (That’s a name brand in the US, BBCAN. You just gave them free publicity. What will Hasbro and Wendy’s say? #SponsorProblems)
Ryan calls everyone to the living room to pick players for the Veto comp. He’s doing a dance. Veronica says he’s got moves, to which he replies “Yeah, B-Cups.” Veronica says that she said moves, not boobs. He says he was talking about his BB Cans. LMAO—Spit my drink out. Those are C Cups, for sure. Johnny, Jesse and Erica are picked to play, and Ali is hosting.
After the veto draw, Ryan says that he needs to convince Jesse, Johnny and Erica to throw the comp for his backdoor Olivia plan to work. Ryan tells Johnny not to win the veto because then he’ll have 3 out of 4 comp wins, making him a bigger threat. He tells Erica that collectively, she’s seen as a social threat. He tells her that winning will create a bigger target on her back. She thinks he’s full of shit by the look on her face. When Ryan tells Jesse to throw the comp, Jesse thinks Ryan is up to no good.
After these three awkward conversations. Jesse, Johnny and the rest of the red room are talking about why Ryan wants them to throw the comp. Ryan comes in and says that collectively, it may not be so bad to have 1 of the nominees come down and to put up a replacement nominee, but they are sticking with the original plan. They question why putting up another nominee is necessary if they are sticking with the plan. Everyone is looking at him like he’s lost his damn mind. It’s very awkward, with him telling them that after watching 26 seasons, he is having a ‘Dad’ moment with them. WTF?? Talk about overplaying your hand and sketching people out. For someone that brags about having an IQ of 153, he didn’t think this week through very well.
For the Tomb Raider veto comp, the players are told that they are play for POV, $5K and a private screening of the Tomb Raider movie. This is easily one of the most impressive competitions that I’ve seen on BB ever. First, the players are tied up. They must get themselves untied, shoot an arrow at their first puzzle piece to knock it down and then gather their color coordinated puzzle pieces to solve the puzzle back at the start of the comp. To get to their puzzle pieces, they must climb a huge wall using a rope, jump over a pit, dig through dirt and carry the puzzle pieces back one at a time. Once they solve their puzzle, there is a symbol code that they must memorize and enter at the end of the comp, where they must once again climb over the wall, jump the pit, then climb a ladder to enter the code. Erica is the only one that gathers all her puzzle pieces on her first trip over the wall. Then she just grabs one at a time and brings them back.
Ryan and Andrew complain in DR that this comp wasn’t made for fat people. Andrew is laying in the dirt and tells a wheezing Ryan he can’t finish the comp. Hamza and Erica are the only ones that bring all their pieces back and are solving their puzzles. Erica bests Hamza in solving her puzzle, climbs the ladder but doesn’t have the code properly memorized. This gives Hamza hope that he may get back in the competition. Erica races back to her puzzle then memorizes what she has wrong and corrects her code to win the POV. She says in DR that as the only girl competing in the comp, she feels like Lara Croft and is glad she showed the boys up.
After the competition, a dejected Ryan is pissed that $5K prize ruined any chance of Johnny, Jesse and Erica throwing the competition. Did he honestly think he sold any of them on throwing the comp? He’s pissed and knows that this throws a wrench in his backdoor Olivia plan. Ryan is too much a student of the game to have put his two closest allies on the block as pawns, hoping that he or Andrew could outmaneuver 20-somethings in a physical competition. Now, he realizes that Andrew is probably going home for sure. Nevertheless, Ryan tries to get Erica to use the POV to make a big move. He lies to her, saying that he would put Maddy on the block, and they would have the votes to send her home. Erica is looking at him like he’s a fool, but says she’ll think about it.
Erica and Hamza have developed a genuine friendship. She tells him that if she thought there was even the slightest chance that he was going home, she would use the veto on him. She says that he knows that she loves him and would prefer to not rock the boat by changing the noms. He says that if he couldn’t win it, he’s glad that she did. They hug each other.
Andrew also takes a turn at trying to get Erica to pull him off the block. They’ve had a rocky week with how he behaved when she eliminated him from the HOH comp. She tells him that he’s a great person and knows good things are in his future after this.
At the POV Ceremony, Erica gives Andrew and Hamza an opportunity to say why she should use the veto on them. Neither of them gives a compelling argument, and Ryan looks like he smelled a fart when Erica says that their gameplay is what landed them in the nomination seats. She is going to honor Ryan’s nominations by not using the POV.
Who will be evicted on Thursday? It most certainly looks like it will be Andrew.
Before you go, please comment below. What do you think of the season so far? Did Canada Cast the best new houseguests with Merron and Veronica?
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