Oh, joy. Dillon, the obnoxious, aggressive Canadian Heavyweight Boxing Champ won Power of Veto. He’s another #DevinHasADaughter only this time it’s #DillonHasANiece. He literally cried for over an hour when he lost the HOH comp to Demetres. First, I thought Demetres was going to be this season’s D-Bag, but instead it’s Dillon. (And Bruno. And Kevin.)
For two days, Demetres wavered between putting up Dallas or Jackie as the Replacement Nominee. He even told Dallas that he was putting up Jackie. Then, he didn’t.

To prove his loyalty to the vets and Demetres, Dallas told Demetres that Dillon was bad for his game and to prove it, he was going to publicly tell Dillon in front of the whole house that he is now Dallas’s target. Boom goes the dynamite! So many F bombs, so many crushing blows to Dillon’s bruised ego. Since Veto Ceremonies aren’t shown on live feeds, we will have to wait until tonight’s show to see Dallas’s speech. But we got to see the aftermath on live feeds.
Cassandra and Ika were getting very chummy, putting aside their Week 1 differences and trying to build a 3-person alliance with Demetres. Or so Ika wanted Cassandra to believe. Then, Ika and Cassandra started keeping their distance again so the other vets didn’t become suspicious. While they both agree that it is better for their games to keep Dallas and evict Emily, the rest of the veterans don’t think so (i.e. Kevin and Bruno want to keep her even through she’s after Ika and Sindy.)
Most members of the name TBD alliance of 6 (Ika, Sindy, Neda, Demetres, Kevin and Bruno) don’t realize that they are playing into Bruno and Kevin’s hands by evicting Dallas. It remains to be seen what is going to happen during Thursday night’s eviction with people promising Dallas their votes and then saying otherwise behind his back. Emily and Dillon have gone so far as to say that the fight was staged as Emily campaigns to stay, but most houseguests realize that’s not the case. Dallas even packed his bag and switched bedrooms to get away from Dillon.
Cassandra is trying to stop campaigning so hard for Dallas so she doesn’t blow up her own game, but continues to keep hope alive in potential votes from herself, Gary, Jackie, Dre, William, Ika, even Karen and potential others like Neda or Kevin to vote to keep Dallas. She is hoping that Demetres realizes getting out Emily is best for her, Ika and his game, because Dillon will be a lone wolf with Dillon’s best friend Dallas alienating him in front of the house and his potential showmance Emily leaving.
Around midnight, Dallas pulled Cassandra into the pantry and told her that he plans to go pots and pans tomorrow a la Evel Dick, making sure to call out Bruno, Sindy with an S for Snake, Kevin, Dillon and Emily. He’s hoping this will either save him by pointing out multiple vet targets, alliances and side alliances, but realizes he could be sealing his fate. Cassandra and Ika are going to try once more Wednesday morning to get Demetres to move the target to Emily, but he seems kind of set on sending Dallas out as of now. It’s Big Brother; a lot can change in 36 hours. Be ready for LIT feeds Wednesday morning!
And before you go… please comment below and let us know what you think! Who do you think will win? Are you excited for this season? Let me know!
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