Jesse is pissed after noms. Hamza says that he wanted to shock the house by putting up Jesse. His goal with his HOH is to cause chaos. Hamza wants to see how Jesse reacts to being on the block. Hamza tells Jesse after noms that no one realizes that he, Derek, Jesse and Will are a thing.
Paras is upset that Jesse is on the block. He’s very nonchalant about it, saying he’s not worried. She tells him not to be naïve, that Hamza wants to make big moves which may mean he ends up on the block next to Derek on eviction night. She tells him that Liv told her that Hamza said she isn’t the target. He says he’s not worried
about it. In DR, Paras says, “Jesse, you should be worried.”
Derek and Hamza talk, and Derek asks him to swear on his fiancé’s life that he’ll pull Jesse down if he wins the veto. In DR, Hamza says you want to hear me promise on Caroline’s life, I’ll tell you what you want to hear. Hamza pulls Will into HOH and tells him that it’s best if noms are left the same. In the pantry, someone told Paras that Hamza has wanted ‘pretty boy’ (Derek) out since week one. Derek and Jesse talk about the possibility of either Derek or Kaela being a backdoor target.
For the POV, the players are: Hamza, Jesse, Olivia, Ryan, Erica and Derek. Maddy is the host. For the Fresh off the Block veto competition, Wendy’s is the sponsor which is mentioned every other sentence. There is a $5K prize on the line. The players must walk across a beam, through a garden and then go to the freezers of Wendy’s competitors where they bash a block of ice with a spatula to retrieve a red ball frozen in the center. Once they free a ball from the ice, they come back through the garden and over the beam to use their ball to knock down a series of 10 targets. Once 4 targets are knocked down, they can dig in a garden to find a key that will open a box containing a tool to break through the ice easier. This is a guy’s competition to win as Jesse, Hamza and Derek are beating the shit out of their ice cubes. Erica looks almost frightened by the aggression from Jesse. She and Liv are being outdone by the guys with Erica getting only one ball free from the ice and knocking down 1 target. Olivia gets 0 balls free from the ice. After knocking down 4 targets, when he is tied for first place with Hamza, Jesse goes to the garden to find the key to get the tool to break the ice more easily. He wastes a bunch of time digging for the key. During that time, Hamza continues using the spatula and ends up needing to only knock down 1 more target. When Jesse hears this, he freaks out and runs back into the ice cubes to try and get more balls using the spatula. He comes back with another ball, knocking down another target. Hamza is on his last target, which he successfully knocks down to win the POV and $5K. Jesse throws a hissy fit after the competition.
Jesse says in DR that he doesn’t trust Hamza to pull him off the block and it sucks that his life in this game is in Hamza’s hands. Jesse tells Derek that he thinks that Hamza isn’t good with him because he’s not kissing his ass. Derek advises him that he needs to apologize to Hamza because Hamza felt disrespected.
For the Hasbro House party, everyone is in the HOH room with pizza that the Have Nots also get to enjoy. They play “Hearing Things” with noise cancelling headphones while trying to read their partners lips as they say phrases. Most people don’t guess correctly. Veronica has the hardest time deciphering what Will is saying because he doesn’t enunciate his words and speaks with an accent.
Since Hamza holds all the power this week, he needs to manipulate the houseguests into doing what he wants. Liv comes to Hamza and tells him that Jesse started rallying votes against her immediately after noms. Hamza repeats what he said during nominations, that she needs to trust the process.
Jesse knows that people are saying that he was disrespectful to Hamza. Hamza thinks he is being sour and testy. He warns Derek that Jesse may be ruining his game. He tells him that people are telling him they want Jesse out after how he has been acting. He says that what people are telling him is that he shouldn’t use the veto to take Jesse down. Derek says that Hamza gave Jesse his word that he would use the veto on him. He is pitching hard for Jesse to stay this week, to the point that it pisses Hamza off. He says in DR, you want your boy to stay so bad this week? I’ll use the veto to pull Liv down and put you up and send you home instead. Merron encourages Hamza to use put Derek on the block. Merron doesn’t see Olivia being a threat to his game, but the showmance is.
Before the veto ceremony, Hamza says that keeping noms the same may be best for his game. In Jesse’s speech, he says that Hamza promised on some personal things to take him off the block. Hamza says he has decided not to use the POV. Before he can say, this POV meeting is complete, Jesse stands up and says that Hamza isn’t a man of his word in front of the whole house. Hamza responds with a smirk and by slamming the veto box shut. Afterwards, in DR, Hamza says that Jesse just booked his 1-way ticket out of the house.
Feeds update: Jesse has been campaigning his butt off, going so far as to say he will target the showmance if he can stay. Last I saw before the feeds cut today was Hamza saying that he is 90% sure that Jesse is still going home, but he continues to pitch Will and Hamza at nauseum. We’ll see on Thursday’s episode if his campaigning worked.
Before you go, please comment below. What do you think of the season so far?
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