WELL EVERYONE BIG BROTHER IS BACK! After months of wondering and guessing and throwing out every prediction that could enter one’s mind we finally get to see what CBS and Allison Grodner have in store for us this summer. I am so happy to be back blogging after my break from Big Brother Canada. So lets get this party started and keep the conversation going all summer long!
I will start off by saying that this premier underwhelmed me a little. I’m not sure if it was because of all the hype or we didn’t get to see all the cast in one episode, but I was left wanting more. We start off by watching our first 8 house guests get kidnapped from their lives and dropped into the whirlwind that will be their live for the next 90 days. Anyone else think that Cody’s dad is just a little to kissy? I am going to try and work Fancy Britches into my vocabulary. I love Donny! Paola, Nicole, Frankie, Cody, Amber, Devin and Joey are first to enter into the house. Two of my favorites are in this bunch with Cody and Joey. I am not sure what to think of Nicole. The girl admitted to peeing her pants when she gets excited or laughs to hard! Oh boy, keep her out of the hot tub PLEASE! I really liked Donny going into the game, and I still do which is why I am slightly scared for him. He admits to never leaving his little town in North Carolina and is totally overwhelmed going into that house. Everyone else is totally excited to be there and they all do their introductions to each other. This is going to be an interesting season I can tell already!
I think production is really trying to push us into the showmance direction judging from Diary Room clips and plain ole editing. Cody and Paola ( I refuse to call anyone Pow Pow) are digging each other and Frankie is digging Cody. Anyone think we could have our first threesome showmance in Big Brother history? Amber is totally into Devin and Devin and Joey are totally into each other. Now I don’t know if you guys caught this but Devin checked out Joey and Amber caught that. She did not look to impressed that he was looking at another girl. Joey and Frankie are going to be like Frick and Frack this season. I totally see them being best friends in and outside this house.
These first 8 are playing this game hard, and they are playing fast. Not a couple hours go by and they are discussing strategy. They decide that with more people coming into the house they need to team together and become “The Crazy 8’s” Most of these people are recruits and have barely watched Big Brother US so I know they haven’t seen Big Brother Canada and how “The First Five” imploded. Yes they had more than 5 minutes to feel each other out, but that severly limited their options by pledging a loyalty to 8 people right off the bat.
Devin approaches Donny for an alliance and Donny is all in. The two are a match no one would suspect so if those two can keep this alliance on the down low I can see them going far. I can totally see Paola being the “Andy” of this season. She is quick to bust in and break up bro alliance between Cody and Frankie. Paola has said all along she wants an all girl alliance and calls a girls meeting in the fire room. The girls all agree that yes this is the girls season to win. If these girls can keep their hormones at baby and not scratch each others eyes out over a boy then they can do it. Paola has even named their group and they all seem to agree that “El Cuatro” will be the final 4. What a name! I know somewhere in Vancouver Peter Brown is salivating over this.
Julie comes up on the screen and everyone springs into the living room. She reveals that the HOH competiton will be starting and the first twist of the season. THE HOH IS NOT SAFE! We get our first tidbit of twist with no explanation. It’s killing me. I need to know what is going on this summer. Our first eight are now panicking over what this means. No one knows. We head out to the backyard for the first time this summer and what the heck? Did I step back into BB15 again? The competition is called “Go Fly a Kite” but really we all know its “Bull in a Chinashop” The endurance competition that Gina Marie won last season. Exact same premise, same log covered in fabric, same rules. The backyard is decked out like a beach each house guest has a sand castle in front of them and a kite to told on too. Hold on to your kite for dear life, while the log spins. Let go or fall off and your sand castle is smashed. Paola is the first off within minutes and then we hear it. The creepy crying child that goes off every time a sandcastle is
demolished. Must say not a fan of the creepy crying! Joey falls of next then Big Brother decided to throw sunscreen on them and change the direction of the log. Nicole and Donny are off next. Then Big Brother decided to throw sunscreen on them and change the direction of the log. Devin falls and Amber in what has got to be the most obvious throw of a BB competition falls off because she doesn’t want to win it. FRANKIE IS OUR FIRST HOH. Does this comp seem tailor made to Frankie. A dancer (GM) won this competition last year and dancer has won it this year. What do you guys think? Rigged or no? Frankie begs the rest of The Crazy 8’s to downplay his win to the last 8 that enter. Make it look like a fluke, anything, just don’t tell them it was an endurance competition. I know he doesn’t want to come off as a threat but the desperation was a little to much for me.
Julie then tells us about the Team America twist. Finally we know what we have been voting for and I was not expecting this. We should have figured this out now that I know. Hindsight is always 20/20 right. The question was Who do you want to be alligned with? So the twist is the person with the most votes is the first person in a three person alliance that America is control. Kind of like an America’s player on steroids. We will be voting on the the rest of the alliacne later. America gets to control them, they will get missions. Where is Eric Stein when you need him? Oh yeah, he’s at Adam Poch’s premier party with Eric and Jon! I liked the Ameria’s player twist, so I am digging this twist in theory anyways. We will see how it plays out, but I love the concept. What do you guys think of this twist? Was it anything like you thought it would be? I didn’t see it coming! So tonight is night two of the premier and we finally get to see everyone together and that is exciting. The game doesn’t seem to have started yet so I can’t wait for tonight.
Before tonight make sure you catch up on all our pre-show content. Yesterday was a Big Brother extravaganza here at Your Reality Recaps. First Princess Glammy and I did a little warm up act for Eric and Jon and you can watch that here:
Then Eric and Jon live streamed Adam Poch’s 3rd annual premier party from NYC. The interviewed so many amazing former house guests and even got an exclusive from BB10 evictee Carole. Check all that out here:
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