There are so many changes this season to Big Brother and I think the most obvious one is the new intro. I love it, well I love the graphic part of it. I think it’s super cool and fresh and just what the intro needed to not look so dated. I don’t mind the change to the theme song but it’s not my favorite one they’ve had. I was pretty shocked to see it though. I wasn’t expecting any kind of major change in that department but to me it was a pleasant surprise. BUT OMG! They spelled Jocasta’s name wrong. Someone is gonna get in some TROUBLE! Keep and eye out to see if it gets changed for Wednesday’s show. Haven’t seen the show yet but want to take a minute to see what it looks like? TAKE A PEEK What do you guys think of the intro? With all the changes in the show this season, I think we just need to buckle in and go with the flow. I am sure there are tons more changes in store for us.
Another change we have been waiting to see is the dual HOH rooms. “Who want to see our HOH room?” has been screeched and everyone runs up to the room to check out the personal belongings of the newest Head of Household. I have to say I was a little disappointed. The HOH rooms were revealed and it’s a little odd. We have the two HOH’s and two HOH rooms but they have to decide who gets what room. The main room is the birds nest room complete with bird chirping doorbell and the second room, which was
the old Pandora’s Box room is more of a plain room that reminded me of a hotel room a bit. They each got baskets but we saw no photos, nothing special which is what I as a viewer want to see. Caleb decides that he is going to be in the birds next room and Frankie is in the little room. The good thing about the two HOH rooms is that they can and have been using the second room as the place to strategize. That way you can sit in there and talk with the main door locked and no one can sit outside the door and listen. It has become a “War Room” of sorts.
Caleb and Frankie bond in a way that I don’t think any of us ever saw coming. I don’t think Caleb and Frankie even expected it. They decide that they need to make an all guy alliance and bring in Devin and Derrick. Devin is all in and Derrick puts on an act but knows it’s too early to start an alliance like this. Derricks placement in the room speaks volumes as to how he is feeling about this. After they rope in those two they bring in Zach who is over the moon. This was his dream come true, an alliance that was just dropped in his lap. Cody is next to be brought into the fold and while he pretend to be into it, he really isn’t into it either. Told you are the 6th of a 6 person alliance is a huge red flag. This alliance of 6 is named the Bombsquad and oh my lord I see this alliance blowing up Moving Company style and its going to happen quick. Devin is behaving like he is the Godfather. They bring in the guys and TELL them this is how it is. His attitude is going to wear thin quickly. His paranoia is on high alert and that never bodes well. I forecast a Wyatt from Opposite Worlds type of melt down. I started the season not really thinking much of Devin. I didn’t love him but I didn’t hate him. He was just there for me. But at this point in the episode I dislike this guy immensely. He is still keeping up “Double D” alliance with Donny and I hate that he is duping nice guy Donny and I hope that someone exposes Devin for the douche that he is.
You know it’s a season of recruits when they are shocked that it’s nomination day! Let me start of by saying I HATE THE NEW NOMINATION CEREMONY! I hate everything from start to finish. First they pick eggs to see who gets first picks at nominations. Eggs? Really? I’m sorry but lame. Then the keys come out in the most enormous case I have ever seen. Gone is the spinning wheel for nominations, each HOH has a box that they put the two keys of their nominations in and they bring it downstairs. Even the keys are “wooden”. There is having a theme then there
is over killing your theme, and wooden keys is over killing the theme to me. Everyone gathers around the table and Caleb is up first. He says I nominate and turns a key, and I nominate and turns the other key. The faces pop up on the new memory wall. Frankie goes through the same process. Before I get to nominations let me rant a bit. This is the part I hate the most. You don’t even have to utter the names of the people you are nominating anymore. At least say I nominate Donny and I nominate Paola. It’s an easy way out, and I drives me crazy. What are your thoughts on the new nomination ceremony? I think some things need to stay the same. This season is so different already, they changed to much at once. It’s a game I don’t even recognize right now. At least the fake post-nomination hugging tradition continues I guess.
Caleb nominates Donny and Paola. The reasoning behind it is they were the first man and woman off the kite challenge. Frankie nominates Victoria and Brittany because they were the first two off the barbecue spit. In my opinion these nominations are totally safe and bogus. It gets the least amount of blood on your hands yes, but it has the least amount of impact on the house as well. Except for Frankie’s choice of Victoria. Victoria is pissed to say the least because Frankie is supposed to be her friend. He is doing damage control by saying that Caleb took his nominations but really there are 16 people in the house you had 12 people to choose from and you picked your best friend. While Victoria pretends to understand Frankie’s reasons she’s not so stupid and isn’t trusting him. These are not the nominations I would have made and I am so tired if hearing the words “House Vote” Do what you want people! You know you aren’t a bunch of ants following the queen right? Who would you have nominated this week? If I were Frankie, I would have thrown Hayden up there. He proved himself physically, he is the same body type as Frankie and is proving to have a pretty good social game. I then might have thrown out a Brittany as a pawn. If I were Caleb I would have put up a Cody or Derrick and then a Paola or Nicole. Cody is too similar to Caleb physically. You don’t want to have someone there that will be strong in the competitions you can dominate.
Devin has gone rogue and decided to tell Christine and Amber about The Bombsquad. He decided alone that he needed to bring in two girls to throw off the “All Guys” alliance. He chose Amber because she can be a good smoke screen and Christine because she is a fan of the game and super smart. I love Christine. Her Diary Room killed me. “He trusts me and thank you I appreciate it but you really shouldn’t” were her words. She is playing this game and I am so happy she is one of my picks to win this. Joey is going down in flames because she can’t keep her mouth shut so Christine is all I have left in the girl department. Devin then wakes up poor Caleb out of a dead sleep and says, we have two new members, and Caleb in his sleepy haze has a hard time figuring things out. After informing the rest of the boys everyone decides he’s a loose cannon and now they have to keep him from imploding the alliance. Good luck Bombsquad. RIP Bombsquad you will lay in the graveyard of broken alliances right there beside the Moving Company. What do you think of this alliance? Any chance you think it will last?
Finally we get to see what this Battle of the Block competition will be about. Oh my was this ever hard! It was called The Pouring 20’s. The four nominees worked in teams each of them in a swing. One person job was to swing and fill a glass with champagne. They then had to swing to their partner and fill their glass with their and they had to drop it into a large fruit with berries in it. The first one to make a berry fall out of their flute one battle of the block. Victoria and Brittany got the hang of it quite quickly and started to fill their flute. Paola and Donny on the other hand could not sync up to save their lives. At one point Paola is handing from her swing and Donny is begging her to get up and try again. Finally Paola gets back in they find a rhythm and start to catch up. Victoria and Brittany pull out the win, they are off the block and Frankie is now dethroned from his HOH. Luckily he is part of the Bombsquad so he’s OK this week!
Let me know what you think about everything that happened this episode, I can’t wait to hear what you guys have to say about the changes, the show and the alliances. Don’t forget that Eric, Jon and Miss Cleo go live right after the Wednesday episode. So join them at 9 pm eastern at Tweet them your questions #YRRLIVE to get on the show and hang out with Eric during every episode in our chat room.
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