Vanessa is still in power as the sole Head of Household this week and her nominees James and John are still on the block. The plan to get Jeff backdoored is still in full effect! Will they be able to succeed in getting him on the chopping block? Read on to find out more!
We begin right after Jason and Meg won the Battle of the Block competition. Jason is ecstatic that he is safe and gloating about John and James still being on the chopping block. Vanessa is excited that her nominees are still up for eviction. Now she needs to find a way to get either James or Jeff out without pissing off the others for not nominating Audrey (the house target). James talks to Meg about how “tough” that competition was and how it was made for girls (and gays! Don’t forget the gays!). James also says that he is worried being nominated until Audrey is next to him on the hot seat. Sorry, buddy boy, but I think you’re gonna be sweating a little this week!
Clay meets with Vanessa in the HOH room and asks her whom the target will be this week. She says that James is a bigger threat and that’s the best bet to get her through the week with as little blood on her hands as possible. She tells Austin and Clay that they need to win the POV in order to keep all of the power for the week.
Meanwhile, in the diary room, Liz and Julia are about to do another switch. They seem to be a little bitchier this time as Liz coaches Julia on how to act in the house. “You need to be more bubbly!” “Pull your hair up, it’s too greasy!” “Cold sore! Cold sore!” “Cover your fake tooth! Cover it! DO IT, BITCH!” Okay, maybe those aren’t all exact quotes, but that was the vibe from the whole thing. Their nasally bitching at each other is both annoying and funny at the same time, if that’s possible. With that, switch #9 is complete and Julia stomps back into the house in a huff.
Audrey sneaks up to the HOH room for some lotion. And by “lotion,” I mean she is up there to ask Vanessa where her head is at in the game this week. Vanessa admits that Audrey is not the target this week. In fact, Vanessa WANTS her to win the POV this week so she can use that as the excuse for not putting up Audrey. Thus, the house won’t be coming after Vanessa for failing to get her out. I still don’t understand why Vanessa is so afraid to get a little blood on her hands. That kinda goes with the territory!
Meanwhile, Jeff has a conversation with Austin about Vanessa’s plans. Austin leads him into believing that Vanessa is still gunning for Audrey as a backdoor nominee this week. We all know Jeff isn’t the brightest bulb in the tanning bed, but he says that he wants to get Shelli out of the house. Not a smart thing to say to someone who is secretly aligned with her! You just keep digging your grave, Jeff, you poor dumb fool!
It’s now time to pick players for the veto competition! As usual, only six people compete in the competition. Vanessa wants either Audrey, Shelli, Clay or Austin to get picked because she knows they will all keep the nominations the same. Vanessa pulls Shelli’s name out of the box. John pulls the houseguest choice chip and chooses Austin to compete in the competition. James pulls Audrey’s chip out of the box even though he didn’t want her to be able to play. With James, John, Vanessa, Shelli, Austin and Audrey playing in veto, it’s pretty much a done deal that Audrey will NOT be backdoored this week.
It is now time for the Power of Veto competition once again! We get the dice competition from last season that Donny won. “Gronk and Roll” is a knockout style game in which one player steps up and chooses another player to compete against. The players get inside the giant dice and then the wheel is spun to determine what number they must match. The players must roll around inside their dice and get the correct number showing on the top of their die when they land on the platform. The first houseguest to correctly match their number will remain in the competition and the other is eliminated. This actually looks like a pretty fun comp. Up first are Audrey and Vanessa and Vanessa throws it to let win Audrey win the first round. Next is John, and he knocks
Medusa Audrey out of the competition. James faces off against Austin and gets knocked out of the competition. Shelli chooses to face off with Austin and he leapfrogs his way to another victory and knocks her out. Finally, Austin faces off with John. Austin LIES to us in the diary room and says he threw the competition because it is not in his best interest but that is FALSE because we can clearly see he was beaten by mere seconds as Johnny Mac wins the Power of Veto yet again! Johnny is really impressing me with his comp wins this season! He’s won something every week so far! Maybe soon he can become the male Janelle and be the comp king of #BB17. Now, Vanessa is shitting bricks as she now will be responsible for naming a replacement nominee and will have to go against the house’s wishes of getting Audrey out.
Vanessa yells at Austin in the HOH room for throwing the comp, but he assures her he didn’t throw it. (Oh, he can tell HER the truth, but not us!) She is in full meltdown mode because she absolutely does not want to have to make any more moves and get blood on her hands. Ya shoulda thought of that when you wanted everyone to throw the Battle of the Block for you to stay in power! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!
We are treated to the silly segments of the Gronk party twist for this week’s #BBtakeover. Every time his voice comes over the speakers, they have to drop what they are doing and do what he says or they will be forced to be have-nots for the week. Nothing screams fun like a mandatory party, right? It’s kinda like when the nerdy kid throws a party and no one wants to go to his party, but your mom makes you go or you will be grounded for the week. This is totally what that is! So, the houseguests are forced to attend a toga party in the living room, a shower party, a pool party, a hot tub party and much more. It’s so terrible to watch, because even the houseguests don’t get into it. Here’s a tip, Grodner! If you want a REAL fun party, how about you dip into the budget a little bit and get them some flippin BOOZE!!! Okay, sorry, rant over. I feel better. But not really.
It’s time for the Power of Veto meeting. Of course, as the holder of the POV, Johnny will use it on himself because he’s no idiot. He saves himself from the block and Vanessa is forced to name a replacement. She names Jeff as the replacement nominee, saying he attacked her integrity and lied about her to a room full of people. if you watched the feeds, you know that she spent HOURS trying to come up with a “reason” to give him for his nomination. How about this? “I’m the HOH. I want to nominate you. Deal with it.” Now, either James or Jeff will be evicted next.
Who do you want to see evicted, James or Jeff? Who do you want to win the next HOH? Let me know in the comments below or tweet me @vince1187 and keep this conversation going! 🙂
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