Slowly but surely, the houseguests of Big Brother 17 are dropping like flies! Either James or Jeff will be the third one evicted from the house. Read on to find out what happened during the live eviction episode!
It’s time for yet another twin swap in the diary room. Julia and Liz talk about the houseguests noticing when they make their switches due to visible differences between the two. Julia tells Liz to remember where her loyalties lie. She says that the person who spearheaded the whole twin thing after Da’Vonne left was Jeff. She was basically telling her that Jeff is a threat and needs to go. Meanwhile, Austin has a connection with Liz. By connection, I
mean he’s borderline Caleb from last season and it’s getting kinda creepy. Jeff, on the other hand, is confident that Liz is a twin. He says he doesn’t wanna out her secret (except, he does), but he thinks he can have a private conversation with her and work it to his advantage. Liz, who was told by Julia to STAY AWAY from Jeff, is in bed with him and he tries to pry an admission out of her.
She never admits it to him, but they continue to stay in bed together snuggling or whatever kinda foolishness that was. (What we weren’t shown is what happened later, aka #Masturgate.) Enter Austin, the jealous lover. He finds the two in bed and asks what is going on. He says he “has high testosterone” and is “gonna start raging.” He runs around pissing and moaning to the houseguests and the diary room about how she’s in bed with him, blah blah blah. NEWSFLASH: You’re not married, she can be in bed with whomever she wants… no matter how repulsive and gag-inducing it is!
It is now time for the live vote and eviction. James and Jeff give their speeches before the vote. Nothing really special here, except the shoutouts from Jeff WHICH ANNOY ME TO NO END! So, it’s on to the vote. Jackie is up first and it’s no surprise that she votes to evict James. Austin also votes to evict Jeff. Johnny Mac casts his vote to get rid of James, keeping true to his word to not evict Jeff. Meg votes to evict (sadly… ugh) Jeff. Clay casts his vote to evict Jeff. Clay’s mommy (aka Shelli) also votes to evict Jeff. Steve casts a wonky vote and evicts James. Liz is the big shocker of the evening as she casts her vote to evict James. We were all shocked on that one. Jason votes to evict Jeff. Trainwrecky Becky casts her vote to evict Jeff. Audrey, for the first time this summer, casts a vote with the majority and votes to evict Jeff. By a vote of 7-4, Jeff Weldon is the third person evicted from the house! Jeff exits the house for his interview with the Chenbot. Julie seems to be harboring a special loathing for Jackie because she throws all kinds of shade at her while interviewing Jeff. She says that Jackie is a “floater” and hasn’t done shit while in the house. Jeff tells Julie that whatever Jackie is or isn’t doing is working for her so far because he’s evicted and she’s not.
It’s time to determine the next two Heads of Household in the HOH competition! Julie reveals that this week is ’90s week in the BB house. “Bustin’ Moves” is another true or false comp. The houseguests watch a breakdance performance and then are asked a series of true or false questions based on the performance. This is pretty straightforward and we should get used to these “quickie” HOH comps until the Battle of the Block is retired (hopefully permanently) in a few weeks. James, Jason, Steve and Clay are eliminated right on the first question. Meg and Austin are eliminated next. Question 3 is the clincher. Liz
and Shelli are the only ones to get this one right and are the new Heads of Household! So, now we are left with all this extra time left in the episode, and Julie uses “audience” questions to fill the time. It was embarrassing watching her try and improvise without the use of cue cards. LOL!
The twins are in power this week! Do you think they will be safe this week by remaining HOH, or do you think this will be a repeat of week 2 when Shelli was running things all week? Sound off in the comments below or tweet me @vince1187 and let me know your thoughts on this season!
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