It’s time for week six to officially kick off in the Big Brother house, and we STILL have twelve houseguests remaining. Jason was evicted on Thursday night and Liz’s twin Julia officially entered the game as the 17th houseguest. An epic battle of endurance began and tonight we will find out who wins the sole power of HOH and whom they nominate for eviction! Keep reading for all the details!
We begin with the houseguests holding on for dear life in the “On The Edge” endurance competition. This is the infamous wall-hanging (“Helen was pushed!”) competition that pops every season. It is pretty safe to say someone with a smaller build and/or smaller feet will win this one. Big people just aren’t cut out for this one. Austin is struggling to hold on less than a half hour into the comp but he wants to win because Liz promised him a kiss if he wins. Ugh. But luckily, he falls off the wall and is eliminated from the competition and Liz is spared from “the kiss.” One by one, houseguests steadily drop off the wall as time goes on. Jackie appears to be holding on tight. She’s suddenly started waking up this game and starting to play. She wants redemption for Jason’s eviction and she wants to target the Sixth Sense. She
looked like she had this one in the bag, but unfortunately she ended up dropping off the wall. All hope is now on James to salvage this week, otherwise the Sixth Sense will STILL be in power for a fifth week. It eventually all comes down to James and Shelli. I think I speak for all of America when I say we cannot deal with a third time with Shelli running the house. James is holding strong in this competition so Shelli tries to strike a deal with him. She makes him promise to keep her and Clay safe from eviction for the week. Vanessa is upset Shelli didn’t bargain to keep her safe as well. LOL! Entitled much? James promises Shelli the world but intends on bouncing that check this week. Way to go, James! Shelli drops off the wall and thinks she safe and JAMES is the new Head of Household for week six! He’s out for blood to seek revenge for his fallen comrades and this will hopefully shape up to be an amazing week!
The houseguests all go in the house after the competition to find that Julia is now on the memory wall! However, there were only sixteen spaces on the screen and seventeen houseguests, so someone had to be removed, right? James is the first to notice that Jace has
had his picture replaced on the memory wall! This has never happened in any season of Big Brother, even to those who got expelled from the game! A lot of people were mad about this on social media, including Jace. They could have found a way to keep Jace up there as well, but I just see this as incentive to not get evicted the first week! (Sounds a little cold-blooded of me, doesn’t it?) Luckily for Jace, all traces weren’t removed of him on the show because Julia was added next to Liz on the new intro and didn’t take his spot on there, too! Can you imagine how pissed everyone would’ve been?
Anyway, the minority group in the house are finally able to breathe a little easier this week. James says it is time to rattle some cages this week and go after the big guns. Meanwhile, Julia confronts Austin about spilling her secret to Jason while he was still in the house. He tries to do a little damage control but I really don’t think she likes him to well! She sees him as a liability while Liz is closer to him and uses him to get further in the game. It’s going to be fun to see the dynamics between these three play out! Yay for the twin twist! Shelli is upset that James has the power this week and hopes they don’t target Vanessa, since she was the one who got Jason evicted. Oh, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that, girl. Hehehe. Clay tells Shelli that they need to push for Austin or the twins to be the target this week.
James, Jackie, Meg and Becky meet upstairs and discuss their thoughts on the game. James says that Shelli definitely doesn’t feel safe and knows she and Clay are responsible for everything, otherwise she wouldn’t have begged him to not put them up this week. James says he needs to take out the queen (Shelli) this week. Becky scurries down with this information to the cabana room to tell Clay and Shelli to try and act happy this week like they know they are safe, that way they won’t be James’ target for the week and they can try and win POV and freeze the nominations and somehow keep themselves both safe for the week.
Shelli and Clay go upstairs to the HOH room to talk to James and try and get the target on someone, anyone else besides them. Shelli tells James that Austin knew he was a backdoor target last week and that HE was the one spreading stuff around and trying to get Jason out. She doesn’t own any responsibility for last week at all! Bad move, Shelli! James already knows what’s up and you’re lying about it and denying your involvement is not doing you any favors!
It is now time for the most amazing nomination ceremony of the summer. (That’s not biased or anything, right?) Everyone gathers around the table and James reveals that his nominations this week are Clay and Shelli! America erupts into cheers and applause because the power couple is FINALLY on the block together! Unless one of them can be saved with the Power of Veto, they will be broken up this week! This is the power shift we have needed to see for weeks! It’s amazing!
What were your thoughts on this episode and James’ nominations? Are you excited? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @vince1187!
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