Last week, Becky became the latest casualty of Big Brother 17 after Liz, who had all the power, nominated her and the houseguests sent her out in a unanimous vote. Read on to find out who wins the Head of Household for this week and which two houseguests they nominate for eviction!
We begin where Thursday’s episode left off. The houseguests are competing in the “Ready, Set, Whoa!” Head of Household competition. This is actually a new comp, which is a nice change of pace from the rehashed comps from previous seasons that we have come to expect. This is a sprinting competition where the houseguest that buzzes in last in each round is eliminated. Also, at the start of each round, the houseguests must keep both of their hands and one of their feet pressed down on the buttons until they see the word “GO” on the screens. Big Brother tries to throw them off track with decoy words like “whoa,” “bro,” and “crow.” Meg was already eliminated before the end of Thursday’s
show (shocker, I know). Austin, James, Johnny Mac, Steve, Vanessa, and Julia remain in the competition and one of them will become the new HOH. Julia is eliminated in round 2 after she false starts by removing her hand from the buzzer. Vanessa false starts in round 3 and is eliminated. Thank you, Grod! Johnny Mac is eliminated next after being the last person to buzz in in round 4. Steve is knocked out of round 5 after moving his right hand and letting go of the button. It all comes down to Austin and James in the last round. It appears to be almost a photo finish in the last race, but Austin buzzes in first. Austin is the new Head of Household for the week. So, another week of the Austwins in power. I can hardly contain my excitement. </sarcasm>
Austin and the twins celebrate his victory in the comic book room before he and his fair maiden share another one of their disgusting kisses. Seriously, someone fetch me my barf bucket. I’m gonna need it handy again this week. I can’t take another week of them fingerbanging in the HOH room. Steve comes in and congratulates him as well. Steve tells us in the diary room that he feels great that Austin is HOH this week, because he is in two alliances with him and feels safe. Oh, Steve. Poor, naïve, innocent little Steve. If you had any idea…
Austin brags to us that he and the twins are aligned with every single person left in the house. I still cannot believe that the others haven’t figured this out yet! They are so stupid for not catching on to this and getting this strong force out of the game! Austin says that he will have to fracture one of those alliances this week and he isn’t ready to break up with Meg and James yet. So, his options for the week will be to either get John, Steve or Vanessa out. This is where we are all hoping he will get out Vanessa, but we all know how that ends up going. Nothing ever goes our way.
Meg and James meet up with Austin and the twins in the HOH room and try to pitch the idea of getting out Vanessa this week. Meg tells Austin that Vanessa has managed to get the person evicted that she wants gone each week. However, Austin doesn’t want to get rid of Vanessa yet because he actually believes she is genuinely working with him and is still a number on his side. IDIOT!
Vanessa and Steve are up in the HOH room with Austin and the twins and Austin tells her that his target for the week is Johnny Mac (which is sort of true), but he doesn’t tell her of course that he might also want to target her. Vanessa says that a pawn will need to go up next to John in order to ensure his eviction. Austin says that the pawn will need to be one of them. Of course, Vanessa doesn’t want to volunteer to be the pawn, so she insists that Steve “volunteers” to go up. Like he really has a say in the matter anyway. She tells him that they all have to agree to be a pawn at some point in the game otherwise there is no point in being in an alliance together. Excuse me, but WHAT THE HELL makes you so special, Vanessa? Why does everyone else have to make sacrifices for you? This should be raising all sorts of red flags with everyone in the room. And it kind of does, but a lot of good that will be if they don’t pull the trigger and get her ass out this week!
Ok, I have had enough of this back and forth with these fools. Let’s get to the nominations before I rupture a blood vessel and go to the emergency room. It is time for the nomination ceremony. Austin has to name two people for eviction and I’m pretty sure by this point we all know who it is going to be. He nominates Johnny Mac and Steve for eviction. He then stands up with his stupid top hat (as Judas) and his nasty, unwashed and unkempt hair and gives the worst load of BS as a speech I have heard in recent years. He feeds them this line of bull about how he is conflicted and how this is all meaningless because they’re all gonna die, but it’s important because they’re alive… WHAT?! You psycho, stop making up these dumb speeches and use that time for something more productive like, I don’t know… SHOWERING AND GETTING A HAIRCUT! He then blabs on and on about his quest for knowledge and “Knowledge is power” and by this point I have already thrown my remote and broken the TV screen. I have never been more angry and irritated than I have this episode. Seriously.
What are your thoughts on this episode? Let me know in the comments below!
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