It’s time once again for one of the most intense hours a Big Brother fan can endure. That’s right, it’s double eviction night again! Either Julia or Meg will be sent to jury and then a whole week’s worth of gameplay will unfold within the hour to determine a new Head of Household, the two nominees, a POV winner and the next person will be sent to the jury! Read on to find out what happens!
James has just used the Power of Veto to save himself from the block this week. Unfortunately, he couldn’t also use it to save his only ally, Grandma Meg. Now Julia is the replacement nominee next to Meg. Meg and James talk to Johnny Mac to try and get him to vote with them in order to secure Meg’s safety and to start whittling away at the Austwins trio. Little do Meg and James know that Johnny Mac actually has been working with Vanessa so this may be a long shot. John later talks to Steve to get his opinion on flipping the vote to evict Julia. Steve talks to Vanessa about the vote and she said it would be bad for their (HER) game to evict Julia and keep Meg in the house with James. Steve says they need to get out Julia because if the Austwins make it to the final five they (Steve and Vanessa) will not make it to the end of the game. He’s right, but it’s too little too late trying to get the trio split up. They never should have let Julia in the game to begin with and now they’re paying the consequences for it.
It’s time for the first live vote and eviction! Julie reveals to the houseguests that it is once again double eviction night. Meg and Julia both give their final pleas to their housemates, neither of which are very funny or memorable. One by one, everyone goes into the diary room and casts their votes to evict (except for Vanessa and the two nominees of course). Everyone except James casts their votes to evict Meg from the house. By a vote of 4-1, Meg is evicted from the house and sent off to the jury house! She joins Julie on the stage where she asks if Meg regrets keeping Vanessa instead of Shelli so many weeks ago. Of course, Meg says she doesn’t regret it one bit… and it’s stupid stuff like that that has Meg sitting next to Julie right now! Julie asks Meg whether she has any feelings for James (because we all know Julie loves a damn showmance)… and Meg says absolutely not… they are just really good friends.
It’s time for the Head of Household competition. This one is a simple True/False competition called “BB Road Trip.” They will be shown pair of photos based on evicted houseguests on a fictional “road trip” across the country. They will then be asked True/False questions and anyone that answers wrong will be eliminated. Pretty straightforward comp. The worst case scenario happens on question two as Steve and James are eliminated. This is where most people started changing the channel from CBS at this point. Austin and Johnny Mac are eliminated next (Austin had tried to change his answer as Julie revealed the correct answer, so he was eliminated.). It all comes down to the twins, and at this point we are all pissed because no matter who wins now, the Austwins will survive the double eviction. Eventually, Liz is crowned the Head of Household and has to name two nominees immediately. She nominates James and Johnny Mac for eviction, so no surprises there.
Everyone heads back outside for the Power of Veto competition. During the commercial break, they drew names to see which six people will be participating. Everyone but Vanessa will be playing for the veto. “Boomerang” is a crapshoot comp where the players will roll two balls (giggity!) down the boomerang and try to score the highest combined score in order to win. Steve goes first and overshoots both balls, knocking himself out of the
comp. Johnny Mac is up next and he does the same thing, although it looked to me as if he deliberately threw it. Austin is next and scores a combined score of 15, putting him in the winner’s circle. Liz is up next and also scores a 15 so she joins Austin in the winner’s circle. Julia is up next and manages to score a 17 and she is now in first place. Finally, James takes his shot and undershoots his balls and is eliminated. Julia wins the Power of Veto and now the twins hold ALL of the power for this eviction. She decides to honor Liz’s nominations and leaves James and John on the chopping block.
It’s time for the second live vote and eviction. James and John both give their final pleas before their housemates vote to kick one of them out. Everyone unanimously casts their vote to evict James and he is sent to be reunited with Grandma in the jury house! With two people gone that would target the Austwins and Vanessa, our hopes for someone other than them to win are quickly being crushed. It’s now an uphill, almost impossible, battle for Steve and Johnny Mac to pull this off and get to the final two. James joins Julie on stage as the crowd screams and cheers for him. James says he pretty much knew he would be going next after Meg got the boot. He says the reason he didn’t fight harder when he wasn’t in power was because he learned the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality in the military and figured he would be forgotten about if he avoided drama. Julie asks him as well if there is any chance of a relationship with Meg and he says if it hasn’t happened by this point, he is throwing in the towel.
What are your thoughts on the evictions? With just a couple weeks until finale night, whom do you want to walk away with the half-million dollar prize? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @vince1187.
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