The first week of Big Brother (which is actually about 2 weeks long) takes FOREVER! We have already seen so many alliances created (and collapse), house meetings and arguments! Finally, we are about to see the first houseguest evicted from the Big Brother 17 house. Who will it be? Jackie, the Amazing Race crossover who is barely seen on the feeds, or Jace the long-haired tool who replaced Steve after he used the power of veto to save himself? Read on to find out!

We begin with the aftermath of the veto ceremony where Jace finds out that he is being shown the backdoor. (This was feeds GOLD, by the way.) Jackie decides the best thing for her to do is just lay low and not ruffle feathers and she will be fine this week. So, um, what’s new? Laying low is basically what you do. You’re never visible on the feeds! Jace, on the other hand, does probably one of the STUPIDEST things one can do. Instead of trying to win people over and secure their votes, he goes on a tirade against various houseguests. The biggest incident is where he verbally attacked Steve for the better part of a half-hour calling him names and saying the other houseguests hate him and call him names behind his back. It was pretty hard to watch the nerdy Steve being picked on. But of course that wasn’t shown on the show. What we did see was him running up to the HOH room and confronting James about his “betrayal.” Hello, Jace?!? James is irrelevant now! HE HAS NO VOTE! He runs to Audrey next and confronts her and she says she had nothing to do with it. (Lies and deceit!) He does go around and ask for votes but he goes about it all wrong. Anyway, their minds are made up! If you are backdoored, they are sending you home. There’s basically no hope once that happens.
Julie finally reveals the Twin Twist to us. It turns out that Liz is the one who has secretly been swapping back and forth with her sister Julia, playing as one individual. Up until this point, they had switched only four times, while the live feeders seemed to think they were swapping like every hour! LOL! Very similar to Big Brother 5, when the twins make the switch, they meet in the diary room for 15 minutes catching one another up on all the details, alliance, gossip and status of the house. This is pretty interesting to watch, even if it has been done before. If Liz survives past the fifth week, Julia gets to enter the house as houseguest #17!

The big moment is here: it is time for the first live eviction of 2015! Even though it sucks to lose at all, it has to suck especially hard to be the first person voted out! Before the voting begins, the nominees get the chance to try and influence the houseguests’ vote. Jackie sounded like a robot (she’s after your job, Chenbot!) while Jace took the opportunity to plug his stupid social media accounts and took the opportunity to throw some people under the bus. The rules are the same as with any other year: each houseguest goes to the diary room and tells Julie which nominee they wish to evict. The nominees and the Head of Household do not get to vote. The plan this week is for everyone to vote to evict Jace. It goes according to plan until it’s Audrey’s turn: she casts a hinky vote to evict Jackie! She’s such a shit stirrer; I love it! But this is probably not the best week for her to do that as they all will catch on to the fact that it was her pretty quick. Liz and Julia enter the diary room TOGETHER to cast their single vote to evict. After all the votes are in, it is determined that JACE is the first person evicted with a vote of 12-1!
After he learns he is evicted, Jace goes out with a little class (something I thought he didn’t have an ounce of). He hugs his housemates and exits the house, doing a somersault across the stage as he goes to be interviewed by the Chenbot. Julie asks him whom he thinks threw the single vote in his favor and he correctly guesses that it was Audrey. See what I mean? They’re all on to her! I love a wonky vote, but this was terrible timing! As he watches the goodbye videos recorded by his housemates, Liz and Julia reveal the BIG secret they’ve been hiding. The look on Jace’s face was PRICELESS! This also means that since the twist was revealed, he will NOT be sequestered and will NOT have the chance to reenter the house. Sayonara!
It’s time for the next #BBtakeover guest. This week it is Big Brother superfan and comedienne/gay icon KATHY GRIFFIN, making her second appearance on the show! After coming out and bumping titties with the Chenbot, Kathy reveals this week’s takeover twist: “The Power of the Last Laugh.” She explains that there will be a phone to appear in the house. The seventh person to answer the phone will be awarded the ability to CANCEL 3 VOTES at the next live eviciton! This is huge! (Unless of
course, it’s another stupid house vote, then the twist is a flop.)
Now it is time to find out who the two new Heads of Household will be. This competition, “Ginger Fever,” is a puzzle-based speed comp where they must assemble a billboard featuring Kathy Griffin and buzz in first. Some girl named Becky wandered onto the set out of nowhere and became the first HOH of week two. After, the second group of housemates took their turn at the same puzzle, Shelli
wins the second HOH of the week! This should be interesting with the women in the power this week… or will it? I have a feeling this will not be a good week for us, but I don’t wanna spoil anything here! (Get the feeds, dammit!)
Kathy comes up on the screen and teases the houseguests about the next twist and tells them that someone will get the last laugh, but she does not tell them what that means. I love to see them freak out because they don’t know what’s going on! I’m just cruel like that, I guess.
Were you glad Jace was evicted? Are you happy with Becky and Shelli winning HOH? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @vince1187 and let’s keep this conversation going all summer!
AND DON’T FORGET… we’re mixing things up this season of Big Brother! First, Eric will be doing his comedic video mashups all season! We will of course be doing recap shows and interviews too! Then whenever something goes down on the feeds we will get on social media via periscope or youtube to discuss LIVE with you! We will also have recap blogs after every episode and speaking of episodes we will also be chatting live on this page and live tweeting during them! Still want more, then check our our forums! They are a great place for you to meet up with friends. But what were really excited about is our BIG BROTHER SPOILERS PAGE! It’s full of “Cheat Sheets” for you to use to stay on top of all the latest alliances and info!
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