Hey, all you’s cockaroaches! I’m back after taking a week-long break from recapping. Sorry it’s taken so long, but I’ve been busy with real life and I’ve sort of hit a wall, so to speak! You’ll find out why I’ve been rather disinterested in this week as you read the blog. I’m going to combine all of week 8 into one quick and dirty basic bitch blog recap, but I promise I’ll try to keep it short enough! (I said I’ll try…)
After the crazy double eviction episode, we were left with a bad taste in our mouths as Steve sent Jackie off to the jury house. Now, it’s time for a new person to be crowned Head of Household! The houseguests head out to the backyard to find a huge laptop set up with two podiums and emojis everywhere! There are even emojis of houseguest from last year like Jocasta, Nicole, Frankie, Zach and Donny. There is also a bracket set up, so immediately we can see that this is going to be a knockout-type of competition, with the best person becoming the new HOH. In “Mixed Emojis,” the houseguests will face off on one one and will be asked a question based on the emojis on the screen. Whoever buzzes in first with the correct answer will advance to the next round, until the HOH is crowned. Sounds simple enough. One by one, the houseguests are eliminated until it comes down to Johnny Mac versus Liz. By sheer dumb luck, Liz buzzes in first with the correct answer (while it appears Johnny Mac didn’t seem to try very hard to beat her). Liz is the new Head of Household for week 8! Great, another week where the Austwins will be safe in this game. This is where I started losing interest fast.
It is time for Liz to make her nominations for eviction. The houseguests gather around the dining room table and Liz reveals both people she has chosen to go up on the chopping block. Liz has nominated Becky and Johnny Mac for eviction. This sucks! One of them will be forced to win POV this week or the duo will be split up and another one of our hopes for getting out Vanessa or the Austwins out will be sent out the door! Liz tells John that he is a “veto superstar” and has come close to winning HOH more than once. So, basically she’s saying he is a comp threat to her. She tells Becky that she is “Superwoman” and is great in everything that she does. She then says “I’m sorry, this is so hard.” Shut up Liz! How is it hard to nominate two people for eviction? Try being on the block you bimbo!
Now, it is time for the Power of Veto competition to be played! The six players that are playing this week are Liz, John, Becky, Meg, Austin and Steve. Once again, Julia won’t be playing in a veto competition. She seems kinda put off by that. Ha! Anyway, the houseguests (and we BB fans) have speculated correctly that this week is OTEV week! This is the infamous veto competition every year where OTEV, a giant character of some sort, sings out a tune and the players race to find the correct answer and try not to be the last one to arrive or they will be eliminated. This year, OTEV is a giant rock ‘n’ roll… hamburger bun? And it bears a striking resemblance to Meg. This is seriously the most annoying OTEV ever as it constantly shout-sings when it speaks. BUTTTTTAH! God. KILL IT. Johnny Mac is the first person eliminated. Seriously? Way to not even try! I love you JM, but you gotta get it together! In the end, Liz wins the OTEV power of veto and she holds all the power this week. She ultimately decides NOT to use the power of veto, and now either Johnny Mac or Becky WILL be evicted.
Once again, it’s time for another live eviction night. Nothing really important happens in this episode, except we are treated to a hometown visit of another one of the houseguests. This week, we get to see Steve’s hometown of Gouverneur, NY! It’s a very small town and I’m pretty sure we saw all the residents of Gouverneur on the show! His family seems like really nice people, so y’all crazy BB fans better be nice to them! After Becky and Johnny Mac give their final pleas, it is time for the live vote and eviction. In the end, Becky is evicted and sent to jury on a unanimous vote! However, she will be one of four jurors given the chance to get back in on the next eviction episode. We will see!
What are your thoughts on this week? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @vince1187!
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