It’s official, Big Brother Canada 2 house guests win the award for nastiest house guests ever. All season long we’ve watched Arlie streak around naked, Jon grab his man parts constantly, Kenny walk around in his underwear 24/7 and most of them sit with their finger up their nose. They are so gross there was even a segment on the show about how gross they are. Today, we have hit an all new level.
Sabrina and Rachelle are in the hot tub. Sabrina is moaning about how it’s not fair that she is catching all the flack for her alliance. Sabrina doesn’t understand how being loyal got her into so much hot water. She is now just pledging her loyalty only to Rachelle. Rachelle is in the hot tub picking her nose and putting her snot filled fingers in the water to wash them off. Gross in itself yes! Rachelle is also extremely squirmy in the hot tub. As a
parent that kind of squirmy sets off alarm bells. Someone has to go potty, and badly. Does Rachelle get up and do the grown up thing and go into the house and go to the bathroom.?Hell No! All you see is her move to the side and a plume of yellow water rise up. Sabrina sees and asks “Did you pee in the pool?” Rachelle answers “
Yes” points to the filter and says “that will clean it” and laughs and moves the pee around. Then for like 2 minutes they sit in the urine filled hot tub. They finally get out and sit on the edge. Sabrina then opens her legs and starts picking at her vagina region. Then they get back in the pee filled hot tub for a second time. Finally they get up and go back into the house.
Fast forward a few hours later. Have Sabrina or Rachelle mentioned the hot tub urination? No. Adel and the crew go out in the hot tub area. Poor Adel, even Kyle on twitter was screaming warnings at him to not go in. Adel didn’t hear it. He is in the hot tub with Rachelle’s snot and pee. There is not enough chlorine in the world to cleanse this boy. Allison puts her feet and hands in it as well as Neda. If only the knew what they were sitting in. Oh, Rachelle and Sabrina have yet to shower after sitting in the urine tub. That is what it is now, not a hot tub, it’s a urine tub. Thanks Rachelle!
If you want to see for yourself, though I don’t know why you would it’s all starts about 8:50 on camera 4 on the feeds. Comment below and let me know what you think of urinegate.