Now that Sarah is on the block she is angry and bitter. It’s game on for her. The Hexagon alliance betrayed her and she is no longer going to have theirs. Look out men, the girl is playing the game now! Johnny is also pulling no punches and is going to fight to stay in the game. Will it be a clean fight or will these two alliance members play dirty? If Johnny wins the veto, Bruno has determined that Kevin will be the target since he was on the way out the door. Zach is trying to take that target off of him because as the second shomance in the game they four have a small alliance. All agree Sarah can stay a while. Although she is a good manipulator, she isn’t winning competitions so they need to up their odds. Kevin decides this is the point in the game where he needs to distance himself from his cuddlemance Johnny.
Players for the Veto are picked. Along with Sarah, Johnny and Bruno playing in the competition is Bobby, Brittnee and Kevin. Kevin doesn’t want to win this veto and he’s annoyed he was chosen. Time to play Game, Set. Match. Each of them have 3 giant rackets with their faces on them. One by one they all take a shot to eliminate each other. Once all three rackets are down the competition is done. The twist you have to call your shot and that person gets the to lock one
racket while the shooter has a giant tennis ball placed on their head. This competition is designed to expose alliances and create drama. Not loving it as a Veto competition, I think it’s more suited for an HOH. Bruno is beside himself happy. He’s a champion gamer, he shoots things all the time. You know that he’s winning this challenge. Everyone is after Johnny. Brittnee is trying to save Sarah and Bruno wants him out bad. While Johnny is everyone elses target, Sarah takes the opportunity to go for Bruno. What hurt the most was when Kevin went after him. Johnny is knocked out first and he really begins to see he has no allies left. Sarah gets knocked out and is followed by Kevin. Brittnee game is ended and it’s just Bruno and Bobby having fun. Bruno wins Veto and is having the perfect HOH. Totally control, he decides what is going to happen or so he thinks. Little does he know Big Brother has a twist being thrown his way.
Newport is celebrating. Kevin putting his friendship aside is just want they wanted to happen. Johnny on the other hand is shattered. He gets the big guys coming for him, he even can understand Sarah saving herself. Brittnee’s target hurt, but most of all Kevin knocking him out is devastating. He truly believed that his friendship with Kevin was real. That their connection bound them together. He thought they were playing as a team and opened himself up to Kevin. Being betrayed has broken his heart. The realization that he was the only playing for them as a duo broke my heart as well. I have never cried at Big Brother before. Johnny’s DR made me cry. I really hope that when it’s over these two can mend this fence and Johnny feels better.
Sarah is called to the DR where she is given a task for the week. First she has to place clues all around the house. Then she needs to pretend to not feel well and pass out. Mission one accomplished. A note is hidden in her bag, a key is hidden in the eggs, than one key is on her body. Everyone is in the living room. It’s show time! Sarah pretends to not feel well, stands up and falls to the ground. After she collapses, Johnny discovers the first clue sheet, telling them it’s a task and
to go upstairs and put on their scrubs. Dr. Conner from the show Remedy appears on the screen. He tells them they need to find the cure to her unknown illness quick, she doesn’t have much time. His clue was he always starts with their personal effects. Up the stairs they go, tearing up the bedroom. Finally find the clue that says she’s allergic to eggs. They run to the storage room and find the key. They all run into the vault, but one key won’t open it, back to Sarah where they find the second key to release and epi pen. They revive Sarah and the win a screening of the show Remedy complete with candy, pop and chips. Even for the have nots!
The fun doesn’t last for long. After their screening of Remedy it’s back to game talk. Everyone is lying to Johnny, Kevin included. They are convincing him that they have the votes to keep him in the house, to relax. Bruno celebrates his birthday in the house this week and everyone surprises him in the HOH room. The bring him to the backyard where they wrote happy birthday Bruno in pillows. Big Brother even gave him a gift. He was given a birthday card made by his little ones that reduced him to tears. It’s time for the Veto meeting. Bruno says his piece, gets the nominees to make their use it on me speech and as Bruno is about to make his decision he’s called to the vault. He is told that Canada has voted on twist and they have given him the power to veto both his nominees should he choose to. As HOH he is responsible for nominating two more people. Will Bruno rethink his strategy and risk making more enemies by pulling down Sarah and Johnny? Guess what, we’ll find out on Wednesday because yes they ended it as a cliffhanger!
I can’t wait for our recap show this week. Make note of the schedule change Jon and I will be live at 8pm EST on THURSDAY for our Recap on our BBCAN page and we are joined by BB Superfan Mike Harlow. I will be at the live show on Wednesday so watch for me, I can’t wait to share the behind the scenes drama with you. Mike will also be giving you some insight on the NYC casting call and can answer any questions about the casting process you have. We also will be having exit interviews on Thursdays so tweet us your questions #YRRLive right after the episode so we can ask them what you want to know. Check out our exit interviews with the evicted house guests and past shows below.
Don’t forget we are also covering Survivor, The Amazing Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Hell’s Kitchen and all the Bravo shows so check out the site, new content is happening every day!