We last left Bruno inside the vault after he was told he could take down both nominees. This could be the game changing moment. Will Bruno use it. He debates his options. Does he split up a power couple. Kevin and Pilar work as a pair and so do Zach and Ashleigh. Zach also has all the other girls wrapped around his finger. Is this the time to make a huge move like that. Sarah and Johnny are hopeful this could be their Hail Mary. Everyone else is panicking. Bruno can’t lie, he loves watching them squirm as he stands in front of them waiting to tell them what just happened. He lets them know about the twist and how Canada chose to give him a double veto. Ultimately Bruno decided NOT to use the power of Veto and Johnny and Sarah remain on the block. Kevin is beside himself with happiness. Just when you think he might be out, something saves him, be it an overheard conversation or a friend using the Veto. Luck is definitely being a lady where Kevin is concerned! Did Bruno waste the opportunity that Canada gave him? Only time will tell.
With their fates in the rest of the houses hands Sarah and Johnny get to work. Sarah finally decided to talk to Godfrey. He knows its bogus, she really doesn’t mean it. They both humor each other with a “deal”. Johnny can sense that he’s going home. Zach isn’t being definite with him about votes so he needs to get to work and figure out an angle that benefits him. Newport is sitting pretty, no one (or so they think) is thinking about them. Little do they know Bruno is just timing his attack perfectly.
With so much intensity Big Brother decides to break it up with some light-hearted fun. They need to come up with 5 hours of BBTV to entertain us on the feeds to win a wrap party. We tuned in to see Sarah’s parady of Judge Judy, a talk show with Kevin featuring Willow as Justin Bieber, impersonations of the BBCAN 2 cast complete with Bruno as Baby Jon Pardy. They were surprised
with the actual baby Jon Pardy reentering the house and a talent show. The talent show is where Sarah killed a stand up act roasting her fellow house mates. They won their wrap party which was blocked out on the feeds. Twitter was definitely flooded with angry messages that day! From what they showed on TV and the feeling we got the next day as they were hung over was it was an evening of drinking and debauchery. Johnny made out with Brittnee, Brittnee tried to make moves on Zach and Willow and Sarah made out in the storage room.
Back to game now! Bruno is checking in with Bobby. He’s realized that Jordan and Zach are working together somehow. The two couldn’t stop looking at each other during the veto meeting. Bruno says he needs them for one more week then he sets his target on Captain Canada Zach. Johnny is working on Kevin. His angle is that Bruno wants to split the showmances. Keep him, he’s a number in his favor. Kevin realizes it’s a good point. Can Johnny be saved. Sarah and Johnny have a gummi bear strategy session. Sarah trusting Johnny 100% totally lays out her next weeks plan should she stay in the house. Bad move Sarah. I know Johnny’s your boy but he’s on the block with you, and you just handed him your game. Of course Johnny tries to use this to flip the house. He goes right to Zach with Sarah’s plan. Now his eyes are open, did he do enough work?
It’s time for the live vote. Unfortunately with a unanimous vote Johnny was evicted from the Big Brother Canada house. Let me just say as cute as he is on TV, Johnny is sooo freaking adorable in person. He exits to Arisa with a huge smile on his face. He holds no grudges towards Kevin, heck he’d probably cut him at some point if he had to as well. It still hurts though. He thinks his fatal error was aligning with Naeha. Once Graig saw him as a target it was over, even with Graig gone his ghost remained. We do get a look at our first 5 on stage after a small sequester house package. The girls are getting along and shocked to see Graig walk in the door. You can tell Naeha didn’t agree with Brittnee’s choice of target. They discuss how they’ll get back in. Will it be vote or competition. Most want a competition and
they really hope it’s not a crap shoot competition. Who do you want to see get back into that house. I think they’ll all cause havoc in there, even Risha, that girl was on fire for the Side Show. She gave Peter some attitude even getting into his face on the commercial so if she can bring THAT back into the house watch out!
Bruno’s reign of HoH is over now. The competition is Before and After. Typical quiz on events in the Big Brother house. Ashleigh was the first out of the game on the second question and that is it folks……we’ll find out who won HOH and who gets to go back into the house on Sunday night. I can’t wait!
I can’t wait for our recap TONIGHT! Make note of the schedule change Jon and I will be live at 8pm EST on THURSDAY for our Recap on our BBCAN page and we are joined by BB Superfan Mike Harlow. I was at the live show on Wednesday, I can’t wait to share the behind the scenes drama with you. Mike will also be giving you some insight on the NYC casting call and can answer any questions about the casting process you have. We also will be having exit interviews on Thursdays so tweet us your questions #YRRLive right after the episode so we can ask them what you want to know. Check out our exit interviews with the evicted house guests and past shows below.
Don’t forget we are also covering Survivor, The Amazing Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Hell’s Kitchen and all the Bravo shows so check out the site, new content is happening every day!