Sindy has been evicted for the second time and now there are no easy targets left in the house. Lines will be drawn for real now. Kevin is now starting to play the game. No more throwing competitions. He needs to take control. Bruno feels he NEEDS the win in order to go after the couples
and break up the strong alliance. Godfrey has decided to play the weak card and throws this competition on the first question. Sarah beats herself up after getting eliminated. She knew Sindy the best, this was her competition. She was even more upset as Brittnee was eliminated. Her only shot is Willow who was doing well. Sindy couldn’t contain her excitement as nemesis Bobby was eliminated. After Willow is eliminated, it boils down to Zach and Kevin the worst case scenario if you aren’t a Diaper Alliance. It was a close call when Sindy was asked how annoying Bobby was. Zach answered 100 and Kevin answered 91. With Sindy’s answer a 94 Kevin is the new HOH!
Finally Kevin gets a normal HOH. Now instant eviction this time. He plans to lie to his alliance and play his own game. With the non couples agreeing to stick together Kevin is delicately lying to both sides of the house. The Diapers have a meeting and Zach is pushing for Godfrey of course. He has made no secret he’s going after Zach. Kevin puts on his best poker face and pretends with Zach that is the plan. Bobby is a pawn. In the bedroom Willow clues in that there is meeting going on and Sarah sends her in to bust it up. She bursts in and they give her the scoop on what’s going on but they aren’t sure where Sarah’s vote it. Willow assures them that Sarah isn’t working with Bruno and Bobby. Kevin goes to work on Bruno and Bobby to make them believe that Godfrey is the plan. He wants to tell
Bobby he’s going up as a pawn, then Bobby offers himself to go on the block. I really wonder if Kevin can sit comfortable with all the horseshoes he’s got stuck up his ass. Bobby thinks he’s the best to sit next to Godfrey because he can win a physical competition, plus he still has his “Secret” veto. Bruno isn’t feeling this plan. Something in his gut is telling him not to trust this plan. He goes to God and talks to him about how he thinks that Bobby is really the target. If either of these guys go home, Bruno is going to be hit hard. The good thing is no one suspects how close Bruno and Godfrey are…..YET.
Kevin emerges from the DR and its time for the weekly task. The living room is set up like they are at a Taro Card reading. Kevin is the card reader, he will read a riddle and the house guests will choose which house guest should receive the reading, which is rewards and punishments. Sarah was chosen first, she wins being a have for the week but she also has to choose the have-nots. Zach has to be the house masseuse for the afternoon. Godfrey gets to dress up like a lobster and Bobby has to wear rubber boots filled with slop for 12 hours. Bruno wins being able to watch clips of the house guests and Brittnee got $42 dollars! Willow is chosen to write a letter to the jury house, while Ashleigh receives a video from home. Pilar was the only one not chosen and her reading is that she can pick any of the prizes or punishments. Does she pick a video from home, or money or even writing a letter to jury house? NO! She takes Godfrey’s lobster costume! Not that he’s complaining!
Before he makes his nominations Kevin has some work to do. He has to tell Brittnee that she is going on the block for the fourth time. She’s not happy about it, and doesn’t want go up. She wants to know why it’s always her, why not Willow or someone who hasn’t been on the block yet. She tells him she’ll vote how he wants to. It falls on deaf ears and he goes to tell Godfrey that he’s safe. In the vault, Godfrey isn’t even on the short list. He debates Willow and Bruno but eventually goes into the living room to reveal his final decision. Bobby and Brittnee are on the block. He tries to boost Brittnee by telling her that people see the pawn as weak, but the long the pawn stays in the game the more powerful they become. Queen B has a nice ring! He tells Bobby that it all comes down to the veto with him. Has Kevin made the safe move or the sexy move here?
Jon and I are going to be live this THURSDAY AT 5PM EST recapping the show. This week we are going to be joined by BBCAN3’s JOHNNY COLATRUGLIO! We’ll see how he feels about Kevy Wevy’s HOH. We are so excited to talk to him and get his superfan opinion on this crazy triple eviction. Please note the schedule time change. You aren’t going to want to miss this show! Before then though you need to check out the amazing exit interview with Sindy and our show with Graig below. As always all our recaps are on our BBCAN page. We also have exit interviews every Thursday so tweet us your questions #YRRLive right after the episode so we can ask them what you want to know. Check out our exit interviews with the evicted house guests and past shows below.
Don’t forget we are also covering Survivor, The Amazing Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Hell’s Kitchen and all the Bravo shows so check out the site, new content is happening every day!