The Big Brother game has started for reals this week. With our first real HOH in place game talk is in full swing We begin with everyone still in the middle of the “Wall to Wall” challenge. Brittnee lasts about 20 minutes and is off. She’s crying because and someone jokes that someone should jump off and comfort her. Kevin who wants to throw the competition and not look obvious about it jumps off at the idea. After a while their ropes get taken away and they get freezing cold water sprayed at them just to make things interesting. Now remember the first 8 have to compete in the Have Not competition, Sarah knows she won’t win, but she wants to hold on long enough to be guaranteed food for the week. The men are dropping like flies and the women are solid. Bobby is the last man standing with Pilar and Sindy. YES Sindy with an S is turning out to be a competition beast. The competition favors the smaller girls, but Bobby’s rock climbing background gives him and edge. Pilar is down and it’s Bobby and Sindy side by side. Sindy tries to distratct him with her body, shaking her booty at him but he’s not having it. Sindy finally falls. My hometown boy Bobby is HOH. I am so excited. Sindy tries her best to flirt her way out of a nomination that night, and he allows her to do it but he and everyone else sees right through it.
Alliances are forming all over the place. The first alliance of Jordan and Zach was formed in the first few days and it is officially called Newport. The mega alliance of the season is called The Chop Shop and consisits of Graig, Willow, Bobby, Zach, Bruno and Ashleigh. We have our girl alliance of Neaha and Sarah, then they’ve brought in Brittnee for an extra number. Like Zach and Jordan, they plan to keep it on the downlow and not hang out together. Kevin is flirting with everyone be it girls or boys. His social game is going to be hard to beat. The only people Bobby is talking game with is the Chop Shop and it’s sketching out a lot of the house. He keeps telling everyone he’s not talking game. The closer nominations get the less anyone believes him. Naeha tries to get Zach to talk and he’s not giving anything up. One exception is his Newport alliance member. He has told him about his involvement in the Chop Shop. Jordan thinks it’s brilliant. This week Bobby wants the house to think he has no alliance and has no game, so he wants his nominations to be safe. He is thinking of just nomination the first two off the wall. We also saw the alliance The Fortress form….in Kevin’s brain anyways. Kevin and Jordan are in this two person alliance. Jordan is willing to play it out and be loyal to a point but Newport is where is loyalties lie.
It’s this season’s first have not competition. Facing off in pairs they They have to cross a beam, grab a bucket, borss the beam again fill it with slop and place it back on the beam. The first to place all the buckets on the beam wins the round. The catch is if they fall you have to start that bucket all over again and they are given balls to
knock each others buckets off the beam. Bruno wins round 1, Kevin wins round 2, Zach wins round 3 and Johnny wins round 4. Our have nots are Jordan, Brittnee, Godfrey and Naeha. We finally get our look at this year’s have not room and sit down because it’s not for the faint of heart. Literally nothing in it. Stained mattresses rolled up like they are in prison. Big Brother is really trying to break these guys this year. The big surprise when they try to sleep is the blinking lights and siren. God help them. I really do feel for them.
Nominations are a day away and still no one knows where Bobby’s head is at which is what he wants. Sarah tries to get him to talk and he’s not biting. It’s the day of nominations and OH MY GOD! Normally I’m a purist. I liked the keys and hated BB16’s new way. I love our new nomination
ceremony. Bobby is brought into the vault and before him lays a screen where he can visually sort through his nominations. He moves pictures into a short list explaining why along the way then moves his final nominations into the nomination spaces. He’s then given a cell containting his nominations bringing them to the living room. He inputs it into the nomination machine. He has to levers, pushing the lever reveals his nominations one at time. Brittnee is his first nomination and Kevin is his second. He says it’s because they dropped first and fight for Veto.
Do you agree with Bobby’s nominations. What do you think of the alliances so far? Comment below and let me know. Don’t forget to join Jon and I this week on Friday at 3pmEST for our Recap on our BBCAN page. We also will be having exit interviews on Thursdays so tweet us your questions #YRRLive right after the episode so we can ask them what you want to know. Don’t forget we are also covering Survivor, The Amazing Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Hell’s Kitchen and all the Bravo shows so check out the site, new content is happening every day!