Competition beast Sindy with an S has been put up for nomination in replace of mastermind Kevin. Brittnee is still feeling somewhat safe with that choice, Sindy does not. She wastes no time campaigning to EVERYONE. Her angle is keep me I’ll always be the target. Her point is valid, and in pains me to say it. The only down side is she has no loyalty to anyone and she wins competitions so no one trusts her 100%. Naeha and Sarah battle about who the smarter choice is. Sindy with her head in the game and the ability to win or Brittnee who is easily manipulated but not really “in the game”. Naeha thinks Sindy and Sarah thinks Brittnee. It doesn’t help matters that Bruno hatches a plan to create distrust in the girls by saying Brittnee wants Naeha out. He covered his tracks nicely though and sent in minion Graig to do his dirty work. Naeha now has Graig set in her cross hairs and Brittnee is just laying low enjoying her experience.
The Newport alliance is still holding strong. Jordan has to warn Zach to be careful with his showmance with Ashleigh. It’s too soon, if he gets taken off the market this early he can’t flirt with the other girls. Keep your options open for now. Poor Zach is just so exhausted having to flirt with all these women. Oh muffin, to have your problems. Think about poor Godfrey whose not fighting any girls off. Meanwhile Kevin and Pilar are forming a little showmance of their own, and poor Johnny is heart-broken. Kevin snuggled with Johnny and then leaves him to pop in the next bed and make out with Pilar. My heart really did break for the poor kid. He’s just too cute. Sindy is on the prowl again and sets Jordan in her sights. They start making out right in front of the bedroom door, and get interrupted by Willow. Jordan weren’t you just telling Zach to steer clear of the showmance?
Johnny celebrated his birthday this week in the Big Brother house. Did he get a party? Heck no. The morning of his birthday they wake up to no food and no water. WTH is going on? BB calls them into the living room and he is NOT a happy camper. Our house guests have been very bad. The broke the HOH door, flooded the HOH room, broke a table and some trim of the walls. What really pissed of BB those is one of the camera’s was deliberately tampered with. Until the guilty party confesses they have cold water and slop! All day they go back and forth who did it, was it me? Johnny makes himself crazy thinking he was sleep walking. Godfrey was up during the night so people think he did it. Confess already, no one will be mad. The more the day progresses the worse people’s paranoia gets. Sitting in the HOH room, Graig gets on his soap box and says take ownership whoever it was, let Johnny celebrate his birthday. Godfrey, whose strategy is to cause chaos, goes off the chain at Sindy accusing her since she is leaving this week. Sindy defends herself yet manages to remain calm. I’d have taken his had off, so I’ll give Sindy some points here! REMEMBER people it’s April Fools and it’s not the first time in BBCAN history a camera was “tampered” with. I’m surprised the super fans weren’t right of the bat assuming a prank. Before we go into the live eviction, Arisa lets everyone off the hook. The punishment was real for all the damage the did, but April Fools… one broke the camera!
It’s time to evict now. With a lot of kissing and shenanigans in the DR Hallways Sindy with an S was evicted by a unanimous vote. She exits the house in true beauty queen fashion and learns from Arisa that she has an opportunity to get back in the house. Tuesday night amidst all the camera tampering BB was showing
them a nice little bedtime story…ALL NIGHT LONG. Ever couple hours they’d be woken up to watch this video. Some paid more attention than other but everyone realized this is for the HOH challenge. Of course. It’s time for a True/False quiz where the winner of each round gets to pick the next to up. This is always the way BB tries to expose alliance and targets! It quickly turned into a battle between Naeha and Godfrey. Godfrey was eliminated first but the final match up ended with Kevin and Ashleigh. You could tell Kevin was trying to subtly throw it but when Ashleigh wasn’t quick enough with an answer he had to ring in and… KEVIN IS THE NEW HOH!
Arisa informs us this eviction is an instant eviction AND the feeds my friends will be turned for from Thursday afternoon until after the show Sunday night. Kevin knows it’s an instant eviction and can’t let anyone else know. Who do you think Kevin is going to nominate? Comment below and let me know. Don’t forget to join Jon and I this week on Friday at 6pmEST for our Recap on our BBCAN page. We also will be having exit interviews on Thursdays so tweet us your questions #YRRLive right after the episode so we can ask them what you want to know. Don’t forget we are also covering Survivor, The Amazing Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Hell’s Kitchen and all the Bravo shows so check out the site, new content is happening every day!