With the Brothers Paquette and Nikki on the block for the first time all season, the boys vow to go win the veto or go out swinging. They vow to make sure its two Canadians in the final 2. Nikki and Tim are not impressed with the brother’s statement what so ever. Cassandra is still being nice to the boys in case they win veto and blaming their nomination on “the house”. The brothers go to the hot tub for bro time and the “unwanted foreigners” follow them out where they put their foot in it even more telling Tim it was a good plan to bring the “weak” players to the game. A term Tim finds great offense with. The boys have now revealed their true colors and Tim wastes no time telling Queen Cassandra this vital information.
Kelsey, Joel, and Jared are all fighting for Veto alongside Cass and the nominees. Cassandra tells Kelsey that she needs to tell Jared to win the Veto in order for the Brothers to go home. Called to the backyard they are all shocked to see Season 3 winner Sarah Hanlon there to host the Veto competition. Keeping with our Vegas theme Sarah will make 9 offers they need to bet on each offer worth points. Each person is given 100 chips to bet. Once their chips are used they can’t be used again even they didn’t win the offer. Winners of the offers are revealed after all 9 offers are given with the exception of offer number 2.
Offer 1 for 7 points: Who is willing ot pick up 100 chips every time the jackpot siren goes off – Cass wins
Offer 2 for 13 points: Play the remainder of the veto comp in an eel tank Jared wins this and needs to sit with his friend the eel for the remainder of the competition. The eel has gotten to touch more of Jared than Kelsey has!
Offer 3 for 9 points: Human skunk – The Bros win
Offer 4 for 12 points: Slop for the rest of the season – Joel Wins
Offer 5 for -10 points: strategy session with Sarah – Cass wins
Offer 6 for 6 points: Mystery punishment – Joel wins no showers for a week
Offer 7 for 8 points: Give all your stuff away except what you can pack in a carry on in 5 minutes – Joel Wins
Offer 8 for 15 points: can’t compete in the next Veto – The Bros win
Offer 9 for 14 points: Big Brother hair cut by Sarah – The Bros win
It came down to the last punishment but with the brothers haircuts they win the power of Veto. You told them to win it Cass, so they did. Tim can’t figure out why Jared felt to safe as to not bid. Jelsey is freaking out and Cass and Joel need to decide which one of them they are going to put on the block. Jared is right on Cass not two minutes after the competition and she shoots him down.
Big Brother surprises them with a party in honor of our international guests. Food and drink from their homelands. Everyone is so happy. There is tons of alcohol to go around and then the backyard opens up and they are surprised to see a Kangaroo (yes a real one) and three English Bulldog puppies out there to keep them company for a few hours. Nikki and Tim were just enthralled with the animals. It was the happiest Nikki has been the whole time she was here. Happiness can’t last forever
though. When Tim and Cass drink the wine and replace it with pickle juice as a laugh King Jared gets his knickers in a twist. Drunk as hell Cass and Nikki kiss with full on tongue and none of the boys are complaining. At least Nikki didn’t decide to kiss Kelsey, God only know what Jared would have done. The party ends on an awkward note as Jared tells Cass she needs her beauty sleep. What a charmer he isn’t he? Cassandra stick the knife in and turns as she responds yes I was up late because I actually tried to win the Veto unlike you! Cass has become THE player of this season.
Cass needs to go over her options. It could be huge to get rid of Jared, or actually get out Nikki. She seeks counsel with Tim. She needs to decide who does she want to work with him or me. Decide what’s best for your game. I’m loyal to you is Jared? Jared talks to Cass. She’s pissed neither of them tried for the veto. He says he did he just couldn’t cut his precious locks. He says he’ll be loyal her. She knows it’s BS and calls him on it. Him and Kelsey will always have each other so she’s playing for third and she’s here to win. Of course the brothers take themselves off the block. Cassandra is now forced to make another nomination. Apologizing to the brothers she says she knows she made a huge mistake and is so happy she can now fix it. Fantastic jury management I say. She places a shocked Jared on the block with a simple Sorry. You now she wants to end it with Not Sorry but she restrains herself.
With Jared on the block now you know he’s going to tantrum around that house like a 2-year-old trying to strong-arm votes. Do you think he can rally them or can The Freakshow hold strong against Jared and his lies. Comment below and let me know what you think?
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