Bobby has made his nominations and now we watch the fall out. Kevin knows he has some work to do. Brittnee is upset but all the girls reassure her that they have her back. Sindy, Sarah and Willow are upstairs in the HOH talking about how the girls need to stick together. Sindy agrees they need to keep the girl numbers larger than the guys ones for now. Rule number one when talking strategy in the BB house is to always check the toilets. These girls forgot that rule and just as they are cementing their “Girl Alliance” Kevin comes out of the bathroom grinning like a Cheshire cat. This is like Christmas morning for dead man walking. He was just given a high card to play, it’s just a matter of who is he going to play it with. He needs a volatile guy with a large mouth. Cue Graig. He goes to him and tells him about the girls alliance and he flips out. There wasn’t a guys
alliance before, but there sure is one now. The last thing even needs to do for his plan to be fully in effect is rile up the HOH. Kevin is not part of the Chop Shop alliance so he hasn’t talked game to Kevin at all so the only way for Kevin to do it is make him think he’s in jeopardy. Who’s saying that name….well Sindy with an S of course. So now Bobby has a go to person to nominate. Sarah is busy keeping Naeha calm. They need to push for Sindy but Sarah can’t push anything since it was her Kevin caught talking! In my opinion Kevin played this perfectly! He was given the best gift you can get in the Big Brother house and didn’t let it go to waste. He played that house like a perfect hand of poker, which is why he has one of the best chances to win (or lose) this game.
Veto players are picked and along with Bobby, Kevin, and Brittnee we have Godfrey, Johnny and Brittnee’s house guest choice Willow all fighting for the all important power. The girls need Brittnee to come down, the guy want things to stay the same and Kevin just needs to get himself off the block. Everyone comes filing out of the bathroom dressed as beavers and the backyard opens up to an amazing looking makeshift river. The competition is called Dam It. Each player has their own damn they need to plug with logs to spell a 19 letter phrase. They need to maneuver through the cold water and obstacles to get their logs and bring them back. Each log as at least one letter on it,
some have a letter at each end. Along the way if they come across rocks with predators names everyone but the rock finder needs to stop for a minute giving the rock finder and advantage. Everyone is having issues with the cold water but seem to push past it. Kevin, Johnny and Brittnee seem to be doing the best. Johnny find the Bear rock giving him one minute to come out on top. Bobby is having real issues with the cold, and I was very concerned that he was going to need a medic. His body was shutting down and he was shaking like a leaf, but my hometown boy pulled through and continued on with the challenge. Johnny is the first to get his logs to the end but once they try to figure out the puzzle Big Brother sprays water in their faces. Kevin has it almost complete and second guesses himself and pulls his logs out. Oh crap! No one is able to catch up to him though and at the last second realizes the phrase of “Off the Chomping Block” Very punny Big Brother Canada, very punny indeed. Kevin races back to hit his button and there you have it. KEVIN WINS POWER OF VETO!
Big Brother Canada is known for giving fun tasks to their house guests and this year is no exception. Johnny is called to the DR. Everyone else to the backyard. What is going on. In the backyard they are given a cut out of Johnny and they must line themselves up in order of least to most of the traits BB has given them. Johnny in the DR sees the finally line but can’t hear anything and is given choices and must pick what the line means. First up is Intelligence. Of course Jordan, Kevin and Johnny are top three much to Kevin and Jordan’s dismay. Johnny quickly eliminates choices and guesses correctly. Next is hygiene. Apparently Sarah is really dirty and the first to admit it so Johnny figures it out pretty quick too. The last was
likelihood to win Big Brother. No one wants to be at the start of that list, but Jordan and Kevin again get put at the front. This is disastrous for Jordan’s game and he is NOT a happy camper. For Johnny this was the most difficult one to figure out but does get it. He really is quite a smart cookie and wins the house a POOL PARTY! Pool party means alcohol delivery people! Everyone seems to put the game aside for a couple of hours and just enjoy themselves. In the hot tub a game of spin the bottle breaks out. Johnny is in his glory getting to kiss both Zach and Kevin! Ashleigh kissed a lot of the guys but the worse was Bobby. I’m not quite sure what was going on there but he was a tad aggressive and looked like he was trying to eat her. He should get with Ashley I from The Bachelor! Her and Zach seem to have made a connection and Kevin and Pilar are well on their way to a full-fledged showmance as well!
Time to refocus on the game. Naeha talks to Bobby. She reinforces to Bobby that Sindy needs to go up. She’s the one saying his name and if he doesn’t put her up she’ll think she has him by the balls because most of her strategy involves flirting. Sindy tells him to put up Godfrey, that way the house won’t be split and she promises him 2 weeks of safety, because Sindy with an S has a crystal ball and see she’ll be in power for the next 2 weeks. Bobby’s not buying it though. At the Veto ceremony of course Kevin takes himself down and Sindy is put up in his place.
My players of the week are Kevin and Naeha. Kevin because he played the house amazing and Neaha because she knew she was a potential nominee and managed to wiggle out of it. She needs to step up her social game and work on that resting bitch face she has though if she wants to go farther in the game. Men are terrified of strong women in that house, ask Liza, Rachel and Janelle! Did Bobby play it safe this week? Comment below and let me know. Don’t forget to join Jon and I this week on Friday at 6pmEST for our Recap on our BBCAN page. We also will be having exit interviews on Thursdays so tweet us your questions #YRRLive right after the episode so we can ask them what you want to know. Don’t forget we are also covering Survivor, The Amazing Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Hell’s Kitchen and all the Bravo shows so check out the site, new content is happening every day!