Nikki and Tim are now in the Big Brother Canada house! Get ready Canada you are in for some feeds gold now. All the boys immediately want to align with Tim of course. Who wouldn’t, he’s charismatic and charming and his smile just sucks you in! They quickly get down to the business of introducing themselves. Nikki reveals she’s played 3 times and never one. Tim is shocked. 3 times and never one, he tells them he won in his first and only season. Then realizes damn…shouldn’t have said that. They go on to explain that the formats are so different that they really aren’t a threat, they will need time to adjust to the new style of playing. Meanwhile, Tim’s no fool, he’s studied up on our way of playing. Mark my words, this charming Aussie could take the prize home. Nikki isn’t even in the house an hour before she has one of her legendary breakdowns. She’s so overwhelmed, she can’t handle it, she runs around the house crying finally settling in the bathroom and uses Q-tips…yes Q-tips to stop her tears. You don’t want to ruin your make up and all right? The girls try to console this over the top Brit but they have a HOH to prepare for.
Finally time for the HOH. It’s the BBCAN Roast. If the vote didn’t already show the house was divided. This quiz certainly will. Arisa reads them some “burns” Canada tweeted about the house guests and the need to guess who it was about. Get it right and you choose who to eliminate, get it wrong and you are eliminated. Kelsey started strong eliminating Maddy and Ramsey. We get burns about how Ramsey looks like Drake, how Kelsey’s favorite part of the plane is the COCKpit and how Jared looks like Emmett. That burn was completely lost on them all as Kelsey who started strong guessed Raul! Someone get her a picture of Emmett NOW please. Most importantly we hear them ask Who’s Emmett? As someone who was there that night, the whole studio gasped in unison! Dallas started off strong as well but it came down to Joel and Jared after Mitch reveal he threw the competition. Jared ends up coming out on top. Justice will be served for Kelsey this week as Jared is the new HOH!
Big Brother tries to soften the blow of the power shift with their first booze delivery. After a lame game of Never Have I Ever, Loveita has some fences to mend. First up the HOH’s girlfriend Kelsey. With Cassandra in tow, her and Sharry bring her to the bathroom. Loveita tries to explain it wasn’t personal just game can we please move on and be besties, pretty please…with a cherry on top. Kelsey may be blonde but she is not believing this for a minute She’s all hell no girl. You told me I was your target, I am not your friend. I won’t be a bitch but we are not patching this up, not a chance in hell. Loveita you are screwed and Sharry you are screwed by association. She totally Paul’d her HOH and now Sharry and her are on full damage control mode. How do they think they can bounce back? They try to recruit Nikki. Oh girls. Good luck this week.
It’s our first Have Not competition for the week. Old School meets New School for this competition called Wheel of Meals. They are divided into teams of 3. Their goal like in BB Seasons 1-7 is to win food for the week. One person is tied to a giant spinning wheel, while the rest of the team throw paint balloons at them to knock out the foods on the wheel. First to determine how many spins they get they need to spin their wheel as many times in a minute. The team that knocks out the least amount of foods are the Have Nots for the week. Poor Loveita is on the wheel for the team with Joel, Loveita, Sharry and Cassandra. First shot off Joel hits the poor girl right in the baby maker. Cassandra is loving it. Nikki and Tim are on the same team with Maddy on the wheel and Kelsey and Christine. Kelsey seems to be getting her frustrations from week one out on the poor girl. Nikki has THE WEIRDEST throw ever. The third team is the big guys Phil, Ramsey, Dallas and Raul with Mitch on the wheel. Who would have guessed it Raul can throw a ball.
He truly is Gary 2.0! It comes down Tim who admits to being the most uncoordinated guy in the world to break the tie. He makes his shot so Joel, Loveita, Sharry and Cassandra are have-nots. They are introduced to their have not room which in keeping with the Vegas theme is a little wedding chapel. Much nicer digs compared to last years empty room with nasty mattresses on the floor. Their beds, however are tiny church pews, not such good news for 6’4″ Joel who needs to fold himself up like an accordion to fit on it.
Sharry goes to Jared to do some damage control explaining she’s her own person, he can count on her for votes, just tell her what he wants. He’s nodding and yes sure but you can see in his head he just wants her to be gone. Loveita after failing with Kelsey tries to win over Jared, again he doesn’t care. The lines are drawn in the sand, and they are deep. Going into the nomination ceremony Jared’s short list is Ramsey (for voting against Kelsey), Loveita and Sharry (for obvious reason) and Maddy because he thinks she’d put him up. This week is definitely Justice for Kelsey week. Loveita and Sharry are the final nominees, no shocker there, so now it’s all about the Veto.
What did you think of Jared’s nominations? Pretty safe if you ask me! Hopefully something changes with the Veto competition. This group is playing hard and fast and they aren’t playing nice. I don’t expect them to be one big happy family like the BBCAN3 cast are. What are thinking so far? What side of the house are you aligned with? Comment below and let me know.
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