It’s eviction night, and Canada has been waiting for this moment all week. The fall of the First 5 is imminent. Will it be Sabrina or Andrew going home this week? They are all scrambling for votes and to salvage alliances and create some new ones. Kenny knows the First 5 is over and wants to keep the current bonds strong, but wants to make the bonds with the other side of the house even stronger. Self preservation is a must now that we have a new alliance of 5 secretly taking over the game. Sabrina is feeling secure that it will be Andrew that goes home. Neither of them want to campaign against each other but they still do. Sabrina grills Neda about how close she and Jon actually are. Neda is totally on to her game and give her nothing. She lies to her and says yes we are close personally but game wise he knows I can’t protect him. Jon knows she is a liar and just to mess with her tells her that Andrew is actually fighting to stay in the house now. This puts Sabrina’s paranoia on high alert. Kenny knows he needs to reel Arlie back in to the First 5. He knows that Arlie is withholding information from him, but can’t figure out why, and confronts him about it in the storage room. Arlie is quick on his feet and deflects everything back on Sabrina and how she can’t be trusted. Kenny takes everything for face value and Arlie can’t be happier with the results.
For being such good sports about Canada being HOH Big Brother rewarded them with a camp out in the backyard. Is this really a reward? The food – Yes, The Booze -Yes The new pajamas – Yes, but sleeping in the hard back yard – Not so much for me. The bedroom was closed but the rest of the house was good to go. They all seemed to be having a good time. BB was nice enough to give them back the camera and they took pictures and had some laughs. Then you could see the divide happen. The outsiders went inside and the First 5 stayed out. Arlie stayed with the First 5 not to raise any flags, keep trust and grab some intel. Kenny used the time “outside” to flirt with Rachelle and strengthen some bonds with her. This is the reason he’s not revealing he’s gay. He knows he can reel in the ladies. The next morning Kenny and Sarah are out on the deck
talking and Kenny does it! He actually tells Sarah he is gay. Partly for strategic reasons, he knows it will cement their bond but he actually does love Sarah and wanted to really be Kenny with her. Good for him. In a house full of strangers not feeling like yourself must be the most trying part of the game for him. I’m glad he found Sarah. Happy he felt safe enough to tell her such an important detail of his life. I may not have agreed with everything Sarah has done in the game but the Kenny/Sarah friendship really is beautiful to watch.
It’s time to vote! Finally the moment Canada has been waiting for. They file in one by one. We got our rhyming Jon back this week, but the funniest line of the night will go to Adel. The guy cracked my up when he said I vote to evict, picks his nose, Andrew! Poor Andrew, he’ll never live that down, especially with a T-Shirt to remind him. The vote came back 7-2 and Andrew is evicted from the Big Brother house. He walks out to Arisa and is greeted by boos. I’m not a fan of the booing of house guests. Yes Andrew could be an asshole. I don’t like what he said about Paul in the early weeks. I definitely don’t agree with calling
women bitches either. After last season BBUS I think we all need to calm ourselves and just remember that these are people living in a situation none of us can imagine or appreciate. We all say things in our daily lives that caught on camera would look bad. We need to let it go and let Andrew carry on with his life and enjoy his BB experience. Arisa totally read him the riot act on the Sideshow afterwards. I loved she called him out on his actions. He answered for it, owned it and apologized. That is enough for me. He seems like a genuine enough person. You don’t like him don’t follow him simple right?
The power shifts back to the Big Brother house this week. Earlier in the week they were shown pictures of themselves on the big screen. Mug shot pictures photoshopped in some pretty cool ways. They had to remember what was in these pictures to do will in the challenge BB Blindside. They had to answer true or false questions the first one to buzz answered and if they got it right they got to eliminate another player. If they got it wrong they were eliminated. No better way to uncover alliances right? Kenny answered first and knocked out Adel. Neda answered second and knocked out Kenny. Heather answered third and picked off Sabrina. We ended the episode with Jon picking off Allison. Arisa then informs us that we need to wait til next week to find out who our new HOH is! Really Arisa? Why can’t we even get through a quiz. We all find out on the feeds anyways. So yes I know who it is, but I won’t spoil it.
If you want to know you can follow me or Brian Lynch on twitter, he always has great feed info and keeps me up to date when I don’t have time to watch the feeds. Comment below and let you know if you think we did a good job this week as HOH, and let me know who do you want to go this week?