Ika’s reign as Head of Household has come to close with a shocking vote from Sarah evicting Paul against her wishes. We left off last episode in the middle of an endurance HOH competition but before that even went down the house went a little crazy. Did Sarah’s vote shatter the girls alliance? Sarah knows the girls are angry and Adel is happy because this caused chaos and that means they will turn on each other and he is safe for another week. The girls immediately splinter off into groups to discuss the vote. Rachelle, Ika and Neda are all in shock and not happy at all. Sarah takes this opportunity to grab Heather and tell her that it was her that saved her. Sarah tells her it was Ika that was gunning after her, leaving Heather feeling very
betrayed by Ika and Sabrina. Heather believed herself to be the closest with the two of them and now has no idea where she belongs. Sarah now feels she has cemented a relationship with Heather after spending all week ripping her apart. Ika is freaking out in the bedroom complaining that her HOH was a waste of time. She cried for hours on the feeds after the competition too. Ika your HOH was wasted the minute you listened to Sabrina and put up Paul and Heather. This wasn’t even your HOH it was Sabrina’s so get over yourself!
The competition started, they are all attached to their bungee cords and we saw at the end of Episode 8 that Heather was the first to be eliminated after lifting her hand accidentally. She is now in for a long wait on the bench beside her new-found nemesis Ika. Arlie is playing up that he is in pain like champ. I think he took Peter Brown’s “How to throw a HOH competition” class before entering the house. Everyone seems to know he is playing it up to distract, but I don’t think they realized he was actually throwing the competition. Sabrina, Adel, Jon, Arlie, Andrew, and Neda all bow out to the pressure and pain the bungee cords are having on the lower back and hips. Heather, Rachelle, Sarah and Kenny are left fighting it out. Sarah is bound and determined to get that letter from home and is feeling pretty good about the last 4 except Rachelle. She knows Rachelle is angry to say the least about her vote switch so if she can just last longer than her she is OK. Kenny is struggling hard and finally gets pulled off. I heard on the feeds he even had to see a medic because his legs had gone numb, but he was OK, so no worries! The three girls are battling it out and Allison is struggling. She finally can’t do it anymore and Sarah and Rachelle are left. Sarah can see Rachelle’s legs start to wobble but Sarah herself looks to be pretty solid. Some trash talking goes on but a slip of wrist and Sarah is out. Rachelle is victorious! Sarah falls to weeping mess on the ground. Adel runs to comfort Sarah as Rachelle celebrates her victory with the girls.
Neda is super excited about Rachelle’s win. She tells her she should go for getting a guy out. They have more numbers it only makes sense. Neda speaks logically so of course these girls can’t take it in. Rachelle says in the DR it’s her HOH and no one is going to tell her who to nominate. Rachelle is tasked to name the have-nots for the week. What a way to make enemies right there! This girl has very little logic for the game and it’s all emotion based. Her thought process was people who haven’t been on slop should go on slop. She automatically picks Adel and Arlie. They take it fine. She then asks for volunteers. Sabrina puts up her hand thinking it will make her look selfless then realized after the fact, she is now cut off from all night-time talk with Rachelle in the HOH room. HAHA Sucker! Then emotional Rachelle comes out and picks Heather, just because she doesn’t like her. Ika is in the DR thinking these have-nots are stupid. Put all the big boys on slop so they are weak for competition. Ika actually has smart, rational thought when she doesn’t have Sabrina buzzing around in her head.
Friday afternoon Allison and Jon are brought into the Diary Room. What happens next is why Big Brother Canada is knocking out re-invention of the Big Brother franchise out of the park. The unlikely duo are given an secret task. There is a table of booze just sitting there waiting for them. Their task is to drink, then go out and speak with everyone. No one in the house can know they are drunk. Two Newfies and a table of booze equal a good time and that alcohol was flowing. They were given beer, Vodka and Rum. Allison and Jon are to sneak back in to the DR and renew their buzz every so often. These two are trashed. Allison is caught coming out of the DR but claims stomach issues as to why she is in there, so Sabrina is trying to help her out. The two of them pull it off. How I don’t know. I am sure they must have reeked of alcohol but if there was ever a task designed for two people from Newfoundland, this was it. Their reward was alcohol and food for the whole house, including the have-nots. Now I remember Jon asking me if we got more booze than the US Big Brother and my answer was no…not really. But here it is. I don’t think we get it as often. I believe they have only gotten alcohol delivery a few times, BUT when we do it is more. It’s not the bottle of wine and 6 beers that they get in the US, it’s a cooler of beer and some wine. Everyone is happy at the end of an alcohol delivery here in Canada. All but Adel, Ika and Sarah drank, and boy did they ever! They were in the pool with their clothes on and glass was shattered all over the pool area. Big Brother even had to come over the loud-speaker and remind them to be careful. Kenny, Jon and Andrew got locked in the hot tub area with no shirts on. Friday it was about -10C here in Toronto so they were freezing, begging Big Brother to let them in. Finally Sarah came to their rescue. Jon was making final 2 and final 3 deals with anyone who would listen. It was hilarious. It was nice to see them put aside their drama for a few hours and just have fun as a group.
Saturday brings back the drama talk. Ika think it’s stupid to target Heather, that it should be a guy. Sabrina is doing everything in her power to keep the target off of Kenny and Andrew. Ika is making very valid points against the boys, they are going to target the girls, they have the numbers, something needs to happen this week. Sabrina has now replaced Ika with Rachelle and is taking advantage of the fact that Rachelle can be easily influenced. She is buzzing in Rachelle’s ear that Ika is poisoning people, Ika needs to go. Sabrina ultimately decides that Rachelle should nominate Heather and Allison, and explains to Allison what is going on so she isn’t shocked. She tells her Heather is the target and she is the pawn. Allison is not loving the idea. Sabrina uses subtle intimidation tactics and these girls act like they have been kidnapped and Sabrina is their captor. They can’t go against her or they are toast. This is just making Sabrina go crazy with power. We all know what happens to those who feel save though don’t we?
Rachelle goes into her nomination deliberations. She is going between Heather because she hates her, Andrew the power player, Allison the new girl and Sarah because she is mad at her. Everyone files in for the ceremony and Sabrina… wait
no Rachelle nominates Heather and Allison. Her explanation Allison you are the pawn and Heather I don’t like you. There is absolutely no strategy in these nominations on the part of Rachelle. It’s all Sabrina, and even then Heather is not a threat to anyone. You may not like her voice but it’s a game for a lot of money, deal with the squeaky voice. I am not quite sure when this tradition of blatantly nominating a pawn and announcing it to the whole house during a nomination ceremony started but I’m not loving it. Nominate targets and put up another target if Veto is used. Why are we limiting ourselves to one option here. These girls need to smarten up!
I have to give credit where credit is due. While I dislike Sabrina with every fiber of my being, this girl has her finger on the pulse of everything going on in this house. She has been HOH for 2 of 4 weeks without having to win a competition. She is able to warp minds in record time. Both Ika and Rachelle went from I am going to make my own decisions to doing what Sabrina says within 24 hours of winning HOH. It is a skill and I will give her props for it. I will say that when she is uncovered, and she will be, the fireworks will explode. I believe her allegiance is with the First 5 so when Rachelle, Neda and Ika realize they have been played it’s going to get ugly. You can’t have your hand this deep in so many pots and not get discovered. I really want Ika to just be quiet about her wasted HOH. You have grand plans and you let Sabrina sway you. Own it and get over it, and stop trying to Rachelle to do the job you wouldn’t do. Andrew knows that the guys need Sabrina as their inside access to the other side of the house. Now more then ever. I think Sarah made herself expendable to them now that she exposed herself to the girls, and they don’t trust her. Sabrina is now the First 5’s go to girl for what is going on in the girls alliance. Can Sabrina keep her jealousy in check is the question. Will she let her emotions blind her? This week I think we will see new alliances forming with Adel being the center of them so it will be very interesting to see where the players align.
Can’t wait to find out what happens between shows but don’t have the feeds, follow Brian Lynch on twitter he always has the play by play for you. Let me know what you think of this season of Big Brother Canada. Is it living up to your expectations so far? I want to know what you all think! Let’s keep the discussion going until Wednesday.