What a week it’s been for Big Brother fans. So much information has come out this week my brain can’t even process it all. From the house reveal to the cast preview and all the twists and turns in between. I am so excited to be back blogging Big Brother again. I had such a fantastic time with Big Brother Canada, I couldn’t wait to do it all over again. You can also see us break all this down on our live video show and podcast here.
Lets start with what I can wrap my brain around – The House Reveal. I will start out saying over all not a huge fan. There are elements that I love but this urban tree house theme is just not my thing. What I do love is the color scheme (aside from the fire room) I’m loving the greens and blues and oranges of the main area. I loved the Big Brother Canada house but the red got way to overwhelming for me sometimes. These colors are way more style.
I really do like the living room except for the cut outs of sky. I get what they were going for here but I’d have preferred just the wood walls the sky wall paper just looks incredibly fake, but that is just me. What are your thoughts on the living room? I do think this will look amazing in hi-def though!
Call me crazy but I love this hallway, yes its just a hallway but I think its’ super cool and fun. This hallway gets so much action since it’s the bathroom hallway and the God awful honey comb room is down here too. I’m trying to forget that room, but we’ll get to that room later!
The kitchen table, the most important part of the house. I know we won’t ever see it again set up like this after they enter the house but I like it. Loving the greens and the blues this year! It looks like they’ve changed up the kitchen a bit too and I like it. I see Gina Marie playing Jenga here quite contentedly! What I am not liking is that tree stump counter that is by the back door! How is anyone supposed to do anything on an uneven countertop? That red rug can go too. If it was orange it would be fine but why red. Can we not have a room without red? No. OK! The the designers know that red makes you angry right?
OMGlee the BATHROOM! I love the Bathroom. I love the color I love the design. I have nothing bad to say about this bathroom at all. It will look amazing with the new cameras. I would spend all my time in that bathroom but I’m sure at some point Big Brother would come over the loud-speaker and tell me to go somewhere else. The colors in here just make me happy. I love this better than even the BB CAN bathroom and I loved that bathroom too, so this is big praise.
Let me tell you what I hate. I HATE the fire room. It is just plain ugly! I hate the color I hate the bedspreads. That room would give me nightmares. The theme of the elements could have been pulled off so much better. From what I’ve heard this room will be turned into the Have-Not room. What do you think? The rock room is cool, the
wind room (I’ve only seen partial photos) looks pretty cool. The ice room, that thing is so weird but I love it for some strange reason. I wouldn’t want to sleep in it but I love to just look at all the elements going on in it. I can’t get enough of the ice room. I know I’m strange. I’d think the ice room would be the have not room. It looks cold, the beds look hard, the blankets look like they have holes in them.
The only thing I hate in the house more than the fire room is the honey comb room. First the red, I just can’t do red walls, sorry but no! Second those cushions looks so uncomfortable. This is not a room I would want to hang out in, it would just make me agitated. Maybe that is what the designers were going for though, who knows!
Now on to the cast! First impressions are over all good. Not too many that I hate! Some I am just so so on and I love quite a few this season.
First off we have Amber who is a 26-year-old from Knoxville,TN. She’s an esthetician and she won’t reveal her strategy. Why? Who knows, it’s not like we can change her mind. Her favorite houseguest is Howard and her life motto is Shit can be worse. Amber is one I am so so on. Don’t hate her don’t love her. She can sway me.
Brittany is a 29-year-old single mother from Long Beach, CA. She is an event co-ordinator and describes herself as fun, loving and loyal. She loves Britney from season 12 & 14 but when Jeff asked her what she’d miss the most you’d think the mom would say my kids, no question. Not this mom. She’ll miss twitter! She has no real strategy she is just going to feel out the house guests.
Caleb is from Dallas, TX and he’s 26. He is an adventure hunting guide who is afraid of clowns. Good think he wasn’t cast last year, Clownie would have had him self evicting! He plans to have the ladies in his pocket and his favorite past house guest is Hayden Moss. Yes people, we NOW need to distinguish our Haydens. This is tragic!
Christine is a 23-year-old married barista from Tuscon, Arizona. She is what would happen if Janelle and Wil Heuser had a baby. She describes herself as bubbly, eccentric and hilarious. She plans to be nice to everyone to get info and have a solid 3-4 person alliance. Her favorite players are Helen, Boogie and Howie. Really Christine?I love you but Howie?
Cody is a 23-year-old sales account executive from Hackensack, NJ. His strategy is going to be a game time decision when he gets in the house. He says he is happy-go-lucky and empathetic. Cody is also a 17 Magazine Hot Guy panelist. His only flaw is that Jeff is his favorite Big Brother player. I am in love with Cody! Be prepared for blatant favoritism.
Derrick is a police officer from Providence, RI. He is 30 and had a daughter at home. Dan is his favorite player (SHHH don’t tell Eric) and he has a three-fold strategy. First he will find common interests with the house guests while developing a profile (Cops R Us 2) Then he will use that information against the them, and then he will win HOH and POV late in the game and make his moves. Good luck Derrick!
Devin is from Santa Barbara, CA. He is a 26-year-old retired athlete that now works for Harley Davidson. He describes himself to be complex, loyal and entertaining. He says he’s grumpy when hungry (I totally understand Devin It’s OK) but he plans to lay low, make friends and build trust. Hayden Moss is his favorite player.
Donny or “Spenny” as I call him since he is what would happen if Spencer and Kenny from BBCAN had a baby, is the oldest of the house at 42. He is a school grounds keeper from Albermarle, NC. He plans to lay low and befriend everyone, be observant and be smart about who he aligns with. Spencer is his favorite player so right there, he’s a smart guy and I like him.
Frankie is 31 and is a YouTube personality from Boca Raton, FL. He also happens to be Ariana Grande’s brother. He says he’s sparkly, charismatic and unreserved. He plans to be likeable, good at competitions and use his HOH wins to make everyone on his side. Something about him bothers me. I don’t know if it’s the short shorts or the pink hair or the fact that in a season that is influenced by America it’s unfair that you bring in a celebrities brother. I will figure it out I’m sure.
Hayden Voss is a 21-year-old pedi cab driver from Marlborough, MA. He is basically the baby of Frank Eudy and McCrae Olson. He describes himself as funny, outgoing and creative. He plans to let his personality mask his competitiveness. He would like an all guy alliance and is NOT looking for a showmance. His favorite player is Hayden Moss. See we now have two Haydens. I’m not liking this at all!
Jocasta is a minister from Griffin, GA. She is 33 and married with 2 kids. She says she is intelligent, a motivator and outspoken. Her favorite player is Rachel (God help us) and she won’t reveal her strategy to us. Again why? We can’t tell the others! If I were Jacosta I’d be raving mad at my bio pic. She is much cuter than that picture.
Joey is a 27-year-old make up artist and hairstylist from Seattle, WA. She describes herself as adventurous, happy and sensitive. She wants to be the nicest person to win Big Brother and her favorite player is Gina Marie. How can you NOT love Joey? I think she’ll go far, she seems like she is going to be a ton of fun.
Nicole is a nursing school graduate from Ubly, MI. This 21-year-old describes herself as flirty, nerdy and classy. This girls strategy is all over the place. First she wants to make a final 2 with a strong guy, then she wants to make separate alliance over the rest of the house. Plus she WANTS to win the first HOH. She says Dan is her favorite player but he’d be the first to shoot down this strategy.
Paola is a DJ from EAst Hampton, CN. The 27-year-old is going to try not to be herself too much. She wants to tone down her funny, crazy and outgoing self in the BB house. Paola was a Maxim Magazine girl and has ties to a Your Reality Recaps favorite Gina Marie. She will be fun to watch.
Victoria is originally from Israel but now makes Weston, FL her home. The 22-year-old photographer owns her own business. She says she is exotic, bold and empowered. She won’t take no for an answer and will manipulate people with her looks. She doesn’t watch BB US but has watched BB Israel. Don’t they make you watch BB in sequester?
Last but not least we have Zach. The 23-year-old Palm Beach, FL economics graduate says he is fearless, entertaining and confident. He will lie, steal,cheat and kill for the $500 000 prize. He will use his social game to make people feel good, but be reserved and let everyone else make big moves then attack. Andy is Zach’s favorite player.
There is your Big Brother 16 cast or at least what they are revealing to us. My favorites are Christine, Zach, Joey and Cody. I want to hate Zach but he has a good plan going into the game and his favorite player is Andy. If he learned anything from watching Andy play he should go far. Cody is purely my eye candy. He has some good strategy and I think his social game can take him far. Christine is one of the younger ones in the house but she is smart and if she learned anything from watching Helen play then hopefully she can last. I just love Joey. She’s a bundle of fun, her social game will get her far. If Sabrina from BBCAN taught us anything its use your hair and make up skills for the better! I hate to say that I think Donny might be the first to go. There is no one there really in his age bracket and he doesn’t look like he’d fit in with anyone. I hope to be proved wrong here I really do. The girls frighten me just a bit because the majority of them told Jeff they don’t get along with other girls. I see a lot of drama coming from the younger ones with Jocasta trying to be the “Mother” of the group. Hopefully Donny sticks around to help her parent the young pups. Who do I think will take it all? As much I want a girl to win this, I believe it will be Zach. Let me know who your favorites are! Who do you love? Who do you hate? I can’t wait to hear it all.
Now for the twists. This is where my head implodes. I think they decided to use every twist they could come up with. First we have two HoH’s and 4 nominees. This is craziness! It also makes me think more people (veterans) will be entering the house. There just aren’t enough people to support that kind of system for more than a few weeks. We also have the two memory walls to contend with. Then there is Battle of the Block. I assume this is where the HOH’s will battle it out and the losing one will be up for eviction or at least be eligible to go up on the block. Then there is Team America. We need to choose who’d we align with. I think this means that we control that player sort of like an America’s player but amped up. I think we make all the decisions for this person. We will see how this plays up but I think casting a celebrities brother gives that person an unfair advantage. You know Frankie is getting all of Ariana’s fans votes. Nobody else on cast can compete with that. What are your thoughts on Team America? I can’t wait to hear all your theories. The funnest part of pre-season Big Brother is the guessing! Follow me on TWITTER and we can keep this discussion going all summer long! I can’t wait for the season to begin and talk Big Brother with all of you!
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