When I last left you Donny and Amber had won BOTB and Nicole had mysteriously disappeared. Last night Nicole reappears from the Diary Room dressed as a frog. Poor thing isn’t happy about it, but as far as costumes go in Big Brother I think she got a good one. She has to wear this thing for the rest of the week. Its been no secret that Hayden is crushing on Nicole big time and he thinks she’s the cutest thing ever. The only thing that cheers her up is the girls comfort her and the manage to “Cute Up” the outfit with bows and stuff. Poor Jocasta wasn’t feeling well going into the BOTB competition and you can tell when they lowered her down Sunday night that she wasn’t feeling great. She was throwing up and could barely walk. Caleb had to walk her to the bathroom. I assume she saw a medic at some point because she was suffering from heat exhaustion and dehydration, so all she could do was rest and hydrate. Jocasta was down for a good few days because of this.
Caleb’s obsession with Amber has hit all new levels. I feel for the girl. She can’t do anything in that house without Caleb watching her. He’s like an animal stalking his prey in the wild. He tells her that he did indeed throw that BOTB competition. She wasn’t very happy with him. She told him she didn’t want him to do that, and now she feels like he thinks she owes him something, and he doesn’t take long to collect on his debt. He wants her to be his date to the finale and she says NO. He actually asks her what else he has to do to get her to go out with him. He just put is life in the game on the line, possibly giving up $5oo ooo for her. Thankfully Amber is stronger than I ever gave her credit for and hold her ground. She is really trying to detach herself from this guy but he is like super glue to her. Cody and Amber have a
friendship going on and while Caleb is lying in the rock room the two are in the living room. Amber is giving Cody a massage and discuss the Caleb death stares. She confided that Caleb and his crush are driving her crazy and makes playing the game harder for her. Caleb then walks by, stares them down and continues on to the HOH room. Cody, not being an idiot, knows he’s going to talk to Devin about Amber and him, follows him upstairs. Caleb then tells Cody he’s noticed their friendship and if he is going to step on to HIS territory he should at least tell him first! HIS TERRITORY! OMG This guy is killing me. His ego is huge and he thinks women are possessions. Amber is HIS Queen. No she isn’t. She thinks your a creeper. Cody realizes that he is going to be Calebs target now. What are you guys thinking about this whole Caleb/Amber situation? I feel for Amber, he is severly impacting her game and I’d be getting a restraining order the minute I step out the door. I almost want Caleb to go before Devin!
Derrick, Cody and Caleb are discussing how one of them NEEDS to win the Veto competition. Derrick wants Caleb to keep the fact that he threw the BOTB competition quiet, because it will make him a target. Everyone already feels terrible that Jocasta is so sick and him throwing the competition will throw even more sympathy her way. Once Caleb leaves the discuss how if Devin manages to get picked and win the Veto they need to vote out Caleb. His crazy obsession with Amber is hurting his game. He is thinking too much with his heart and not with his head. I am torn. Devin and Caleb both drive me crazy. Either can go this week and I’d be a happy girl. Team America plants the seeds to complete their mission. Donny tells Nicole that Zach told Paola he was Amanda Zuckerman’s cousin. Nicole buys it hook, line and sinker. Donny tells her to run it by Christine because Christine is a big fan of the game and is smart, and to see what she thinks. The first thing Nicole does is tell Christine. Point 1 for Team America. Derrick then tells Caleb because the minute you tell Caleb anything he will run straight to Amber. True to form he does and we get point 2 for Team America. To get the third point they decided to tell Zach the rumor, hoping Zach will run and tell the whole house about it. Derrick brings him up to the HOH room and tells them Paola told Donny he was Amanda’s cousin and it’s crickets in the HOH room. For a split second the guys think that just maybe there is truth to this rumor then Zach busts out laughing and tells them no, he isn’t. Zach does go downstairs and tell everyone in the kitchen about it. Victoria believes it, and Zach decided to play up the rumor a little bit. I really like Zach, I know he can be loud and bit douchey at times but I can’t help but love him against everything else in me telling me not to.
It’s time to pick players for he Veto competition. Jocasta is still lying in bed sick as a dog. Derrick will pick a player for Jocasta and only 5 will play in the Veto competition. Caleb draws Devin’s name, Derrick draws Christine, and for Jocasta, who’s bow tie was there in her place, Derrick’s picked Donny.Cody was picked to Host the competition. Devin being picked to play this Veto is worst case scenario for everyone. Derrick asks Donny what he’s going to do if he wins and Donny is not giving up his game play. Even though Derrick is part of Team America he has never talked game with Donny and because he never shares with Donny he isn’t sharing with him and he can take a hike. Derrick feels like he needs to win this now so he can put his plan to evict Devin in place.
It’s time for the Veto competition. They walk out to the backyard and it’s a casino themed competition called Tumblin’ Dice. Cody is dressed in a tuxedo and looking mighty fine if I do say so myself! They will draw names for the order which the compete. Each round the person picks who they want to go up against. They have to step into these huge tumbling dice, Cody spins the wheel to get the number the need to roll. the then roll their dice off their platform and bring it back to the platform with the number Cody spins on top. First person to the platform stays in the competition, loser is out. Last one standing wins the Power of Veto. In a show of support for Jocasta all the house guests not playing in the veto are wearing a bow tie.! Christine drew spot number one and she picks Devin. Cody spins a 4. It takes them both a while to figure out how to do this but Devin comes out victorious. Sad faces all around. Derrick is up next and he chooses Devin. No surprises there. Devin is fine with it, the more times you get him to practise the better he gets. Cody spins a 2 Derrick is two rolls away from winning this round but he stands there over thinking it, and Devin wins again. Donny is up third and he picks Devin
again. Donny is confident because in the time he’s spent watching he’s figure out how to get 3,4 and 5. Of course Cody spins a 6. It takes a bit of time by DONNY wins the round, knocking out Devin. I think the house forgot that they are playing a social game as well because you would have thought Team America just won a gold medal at the Olympics the way they all cheered and didn’t hide the fact that Devin is out of the competition. They do know this is Big Brother right? Anything can happen. Devin could end up staying and you just showed all your cards to the most paranoid person on the planet! On his way back to the seat Devin gives Donny props for winning and says he still doesn’t think he is who he says he is. Uh Oh. Devin’s paranoid delusions are rising back to the surface and we are back to Donny being a Secret Super Soldier again. Donny and Caleb face off for the last round and Cody spins a 2. It’s a close call but DONNY WINS THE VETO ……..AGAIN! Who’d have thought that the 42-year-old grounds keeper from North Carolina would be the competition beast of BB16? Donny reveals his plan to play hard and smart and win every competition he can and he is laying down an #oldmanbeatdown on all these young pups.
Immediately after winning the competition Donny runs right to Jocasta who is still sick in bed and screams, “Guess who isn’t going home this week!” He tells Jocasta that he is taking her down from the block and she has nothing to worry about but getting better. Jocasta breaks down sobbing in Donny’s arms. Brittany and Frankie are there as well crying right along with her. All Donny can do is just sit there and hold her as she weeps. To lighten the mood Cody comes in still dressed in his casino finery and gives Jocasta a little strip tease. That would be enough to make me feel better! I’m not sure who liked it more, Jocasta or Frankie. I think it may have been Frankie! Devin is now in the Have Not room crying because he is no longer a super hero to his 2-year-old. Because you know his baby is at home totally understanding that Daddy is on a tv show called Big Brother to win a bunch of money for her. We end the episode with the Veto ceremony. True to his word Donny wastes no time in pulling Jocasta off the block. She is feeling and looking much better now! She is still crazy emotional about Donny doing this for her because she is so used to giving and now she finally get to receive. Devin is named as the replacement nominee.
There is still a ton of game left to be played between Veto and Thursday night. Will Devin remain the target or will the radar be moved over to Caleb? Check out all our spoiler pages that can keep you up to date on everything going on in the house! Just click on any of the links below and you will instantly be put in the loop. AND REMEMBER IF YOU LOVE BIG BROTHER & HAVEN’T HEARD EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON YOU MUST CLICK HERE BECAUSE YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT ALL OUR PRESEASON BB16 CONTENT HERE & IF YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR LIVE FEEDS YET PURCHASING THEM THROUGH OUR WEBSITE (CLICK ANY BANNER) WE’D BE GRATEFUL! YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT ALL OUR CONTENT FOR VIA PAY PAL, PATREON AND EVEN FOR FREE HERE!
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