Zach was dethroned from his HOH reign and Frankie remains. I really did want to see Zach come out on top, Christine win Veto and then let the chips fall where they may, but you can’t always get what you want. Zach would have caused chaos and mayhem and in this snorefest of a season that is what we desperately need. AT least he’s still firmly entrenched in the HOH bed with Frankie and that will have to do. Frankie wants Amber out and Zach is on board with that but they need to get Caleb on board as to not cause a psychotic break in our Beast Mode Covergirl. Victoria blames Jocasta for their BOTB competition, but we all know she is operating on a different plane of existence then the rest of us when it comes to Big Brother. In the season of 1000 alliances another has formed named Bros. Cody, Frankie, Zach and Hayden make up this alliance and it’s not going to last for one no one wants to be in it, they all think Zach is crazy and two Zankie will be loyal to each other and we all know Cody is the Robin to Derrick’s Batman. Do you think Amber is the right target this week? I’d really like her to stay and team up with Christine but I’m not hopeful.
Our first Zach attack happens pretty quickly. I know I should think it’s mean but I just can’t. Zach decided that he is going to mess with the Have Nots. But not just any Have Nots the two he put on the block. Nicole and Christine are in the living room with Hayden and Zach decided he’s going to mess with them and offers them some candy and beef jerky. Neither are impressed with him but how can you not laugh when you see Zach’s impish smile come across his face. I dare you not to. Nicole says she is just trying to eat her slop, and he retorts back with well that is what you get for being lazy! Hilarious! Frankie is worried that if he continues to terrorize the countryside the villagers may revolt, but he needs Zach to explode to complete his Team America mission. It’s truly a fine line of when to poke Zach and when to keep him in line or so everyone thinks. There really is no controlling Zach. He’ll let you think you are controlling him but really Zach is in control of every move he makes. Nicole is finally able to shed her Germitard and does so in THE most horrible strip tease EVER. Production is really trying to make drama since none is happening on its own so they are desperately trying to show a love triangle between Hayden, Victoria and Nicole. No one is buying it production, but Hayden does get Victoria to agree to pick him for the Veto IF she gets house guest choice and promises to take her off the block if she does.
Lightening strikes twice in the Big Brother house this week. Derrick is called into the diary room and what awaits him is a letter. Like Derrick says you can’t make this up. Derricks grandfather passed away on the weekend. Like Frankie’s family the expressed their wish that Derrick remain in the game. He honors their request. He leaves the diary room matter of factly tells everyone, throws the letter down on the table and retreats to the have not room to be alone with his grief. He tries to be very tough guy about it preferring to break down alone, unlike Frankie who fell into the arms of his friends and needed the support of his fellow house guests. Everyone grieves in their own way. My heart goes out to Derrick and his family during this awful time. I know what it’s like to lose parents and grandparents and I don’t know how they are doing it alone in that house.
The no mance showmance that is Caleb and Amber continues. After what Caleb thought was the best date ever (if that was good I would hate to see a bad Caleb date) Amber is no longer speaking to him. Caleb says he doesn’t care but repeats the same stories to everyone that will listen which is everyone! I really wish someone would just say STFU Caleb she doesn’t like you. Unfortunately Caleb informs us the Beast Mode Cowboy is back. The one showmance that is going somewhere is Zankie. Zach is rubbing Frankie’s back in bed and says it’s too bad I’m not gay. Frankie then tells him he’d be having the best sex of his life if he was. I have to agree with Frankie. Zach, just make a move. America wants this to happen! I know he’s not gay, but I’ve never wanted someone to be more. I am totally Team Zankie, this is a bromance at it’s finest. Probably the best thing to come out of this season. This is the steamiest we are going to get this season people unless Nicole and Hayden step up their game.
It’s time to pick players for the Veto meeting and I swear Hayden had some sort of telepathic moment when he had asked Victoria to pick him if she got house guest choice. Frankie picked Donny, Jocasta picked Christine and Victoria got house guest choice. After some “deliberation” she picked Hayden. Nicole wasn’t happy. Christine tells us she won’t use the Veto if she wins. The boys may want Amber gone, but Christine doesn’t. Thank you Jesus! Christine you are being the player I wanted and hoped you’d be. Thank you for having a back bone in the sea of spineless girls. Amber is clueless she has become a target and Frankie believes his plan is coming together quite nicely.
Son of a biscuit! It’s time to play the veto competition. Beast Mode Cowboy is especially upset that he doesn’t get to play in this rodeo themed challenge. This competition looks so hard I just about jerked a crick in my neck! God I love Donny!Everyone must sit on their horse and rock back and forth to get their horse to gallop. 60 rocks gets them 30 seconds. Once they get to 30 seconds they must run to their stack of gold bars and pile 50 of them on a big horseshoe. They can’t run out of time though so before the clock runs out they must get back to their horse and start galloping. They have one chance. You run out of time you can try again if you take a week of slop. Jocasta ends up having to take slop, Frankie is enjoying the challenge so much his burning his butt on the horse. Christine and Hayden are doing really well. Donny is taking his sweet time, he’s not even trying and Victoria, well she’s Victoria. Christine thinks she’s done and rings her buzzer but didn’t see some bars had fallen to the other side for her horseshoe. That gave Hayden just enough time to finish stacking. HAYDEN WINS THE POWER OF VETO! Will he use it to further The Detonators agenda or will Christine have some pull with Hayden because of their outsiders alliance?
Frankie is full on wanting to put up Amber has a replacement nominee. He needs to sit Caleb down and tell him the truth about her before he does it. Before he does Zach Attack strikes again. Amber walks into the HOH room where Caleb is already, he sits there awkwardly, then leave. Zach asks Amber why they broke up which pisses her off. She says Caleb is ignoring her, she isn’t going ouf of her way for him anymore and he is blowing everything out of proportion. Zach is giddy with excitement and relays all this info to Caleb. Now he’s mad and wants to bring her back in line! IN LINE! Is he screwing with us? He has to be putting on an act because a man in 2014 can’t seriously think a woman shoule be IN LINE. He says that Hayden should pull down Jocasta and they put up Amber. She won’t be the target but she needs to realize who is keeping her safe in this game and if she is on the block he thinks she will come running back to Caleb with her tail between her legs begging to be saved. It’s to the point now where I feel sorry for Caleb’s family having to watch this guy self-destruct in such an awful manner. He really believes in his mind that he is the King of the house and Amber should come running to him for protection. This kids needs a psych evaluation quickly for everyone sake, but Frankie’s plan is falling nicely into place.
Team America is still trying to get Zach to explode at the right time. Derrick and Frankie tell Donny their plan to get Zach to go off at the Veto meeting. Donny loves the plan but doesn’t want to know any details. Like a true fan of the game he wants to be surprised when the drama goes down. Like every week the Veto meeting starts off
like any other, Hayden uses it on Victoria, Frankie puts up Amber in her place. We knew it was going to happen. Cue Zach Attack number 3. Then Zach stands up and just lays into Amber about she doesn’t appreciate anything Caleb has done for her. He keeps her safe, he went on the block for her, he threw a competition so she could be safe, when she was a have not she was warm because he gave her all his blankets. The most sacrificial thing Caleb could was EAT A PICKLE for her. He ate a food he hates, almost threw up all over the kitchen to go on a date for her. He is trying to hard to get a rise out of her and she just sits there stone faced and says nothing. Zach runs out of gas, the veto meeting is over and Team America just failed their first mission. CBS executives are doing a happy dance at the 15G’s they saved this week. Who do you think is leaving the house tonight?
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