Donny won the battle of the block on Sunday and he and Christine are safe for the week. He is also on to the fact that the competition was thrown and thrown pretty badly. Cody can’t believe they messed it up again. Frankie now believes his only option is to win the Veto and pull down one of the boys and Victoria. The only problem with that is king pin Derrick doesn’t want to lose his little shadow Victoria. While Derrick tries to blow smoke up Donny’s backside by telling him he was never the target, he doesn’t believe him and now Derrick sets his sights on Zach. He plants the seed in Frankie’s head that targeting Victoria is a waste of a HOH. Donny is not sitting idle anymore, he is trying to get people to see what is going on in that house and he sets his sights on Zach as well. He is observant enough to see that while Zach is “part” of the alliance he is the disposable member and lets Zach know he either wants Zach to win veto or if Donny plays won’t use it to keep him safe. Team America has also put their plan in motion and has stolen everybody’s stuff. Victoria’s robe, Caleb’s cowboy boots, Cody’s hat and Zach’s gator shirt are just a few of he possessions that went missing in the house. Now they sit and wait.
Victoria, Donny and Christine are all picked to play and for the Detonators this was the worse case scenario. Now they have to make sure that Donny or Victoria don’t win this so they can get one of the two boys off the block.This is the episode EVERY Big Brother fan never misses. ZINGBOT is back, but he’s a bit different this year. Somebody broke him and now he’s PROPSBOT but don’t worry, he brought comedienne Kathy Griffin as back up. While Zingbot tells Donny he loves his beard but wishes it didn’t cover his handsome face Kathy steps in with some great Zings. Of course we have a Caleb/Amber zing. How can you not? Kathy tells Caleb he and Amber have something in common. While he thinks she’s drop dead gorgeous she thinks he should just drop dead! ZZIIIINNNGGG! Kathy then tells us a little joke “What do you call
someone who’s not afraid to cry, wears pink and cuddles with men? You call them Zach” Poor Zach looks pretty mad then Kathy gets right in his face and says ZZIIINNNGG! mother F#%@er and Zack can’t help but laugh. Then she sets her sights on Victoria and says Victoria… I would zing you… But I’m only supposed to zing somebody actually playing the game” It’s time for our Zingervention. As great as Kathy is we want Zingbot back! Our Veto players have 4 tables with circuit breakers on it, they must connect all the circuits to make their bulbs light up on each table to fix zingbot and win the power of Veto. I’m not sure how smart it is to put Victoria with live electrical wire but we’ll go with it. Donny, Frankie and Caleb are the frontrunners from the get go. Victoria is lost which surprises no one, Cody is not doing well and Derrick is in the corner thinking what has he done aligning himself with those to numbskulls. It comes down to the wire between Caleb and Frankie. Why Frankie wouldn’t just let Caleb take it so he doesn’t expose
himself as wanting the Veto I don’t know but Frankie takes the lead and wins Power of Veto. His idol Kathy Griffin put it around his neck and I now think Frankie’s life is complete. Zingbot emerges from him reboot station back and better than ever and it is glorious. He checks out Frankie and says “Frankie that’s a great tan… I’m surprised you get any sun with how much time you spend in your sisters shadow”! ZZZIIINNNGGGG OMG I was dying. Then Zingbot got serious. Looks at Cody and says “You’re such a nice guy. You haven’t made any enemies this summer, except for maybe Christine’s husband.” oh Zingbot, hilarious yes, but mean enough to send Christine into tears afer the competition. Zingbot did do Donny a favor and opened his eyes with this zing “Your look is very Duck Dynasty. Too bad your social game is more like Suck Dynasty.” What did you think of Zingbot this year? I loved it, he is without a doubt the thing that makes every season worth watching. I’m just glad I’m not the one getting zinged!
Cody is the first to realize his hat is missing and he goes crazy! It was fun to watch everyone realize their stuff was gone for a hot second. Zach completely lost it once he realized his gator shirt was gone. Team America didn’t even have to mention a neighborhood watch patrol, Zach and Bitch Mode Cry Boy thought it up all by themselves. First they thought maybe it was Victoria and then what was fun and games became not so much fun and games. Christine accuses Zach of being the thief and everyone set their sights on him. They started calling him the saboteur, accusing him of getting money for doing this, and Team America as usual jumped on board with using Zach as their pawn to make themselves money. I don’t know about you but I am totally over the Team America missions. What I thought was going to be a fun thing to break up the monotony of the Big Brother day has turned into something ugly and frankly just way to complicated. They do their patrol for 24 hours and finally the missing items start to show up. Mystery solved. Pack up the Mystery Machine, Scooby Doo and the gang can all go home. Of course Frankie is now using this as an excuse to why he can target Zach. What did you think of this week’s mission? Do you think they took it too far with the accusations? I’d love to hear your opinions on this. The veto ceremony is not a surprise except for the harshness of Frankie’s speech. He pulls down Caleb and he takes a page out of Zach’s book and makes a poem and ends it with “so Zach take a seat it’s time for you and Julie Chen to finally meet.”
Can Zach get another Hail Mary and survive the block this week? Who do you think will be brought back into the house on tomorrow’s “Buy Back” Episode. You know all hell will break loose once there is a returning so if you want to see for yourself the drama that goes down then you have to check out all the action on the feeds or use our spoiler section to fill you in. If you don’t have the feeds yet there is still time to buy them through us and we provide you with all the Flash back times. Check out all our spoiler pages that can keep you up to date on everything going on in the house! Just click on any of the links below and you will instantly be put in the loop. AND REMEMBER IF YOU LOVE BIG BROTHER & HAVEN’T HEARD EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON YOU MUST CLICK HERE BECAUSE YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT ALL OUR PRESEASON BB16 CONTENT HERE & IF YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR LIVE FEEDS YET PURCHASING THEM THROUGH OUR WEBSITE (CLICK ANY BANNER) WE’D BE GRATEFUL! YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT ALL OUR CONTENT FOR VIA PAY PAL, PATREON AND EVEN FOR FREE HERE!
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