It has been an emotional rollercoaster of a week for me. First Donny on the block, then he saved himself, then Zach gets torn apart over a stupid Team America mission. Zach ends up on the block and I see my happy-go-lucky Zach turn into this quiet person I don’t recognize. I sat and hoped for another 11th hour hail Mary but it never came. It’s with a heavy heart I write this blog so here it goes. Zach gives it one last-ditch effort to sway votes his way, he only needs three, so that is doable right? Well in any other Big Brother house yes, but under the Derrick regime where ou are only allowed to talk game when he says so NO. Zach and Donny have formed a friendship while they were in the have not room together a few weeks ago, I wish this had happened earlier in the game but it didn’t. Donny promises him his vote. But Zach being Zach has to taunt Victoria and she has had enough. Zach left his (well really Victoria’s) precious pink hat unattended and Victoria snatches it and knifes it to shreds. Zach is very unhappy at the loss of his hat, if only he really knew how lost it actually was. Donny tries to do some campaigning for Zach as well. He sees Christine pondering the memory wall and decided to strike. He points out that Cody is aligned with everyone on that wall in some way especially the boys, but Zach is alone and can be worked with. Christine sees Donny’s point and doesn’t want to be played like a fiddle. Could Donny’s talk have planted a seed in her mind that could grow before eviction? Zach gives Frankie one last try. Frankie turns him down, you are too unpredictable he tells him, Zach offers himself up as his meat shield. With Zach in the house he’d always be target number 1. If anybody in this house but Donny thought for themselves they’d see exactly what is going on, but Derrick has them so snowed they can’t see through it. I am over this season, give Derrick the cheque right now, I can’t take another month of this.
Julie shows herself to the house and gives them some footage of the final Battle of the Block competition. She subtly calls out the three Detonators about throwing the competition which I found hilarious and tells them that finally this stupid twist is done. We can go back to playing normal Big Brother and maybe if the right person wins HOH we can get this game back on track! It’s time for the live vote and I wasn’t surprised to see Zach voted out, what shocked me was Donny’s vote. Donny has been the only one to not vote with the house on the 3 occasions where it wasn’t unanimous. He voted for Paola, Jocasta and Nicole to stay. He promised Zach his vote, and while yes the vote wouldn’t have mattered, Donny not keeping his word was shocking to me. But being Zach he can’t just pick up his bag and go, he throws Fruit Loops around the room as his last Hurrah and out he goes, presenting Julie with a flower when they meet. He tells Julie that his eviction was his own doing because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and that he thought they’d hate him so much they wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of sending him home. Odd logic, but that is why we love Zach. He also tells us he hates Victoria, but hold no ill will towards Frankie and that Zankie will continue to be outside this house. OK HATERS LISTEN UP! If Zach has forgiven Frankie then
maybe we should follow his lead and let it go. Frankie didn’t betray us he betrayed Zach. Zach knows it’s a game and is moving on and so shall I, and you should too. I don’t love Frankie but he’s not worth the energy of hating him either, and really, he’s all we got left for entertainment in that house so it is what it is. I think they call this the acceptance part of the grieving process. Best part of this night was by far Veronica……I mean Victoria’s good-bye message. It’s starts out normal enough then she hold up the torn up hat, and Zach’s face was priceless. He looked like he just found out a friend died, and well really one did. That hat was his buddy all summer. But good on Victoria, it was the only thing she’s done all summer that will get her remembered. We all expected Zach to explode leaving the house but I am proud of how he went out, with humor and class. What did you think of Zach’s exit?
We get some jury footage of everyone getting along, Jocasta being the mamma that she is to Hayden and Nicole. It was cute to see a little romance bloom again between the youngun’s. Truth be told I would much rather being sitting in the jury with Jocasta taking care of me than in the lion’s den of the Big Brother house. As we all knew, this week is a buy back week. We all say it coming because the show despite being the most “Twisted” is the most predictable season so far. Julie calls everyone into the living room to announce the returning jurors. If anyone in the house was smart they would have noticed the three in a huddle on the couch speaks volumes as to where loyalties lie. This is an off guard moment for our undercover cop and he unknowing showed us all his cards. Frankie and Christine need to open their eyes.Our four jurors bust through the door like Rocky entering the ring for his title fight and there are hugs all around! UM HELLO JURY,
THESE PEOPLE ARE YOUR ENEMIES, STOP HUGGING THEM! I just want to slap them all. All except Donny have stabbed you in the back, it’s not time to play nice. It’s time to kick some ass. That Buy Back competition is called Comeback Fight. The jurors have 7 rounds to slide disks down their lane into a spinning center. The person with the most disks in the center at the end of 7 rounds wins. In the event of a tie the person closest to the center is the winner. At two rounds they are all tied up. Nicole is the first to lose a disk. Jocasta was winning at one point and I was really thinking maybe she may take it. It was a tie at the end but Nicole was closest to the center and she is now back in the house and I really hope she takes her knowledge and does some good with it. She needs to stick close to Donny and maybe that seed that Donny planted in Christine’s head can finally sprout into action and we can actually get a good two-sided house for the first time this season. What do you think Nicole should do now that she is back in the game?
There was no HOH competition on the show last night but it was held later in the day so if you want to know what happened check out all the action on the feeds or use our spoiler section to fill you in. If you don’t have the feeds yet there is still time to buy them through us and we provide you with all the Flash back times. Check out all our spoiler pages that can keep you up to date on everything going on in the house! Just click on any of the links below and you will instantly be put in the loop. AND REMEMBER IF YOU LOVE BIG BROTHER & HAVEN’T HEARD EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON YOU MUST CLICK HERE BECAUSE YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT ALL OUR PRESEASON BB16 CONTENT HERE & IF YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR LIVE FEEDS YET PURCHASING THEM THROUGH OUR WEBSITE (CLICK ANY BANNER) WE’D BE GRATEFUL! YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT ALL OUR CONTENT FOR VIA PAY PAL, PATREON AND EVEN FOR FREE HERE! AlSO DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT OUR LATEST LIVE SHOW FOR ALL THE SPOILERS YOU MAY HAVE MISSED
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