When we left off on Thursday we were in the beginnings of the HOH competition. It’s the first really physical competition since the first week and everyone wants to win. Christine and Nicole NEED to win this or it means certain nomination. The only one not really caring if he wins at all is Derrick. He wants to go for the 5G’s but needs to put on a show first. This competition was not made for Derrick, he is slipping and sliding all over the place and get to the point where HOH is totally out of reach. No problem for him though, he went for the money and won it but he is also punished with 500o hollas for the rest of the summer. Fantastic, so we feeder get to turn our volume of up to hear the whispering only to be blasted with DEEERRRRICCCKKKKKKKK can i get a HOLLLLAAAAAAAA! Don’t get mad, we did it to ourselves! Should have voted on the T-shirt like I did. Christine is doing really well in the competition and for a long time I thought she might have it. Nicole even told her to scoop out the slush at the bottom to go faster. This action was not lost on Frankie. Caleb ends up pulling out the win but not before taking some epic spills and really doing a number on his knee. He’s carried into the Diary Room by Frankie and Cody and emerges with his knee bandaged with ice on it. We also learned of Frankie’s last-ditch effort to save Donny just before the live show that fell on deaf ears. What do you think is going to happen with Caleb as HOH? Will he shake things up or will this be another Derrick run week?
While Christine showers and Caleb is with the medic the boys plot against her. See the nominations are already being determined, and the HOH isn’t even part of the conversation. Frankie tells everyone about the help Nicole was giving Christine during the competition. We are finally getting to see the jerk we see on the feeds when Frankie turns to the camera and tells America that Donny was dead weight on Team America and they will accomplish so much more without him. Wrong move Frankie, Donny is way more loved by America than you will ever be! The boys fill Caleb in on the nominate Christine plan when he is out of the DR. He does call Christine on her friendship with Nicole and Christine tries to reassure him that she is just being friendly and their conversations don’t revolve around game. Does he
believe her? No, not so much.Victoria is her catty self complaining about how Christine always giggles and she is sick of it. Nicole decided to go to Caleb and fight for her life. The girl honestly doesn’t understand why she is such a threat. She tries to appeal to the country boy in him and says from one country person to another he has her word she won’t go after him. He tells her he will think on it. It’s slim picking for Have Not this week and snot roast is on the menu. Derrick volunteers to get the heat off him for taking the 5G’s and nobody else wants any part of it. Caleb was begging them on on the feeds to volunteer and nobody would. After what seemed like forever he finally chose Nicole.
After being chose to be a have not for the second week in a row Nicole has a break down. She is feeling picked on and being a have not two weeks in a row is hard. She runs to the backyard where Victoria and Derrick try to comfort her. Derrick tells her she won’t be hungry, he’ll make sure of it. If by some miracle Nicole ends up making through the week he has also got on her good side and hopefully won’t be nominated. There is really no shock going into the nomination ceremony. Derrick…..sorry I mean Caleb nominates Nicole and Christine. He tells Nicole she is
smart, funny and cute as a button but she has also had 3 chances to save herself since reentering the game and failed. He tells Christine she knows why she is nominated and he hopes she wins because Nicole is the target. Is anyone here shocked at the outcome of this weeks episode? No one is even fighting anymore, they’ve waved the white flag and barring some crazy happenings Derrick will win the 500 000 dollars in 24 days. Who do you want to win Veto, and if you could choose the replacement nominee who would you choose? I really want Christine to win Veto and I want ideally a Derrick renom but I know that won’t happen ever, so let’s put Frankie up there and send him to Jury. I want the three girls to band together to take out the boys and lets turn this house upside down. Now is the time for big moves. Stop talking about it and just get it done. Do you agree?
With only a month left game talk will be at an all time high. The Detonators WILL have to turn on each other next week. So get watching those feeds for all the action.If you don’t have the feeds yet there is still time to buy them through us and we provide you with all the Flash back times. Check out all our spoiler pages that can keep you up to date on everything going on in the house! Just click on any of the links below and you will instantly be put in the loop. AND REMEMBER IF YOU LOVE BIG BROTHER & HAVEN’T HEARD EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON YOU MUST CLICK HERE BECAUSE YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT ALL OUR PRESEASON BB16 CONTENT HERE & IF YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR LIVE FEEDS YET PURCHASING THEM THROUGH OUR WEBSITE (CLICK ANY BANNER) WE’D BE GRATEFUL! YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT ALL OUR CONTENT FOR VIA PAY PAL, PATREON AND EVEN FOR FREE HERE!
Check out our latest show for all our thoughts on all the behind the scenes info. Plus we had the pleasure of talking to Tim Brecht, Christines husband. The things he says may shock you plus he’s a really great guy and super funny. You won’t be disappointed!
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