Hold on to your hats everyone, its Double Eviction night! Wait a minute its Big Brother 16, I think our hats are fine, unless they are pink and belong to Zach. Then it might get torn up. Christine has taken herself off the block and Victoria has been nominated with the promise she is totally fine. Next on the BB16 agenda lunch! Frankie can’t go two hours without cooking up some kind of fish and Caleb wants chicken. That is the fighting we are getting this season people. Chicken or fish! Nicole is just astounded by the lack of nerve these guys have to make any kind of big moves. She doesn’t get why these guy are afraid of a little girl, and she’s right, too bad she can’t win a competition when she needs to so she can make some of these moves she’s harping about. Caleb tells Frankie that is name had come up in renomination talks. He doesn’t want him to hear it from anyone else. Frankie confronts Derrick and Derricks just blames it on Caleb’s paranoia which Frankie isn’t buying but isn’t saying anything. He also knows that the idea was originally Cody’s and now he’s freaking out thinking Caleb told Frankie everything he said. Frankie actually takes all this in good stride, he expected it at some point and he’s just glad that it didn’t happen.
Let’s move on to the live vote. Julie tells everyone its a double eviction which isn’t a surprise to anyone in the house. We quickly move on to the vote. Let me say Nicole you are my hero. She gets up and says the customary I love you’s and then tells everyone in the house to Stop playing Big Baby and start playing Big Brother. Finally someone speaks up and tells these people who watching them is as exciting as watching grass grow. No surprise, Nicole is voted out 4-0. I am so tired of unanimous votes. These guys are in the house thinking they are playing the most riveting game of Big Brother ever. Wait til they get out and watch this season and see just how predictable they are! We move on to the HOH competition called What the Bleep. House guests are shown clips of evicted house guests talking with a word bleep out. Julie will tell them what word is in the bleep and they have to
guess if true or false. I want Victoria or Christine to win this so bad. The first and only clip was Donny reading his HOH and letter and saying I miss your bleeeep……Julie gives them the word massages. All of them with the exception of Derrick guess true. Guess what people. The whole house just threw a HOH competition to Derrick. WTF has happened to this show! Derrick is the new HOH. I must say it does take pure genius to get a whole house to let you have a HOH, especially a double eviction HOH. Am I happy about it HELL NO! But it is what it is, predictable and boring. Because this competition ended so quickly Derrick has time to hold conference with everyone in the house. He does take time to tell Victoria she is going up but Christine is the target and if she wins veto than Frankie is the target. In predictable fashion, Christine and Victoria go on the block. Instead of just being a man and saying this is what I want for my game Derrick blames the house. For a cop Derrick you are a pussy. Man up and own something for a change. I am so over it. Do you think that this competition was thrown to Derrick?
Things move quick here and we are in the backyard for the Veto competition called Mazed and Confused. They all need to maneuver a ball through 3 different crop circle mazes, the first to get their ball through and set of their sensor win the Veto. It’s a good race between Frankie and Christine. Unfortunately Christine pulls behind and Frankie wins the Veto. All my hopes for this season have just sank to the bottom of stomach, I know Christine is on her way out the door. Of course Frankie chooses not to use the power of Veto. Going against the puppet master would certainly lead to early eviction. Frankie don’t you realize you are next on their hit list? Take your own advice and stop playing Big Best Friend and start playing Big Brother! Christine is sent packing in yet another unanimous vote and is sent out the door to a chorus of Boo’s. My heart dropped. I have been a Christine fan since day 1. Did she make some critical mistakes in the game? Of course she did but she is a human being people. Have some sort of decency. Even racist A
aryn who was flipping beds and making racial slurs didn’t get that large of a boo. Having been in a live audience for an eviction taping of BB Canada I can say that while it was no secret I didn’t like Sabrina and I was pretty scathing to her in some of my blogs I would never have treated her like that on live television. To me that was humiliation and way over the top. Christine took it pretty well, I would have burst out into tears if it was me. She does tell Julie that she regrets not sticking with Hayden and Nicole. She explains her relationship with Cody is that of just friends and she understands him not giving her a sympathy vote. Did the right people go home this week? In my opinion no. I’d love to see Frankie out of there and then there’s Victoria. To me she has become that annoying chatcki you have to move every time you dust and you tell yourself you’ll throw it out next big purge and you always forget then it just becomes something that is there. She’ll sit herself in the final 4 just because people will forget she’s there. Honestly if she won the game, I wouldn’t be sad. I think it would be a hilarious F-You to this season.
Julie lets us in on the big twist of the summer, the Golden Rewind button. It’s been shown on the nomination board all day for the hamsters to see all day. Conspiracy theories are flying left right and center. What is this button? If it is pushed the week gets voided and it starts all again on Wednesday. They are really banking on someone pushing this button since there aren’t enough people in the house to play out three more weeks. It’s a pretty risky situation if you ask me. What are your thoughts on our magic gold button?
The HOH competition happened last night so check out the flashback times to see who won and get watching those feeds for all the fall out drama .If you don’t have the feeds yet there is still time to buy them through us and we provide you with all the Flash back times. Check out all our spoiler pages that can keep you up to date on everything going on in the house! Just click on any of the links below and you will instantly be put in the loop. AND REMEMBER IF YOU LOVE BIG BROTHER & HAVEN’T HEARD EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON YOU MUST CLICK HERE BECAUSE YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT ALL OUR PRESEASON BB16 CONTENT HERE & IF YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR LIVE FEEDS YET PURCHASING THEM THROUGH OUR WEBSITE (CLICK ANY BANNER) WE’D BE GRATEFUL! YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT ALL OUR CONTENT FOR VIA PAY PAL, PATREON AND EVEN FOR FREE HERE!
Check out our latest show for all our thoughts on all the behind the scenes info. Plus we had the pleasure of talking to Tim Brecht, Christine’s husband. The things he says may shock you plus he’s a really great guy and super funny. You won’t be disappointed!
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