Hey everyone! Sorry for missing a day. Things got crazy with this new schedule! So Frankie is HOH in a week that doesn’t matter and Victoria thinks she is the house mastermind supreme. I think delusional may be contagious because she has hit Caleb levels at this point referring to Derrick as the Robin to her Batman! In what universe does that occur in. I think she put her extensions in too tight! They played the veto that don’t matter and it was BB Freakshow. This is probably my favorite competition. I love the face morphing it’s fun to watch and guess at home. This one was crazy hard because they were morphed and dressed like side-show freaks. The only thing really scary is this another timed competition and Victoria is playing. Caleb made nice work of it first off and I really thought he could take it. Victoria was so sure she’d do well because she’s a photographer, she is going to be so embarrassed when she watches this season back and sees how delusional she was! Derrick did well as well but Frankie in a time just under 6 minutes took the win home. Say what you want about Frankie and his personality, love him or hate him he has won 9 competitions, more HOH’s than anyone. If he makes it final 2 he deserves a win on game alone! The lack of enthusiasm from the rest of the house had to have been an eye opener for Frankie. Hopefully he takes that into consideration when
the Veto meeting is going on. Team America got their next mission. I hate that Team America is existing without Donny. When Donny left the game, so should Team America. They have been tasked with making everyone think there is a rodent in the house and they need to keep them up all night looking for it. Why do I feel we did this challenge before. It seems awful similar to find the thief to me. I don’t think it was hard to complete. Frankie played it up amazing and really Derrick is the smartest one in the house and he’s in on it so convince the three stooges wasn’t a stretch. Cody sure is pretty to look at, and I love him but my Lord he is such a wimp. Frankie got it right when he said even I am more manly than Cody in many ways. Cody was on tables and chairs, and wouldn’t come down! It was crazy and hilarious to watch, probably the most entertaining part of the show. Caleb was Beast Mode Exterminator and made a trap. I’ll give it Caleb, he has become the most entertaining person to watch. He’s totally delusional and full of shit but I have this crazy love/hate relationship with him. Frankie has all the power this week and has forgotten that no one gave a crap when he won veto. Frankie leaves the nominations the same as we head into tonight’s non eviction. Would you have left things the same after getting the reaction Frankie got to winning Veto?
Victoria now realizes she is leaving and is visibly upset. She’s crying again. It just sank in to her that these guys have a bond she can’t infiltrate and she is next to go. Frankie comforts her and I think he is genuinely sad to see her so upset. Derrick urges her to campaign to Caleb but he is also in Damage Control Mode too. Victoria in jury is way too dangerous for him. His closeness to her has been no secret over the summer and she’d throw herself on a sword for Derrick to win the money. She is a locked up vote with power to sway everyone else. His genius plan…Stage a fight. Victoria has to convince everyone that Derrick has told her he’s been leading her on all summer. Her first victim is Frankie. Derrick is nervous because any plan hinging on Victoria is sure to fail BUT give the girl and oscar, she played the player and even got him to cry. Frankie tells Derrick she is upset and the master manipulator puts another check in the W category.
The best part of this episode was the jury footage! Zach’s birthday was last week and his gift was a replacement pink hat. He was so happy. Jocasta has a new look, even without Nicole around Hayden is straightening his hair and Donny just looks relaxed. They all look happy and rested because they aren’t worried about what knife is going to be put in their back. Nicole arrives and everyone is sad. They wanted Christine or Frankie. Nicole tells them about the double eviction and they all agree seeing Christine walk through the doors would be great. These are some pretty bitter people down to the core of it. She enters and no one even looks up it’s just a hey! The most awkward jury entry ever! Even the hated people got pretend hugs. Christine tells them about how she was boo’d and shows them the DVD. Donny is killing me here. Zach asks if she has a thing for dinosaurs now and she says no, then Donny bless him asks Do you have a lawyer? OMG Donny I never expected that to come from him! EVER! As they talk they all know Derrick is the king pin of the house. Congratulations you just told us the winner of BB16 CBS There is no need to watch the show. Write the check let’s go. Everyone in the house thinks the show is done Sunday so we can make that happen NO?
Julie tells everyone it’s time for the live vote. Victoria actually keeps up the charade of her and Derrick fighting in her final plea and just as Derrick is about to open the Diary Room door the bells and whistles go off. That damn rewind button! Julie tells them that we are rewinding the week and literally rewinds footage from the whole weeks events. We learn we are playing the exact same competitions as last week and poor Cody has to go back into the dinosaur outfit once the HOH competition is complete. Victoria just starts screaming about her bag. Calm down Victoria they won’t make you compete in a dress and heels! If I was Frankie I’d be livid. I’d be made at Big Brother, I’d be mad at myself for pushing that stupid button. All that work he did this week and it got him no where. Off they go to play seed saw again. Having played it before they all have an advantage. Even Victoria is doing better this time. Who will win? I am still banking on Caleb or Frankie who had the best handle on the game the first time, but we shall see on Sunday. How would you have reacted to your HOH being totally erased with the push of a button?
It’s going to get good from here on out, they have to turn on each other so if you don’t have the feeds yet there is still time to buy them through us and we provide you with all the Flash back times. Check out all our spoiler pages that can keep you up to date on everything going on in the house! Just click on any of the links below and you will instantly be put in the loop. AND REMEMBER IF YOU LOVE BIG BROTHER & HAVEN’T HEARD EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON YOU MUST CLICK HERE BECAUSE YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! YOU CAN ALSO CHECK OUT ALL OUR PRESEASON BB16 CONTENT HERE & IF YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN YOUR LIVE FEEDS YET PURCHASING THEM THROUGH OUR WEBSITE (CLICK ANY BANNER) WE’D BE GRATEFUL! YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT ALL OUR CONTENT FOR VIA PAY PAL, PATREON AND EVEN FOR FREE HERE!
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