Where do I start today! I am not a happy bunny and it all comes down to Devin, but we will get to that a little later. Lets let the rage simmer a little while we talk about what happened after Battle of the Block last week. Now that Victoria and Brittany are safe they are a tad bitter with Frankie, I don’t blame them, especially Victoria. Her friend put her on the block with a lame excuse, I’d be pissed too! Well they showed him and now Frankie needs to mend some pretty damaged fences. Paola and Donny have one of the sweetest conversations I think I’ve heard in the Big Brother house. Paola is ready to do anything for Donny she loves him so much and Donny is in tears. Not because they lost the Battle of the Block, not because there is a huge chance he could go home but because he isn’t used to so many people being nice to him. How can anyone NOT be nice to Donny? I just want to take that man and hug him 24/7. I don’t know if his naiveté is an act for the house or it that is really just him but I never want anything bad to happen to him. What did you guys think of the tender moment between Paola and Donny? I really think it may be one of those odd friendships that continue past this game. It warmed me to Paola and I really hope I’m right.
Cue rage portion of blog. I have never wanted to punch someone as much as I want to punch Devin. He goes into that room and fake cries with him, pretends he’s his friend is going to watch his back and it’s all lies. Yes I know Big Brother his a game of lying I get it, and if you can’t handle someone lying to you then maybe you should just go home. Lying to Donny is on another level. This man is honest and genuine and really without reservation has pledged his loyalty to this douche of a guy even after Devin tells him he thinks he is lying about his occupation and he’s throwing it in his face. When Donny finds out the extent to which Devin is lying to him that man is going to be devastated. If you read any of my blogs or watch my The Bachelorette recap with Tyler you know how I feel about crying men. I don’t like it but DONNY IS MY EXCEPTION! Not only is Devin just being a total ass to Donny his paranoia is on such a high level it has spread to Caleb. Caleb believes he had to be ex-military and he has the whole house now thinking that. His performance in the Battle of the Block competition has opened Devin’s eyes because Donny showed he’s a beast! A beast at what you ask? A beast at pouring water. Caleb’s excuse for believing Donny is ex-military is because his chins are bald. How does that make you ex-military? It makes you guilty of pulling your socks up all the time is what it does. Devin’s major clue that he’s ex-military is that he wears camoflauge. Devin is dangerous. He is paranoid, he’s a bad player and for some strange reason he has a ton of pull with the guys. A guy with power, making bad decisions based on paranoia is a lethal combination. WAKE UP HOUSE GUESTS! Devin has the nerve to call Joey the worst player in the game. Dude look in the mirror! Maybe he’s a great guy outside this insane game but for right now Devin can go home and quickly!
We get our first look at the have not room. I called it that the ice room would be the have not room. I love it. I would never want to be in it EVER. The beds are blocks of ice, they only get emergency blankets to sleep on and I would be one cranky bear if I was in there. Big Brother did provide them with some slopsicles for fun. Caleb was charged with naming the first 4 have nots of the season. Hayden and Brittany volunteered and he named Cody and Joey as well.
Now for Joey. Oh Joey I had such high hopes for her! She is a ton of fun and a bundle of energy but being a recruit with no TV she really has no idea how to play this game. The El Cuatro alliance fell apart as soon as the girls left the room after forming it but Joey wanted to revive it not knowing 2 of the girls have joined the BombSquad. In theory great, but 7 women can’t work together, who are we kidding? If she could have found a core group of 4 and kept her mouth closed Joey would have been in a great spot. The minute 7 girls huddle in a bathroom even the dumbest of guys nevermind a cop is gonna sniff something bad is about to happen. So yes, Derrick’s cop instinct tells him the girls are up to no good and he tells the rest of the “Squad”. Amber quickly admits the conversation happens to Caleb and now the guys have set a secondary target on Joey. Joey figures out something is off and admits to Devin of all people that yes she tried to start an all girls alliance. This is where my giant TV almost when through my living room window. Who agrees with me that this is dumbest stunt Joey could pull? First off why Devin? Who is Devin? Is he HOH this week? I didn’t think so! And why are you apologizing for trying to start an alliance? You are on Big Brother you’re supposed to start and alliance. Just don’t tell Devin, tell Caleb if anyone, tell Frankie, don’t tell Devin! You have one bad player telling an even worse player about an alliance. Devin’s mind is now cranking out conspiracy theories at the speed of light, and unfortunately Joey has sealed her fate in this game.
Veto players are picked and we have Caleb, Paola, Donny, Victoria, Zach and Cody all competing in the “Miami Lice” Veto Competition. Have I mentioned that Jocasta (whose named they spelled right in the intro this week) is dressed as a giant lice bug! So in this competition they have to jump in a pool of foamy water and search for lice bugs, each bug has a letter on it and they need to bring them over one at a time and spell the longest word in the shortest amount of time. They all go out guns blazing looking for letters. Caleb has decided he wants to
spell specialize, but can’t find the P, Paola has her heart set on spelling calculators .Donny is just wondering around looking for letters like he’s on the beach looking for sea shells. He doesn’t want to wear himself out Zach is the first to buzz in and Donny follows not to long after. Time runs out and no one else has buzzed in so it will be great to see what kind of words they come up with. Zach reveals first, and he correctly spells the word WARNING, Cody tried to spell comptetitively but spelled it wrong. Caleb has all of specialize spelled right except for the P, Victoria couldn’t find her C for pharmacist and Paola couldn’t find enough C’s to spell calculators and ended up spelling something not of this language CALTORU. I think she may be speaking Klingon now. Hayden had a hilarious Diary Room session about it. I am enjoying the DR’s this season. They are cracking me up!The surprise win of Veto was taken by Donny who spelled SPLITTERS! I have never been so happy so see someone win a Veto EVER! Good for you Donny! Well done.
Donny winning Veto was the Bombsquads worst nightmare. Well maybe not, I think their worst case scenario would have been Joey winning it and pulling down Donny. This is not what they wanted but they do have their second target Joey sitting nicely in their line of fire. We quickly move to the Veto ceremony and shocker Donny pulls himself off the block. Caleb is forced to name a third nominees and of course smurfette herself ends up sitting next to Paola. The good thing about this is that now both Caleb and Donny are both drinking the same flavor or kool aid called raging paranoia out of the same bottle. Donny will only fuel this just by being Donny and watching the meltdown of these to guys will make for great feeds. Get me my popcorn because I am ready! I’m not sure that there is anything that Joey can do this week to save herself. She talks way to much and knows too little about the game to change anyone’s mind. At one point on the feeds she was offering to flash guys for safety. Yes that is what we are reduced to in Big Brother 16. Keep me and I’ll show you my boobs. She has already run through the house naked so really that offer means nothing anyways. Paola just needs to sit pretty, keep her mouth closed and stay far away from the drama and she is golden this week. I am pretty certain that Team America is going to take their first hit. Who do you think is going to go home tonight? I can’t wait for tonight’s HOH competition. I really hope that one of the girls win it and put these boys in their place.
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