It’s the first live eviction episode of the summer y’all! The game is now on. Joey was put up as a replacement nominee and began to campaign immediately. She goes up to Caleb as soon as the ceremony is over and TELLS him that his is not what the house wants and he has made a big mistake. Joey honey you do not have enough footing in this game to tell anyone anything is a mistake, but I will give her an A for effort. Joey was nominated on Monday and she was non-stop talking ever since. Lay low is not a phrase she understands, meanwhile Paola is ecstatic because if she keeps her mouth shut she can just let Joey sink her own ship. Everyone tells her that they need to do what “the house” wants, going against “the house” will certainly put a target on their back. Joey is feisty one though, which is why I liked her right off the bat. How does Joey decide to deal with “the house” situation? She creates alter ego Alex. Alex is her male counterpart, he’s loud, he’s aggressive and he scared the death out of pretty much everybody. Only Nicole thought it was funny, everyone else thought she was insane. Not the smartest game move ever made but I think Joey might have been going for the record of making the most terrible game moves in one week. She sealed her fate and Paola is loving every minute of it. What did you think of Alex? Good game move or just another bad one in a string of bad game moves made? But hey she lasted long than Jody did, so she’ll always have that!
Can I just say THANK YOU BIG BROTHER! They finally show the creepy obsession that Caleb has developed for Amber. Caleb when not having paranoid delusions of Donny being ex-military with Devin in the HOH room is down in general population mooning over Amber. He has told anyone that would listen how much he likes her, how she is one girl he’d wait til marriage to have sex with. Frankie seems to be the one that he confides in the most and is feeling like he’s in 7th grade again. All this time Amber hasn’t shown any interest in Caleb, but paranoid Caleb thinks that Amber doesn’t want to be in the same room with him alone because she doesn’t want people to think they have an alliance. Oh Caleb, she thinks your crazy! Caleb this week decided that he was going to tell Amber how he feels. He brings her up to his bird’s nest and tells her he feels differently about her than any other girl. He goes on to say that he sees how she looks at him and she is bewildered. She doesn’t feel the same way and just wants to get the hell out of there. Caleb is determined and he isn’t giving up on her. Amber get a restraining order because Caleb is coming for you.
Finally we get to the first live eviction. As always you can tell who is going home just by how they are dressed. Paola is there in shorts and a t-shirt and Joey has on a nice top and yoga pants ( I guess she still had a teeny bit of hope) In a vote of 13-0 because Devin went through the house and TOLD everyone that the vote HAD to be unanimous. Thank you paranoid god father for providing us more proof that you are crazy. Frankie doesn’t care if it’s unanimous or not, as long as she’s gone but Devin is adamant that is needs to be all or nothing. Crazy Devin gets his way and Joey is joins the first evicted club. Maybe next year will be that first evicted season everyone keeps saying they want and we’ll see our blue haired friend again! Joey tells Julie that she was shocked at the unanimous decision! Was Joey living in the same house we were watching. Did she not sense this coming? It wasn’t a covert operation. Caleb reveals the Bombsquad in his good-bye message. Julie tells her that there is an undercover cop and the brother of a pop star in the house but can find out when she goes home to watch the episodes. I don’t think anyone was surprised to see Joey evicted. Was it the smart decision? As much as I love Joey and found her entertaining I think she needed to leave.
IT’S TIME TO CROWN A NEW HOH! Am I ever ready, or am I? The backyard has turned into a college frat house yard for BB Rager. The girls compete first. They have to move 6 kegs from one side of a balance beam to another. If they drop a keg or fall from their beam they are out of the competition. The first one who has their kegs stacked and has rung their buzzer wins. To make it harder the boys are on a balcony throwing frisbees at them. Amber, Brittany and Christine
start out strong. Brittany falls down half way through. Amber takes the win for the girls side. The boys are up next, same game same rules. Derrick falls down almost immediately. Hayden was kicking ass in the competition and fell on this way back to hit the buzzer. I really wanted Hayden to win, and I as so upset when he went down. Cody and Devin were neck and neck. Cody rang his buzzer first. Cody is the second HOH OH wait no he’s not, on the commercial they reviewed the camera and it showed he stepped down before hitting his buzzer. DEVIN IS HOH I want to crawl into a hole and come out on Thursday. I can’t take a week of Devin in power I really can’t. One silver lining is that Devin winning this week means that if he stays HOH he can’t compete next week, so we have more of a possibility of getting him evicted! What do you think of this duo as HOH’s? Who do you think they’ll put up for nominations? Will Donnie be safe from Devin’s paranoid military delusions?
Team America took their first hit today, leaving us wondering what was going to happen to this 3 person alliance. Will it be 3 or go down to two. We learn that Donny is the second member of Team America. He was pretty choked up about being named to this alliance and accepted the offer. I like the fact that Donny has a chance to earn extra money, he deserves it. We are told that we will get the next 2 members for Team America, so we are replacing Joey. My dilemma now is who to put with Donny. I want him to do well so I want to put people who will work well with him but also want this to blow up some people’s games like Devin and Caleb. Blowing up their game would blow up Donny’s though. I have some thinking to do. Who do you want as the rest of Team America? Comment below and let me know what you are going to do. I can’t wait to hear from y’all.
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