Devin has won HOH and now we are in for the Devin and Caleb show all week long. Lord, give me the strength to get through this week. The Bombsquad is celebrating Devin’s win, but Frankie doesn’t trust Caleb. You could tell Amber was not happy that Cody was disqualified from the HOH for his foot touching down and now she has to deal with crazy Devin in her HOH. Zach does his best to comfort Cody after he was stripped of HOH. Zach needs him to keep his head in the game, they will get through this week. Devin and Amber get their HOH rooms complete with pictures and letters this week. Its all typical miss you, you are doing great stuff. Amber cries and Devin gets choked up with his letter from his mother. This is going to be a rough week for me. I can’t listen to Devin for more than a few minutes. He drives me up the wall. His arrogance is too much for me to take, and the way he talks to people is just ridiculous. The only silver lining in this situation for me is that Devin can’t play in HOH next week so if these hamsters smarten up we may only have another week left. Devin on the block will make him go even crazier, and that will be AMAZING to watch!
The crazy train starts early and it’s a great ride to be on. After seeing pictures of his daughter, Devin decides that he feels bad for not believing Donny is what he says he is and goes to Donny to apologize for passing judgement on him. Donny, bless his heart, listens to Devin and says that everything is OK with them but Donny in the DR tells us that Devin needs to prove himself to him now and that he will never trust him 100% I am so glad Donny has seen the light in regards to Devin. This little confession session isn’t enough for Devin. He decides that he now needs a house meeting to confess to whole house. He calls a house meeting and all but Donny, Caleb and Amber show up. He tells everyone that (don’t be shocked) he is in this game for his daughter and he wants to play with honest
and integrity. He blew up the Bombsquads reasoning for nominations last week by saying he was the one that forced Caleb’s hand to nominate Donny. Bombsquad members jaws drop since Devin decided to totally contradict the reason behind the nomination. The best part of this house meeting hands down was Frankie and Victoria eating grapes like they were popcorn and they had front row seats to the latest blockbuster. They had me cracking up! Devin has totally gone rogue with this Alliance. He decides what to do and when to do it, and the rest of them are left behind to damage control. He jumps on Calebs back when he calls him out on throwing him under the bus. After what was I swear a 45 minute conversation with Devin saying the exact same thing over and over again they mend their fences, because even Caleb knows that you needs to soothe the crying baby before you can get anything done. Why the 7 just don’t jump ship and make a new alliance and let Devin drown himself is beyond me. If you were part of the Bombsquad what would you do in this situation?
This week everything happened so fast. HOH was won and not too long after they were notified that nominations were going to happen that night. Devin and Amber pick eggs and Devin is the first to nominate. He chooses Paola and Brittany. No shock there. Paola is useless in competitions and Devin and Brittany don’t get along at all. He hates that she doesn’t bow down to him and put up with his crap. He believes she questioned his integrity and that can not go unpunished. BUT her greatest mistake in the game……she left her lotion in the kitchen. HOLY COW I never saw anyone go so ape shit over a bottle of lotion EVER! He marches into the honeycomb room and just unleashes on poor Brittany about how she needs to clean up after herself. SHE NEEDS TO CLEAN!!!! All that girl does
is clean. Could you imagine the the insanity McCrae and Amanda’s room would have caused if he had been cast in BB15? Amber is up next and nominates Hayden and Nicole. Her nomination speech made no sense. She looked terrified during the whole ceremony like she thought Devin was going to stick a knife in her back. It was basically you are strong players and I love you guys. OK, as Hayden says you love me so much why am I on the block? They are on the block because Devin said so. These aren’t Amber’s nominations they are Devin’s. Even Brittany realized that they put two strong players against them so they will lose the Battle of the Block. Obviously Nicole is upset about being nominated and who decided to explain the reasoning behind it? Not the person that nominated them but Devin! He let Amber be there and when she tried to put in her opinion he basically said be quiet and let him do the talking. SHUT UP DEVIN! He tells them that Hayden is physically strong and Nicole is mentally strong so they will be able to beat Brittany and Paola because he has gotten Paola to agree to throw the BOB competition. What are you thinking of Devin’s HOHitis? I am just over it, the feeds are painful for me right now, I can’t handle hearing Devin, seeing Devin or even having Devin mentioned.
The introduction of Zrankie had to be my favorite part of the show last night. Zach claims to be straight! (I think he comes from the same classification of straight that Nick Uhas does but that is just my opinion) We have watched these two go from strangers, to buddies, to bromance to what seems like a full on showmance.The work out together, and swim together. They hug and cuddle and sleep together. Zrankie has got to be the cutest thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. I am totally on board for seeing Big Brothers first same sex showmance! My Big Brother experience almost demands it. Zach says he sees Frankie has his boyfriend and Frankie seems confused. He’s not sure what it is but it’s lovely he says. I am voting for Zrankie for BB16 showmance of the season! Now flip the script to Caleb and Devin! That is a cuddle session I can do without.I wish both of them would self evict.
If you think HOH and nominations were going to be it for Thursday night you are mistaken! They also held the BOB competition late Thursday night, early Friday morning. They were kept up all night with hints as to what was going to happen. This competition is called WE DID WHAT? Its the morning after the BB Rager and now the 4 nominees have to answer questions based on the pictures that are being flashed in front of them. Derrick is hosting and asking the questions. If you answer right you get a point and the other team gets a punishment. Answer wrong and the other team gets the point and you take the punishment deteremined by the other team. Remember Paola has agreed to throw this competiton. Brittany answers the first question wrong and is punished with beer goggles. Paola gets the second question right, enraging Devin, and Hayden is forced to drink they Hangover cure. Brittany answers wrong again thanks to Paola giving her the wrong answer and has to do a cannon ball fully clothed into the pool. Paola gets the next one wrong and is given a beer helmet that just doesn’t stop flowing. Brittany answered the next question right and gave poor Hayden a swirly. Hayden answers the next questions correctly and Nicole and him are off the block and safe from evicition.
Who do you think should go home this week? If Paola and Brittany stay on the block Paola needs to go home? Thing are changing hourly in that house and it is too soon to call in this blog what is going to happen but be sure to check out the links below to all our spoilers. And trust me, you need to keep up with Devin and his paranoia. That right there will keep you busy all day long!
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