Toot Toot! Devin’s crazy train is pulling out of the station for the final leg of it’s trip. His HOH has had more twists and turns then any other week 2 HOH I have ever seen. Last we saw he saved is rival Brittany and put up an alliance member for eviction. In dramatic fashion Brittany stands up and says “I just have one thing to say” Uh Oh, this can never be a good thing EVER! Zach decides he wants to jump in at the end too so I am at the edge of my seat. Brittany says she knew that Paola was throwing the competition because she wasn’t wearing her glasses and she NEVER does anything without her glasses. At this Paola decided it’s time to just blow up everyone’s game and admits Devin asked her to throw it but she really did try. Didn’t last episode Paola say she could have dominated that competition? She says Devin isn’t a good person. In case you have missed it Devin has a daughter and Paola says that she will laugh at him when she sees this. I will give Paola a point here. He thinks he is playing this AMAZING game of Big Brother but he has one of the messiest, neurotic and unstrategic games I have ever seen. I thought Paul making a deal with everyone week 1 in BB Canada was a bad game. He
makes Paul seem like an amazing strategist. At least Paul can admit he screwed up and he is a likeable guy. I find it hard to see any redeemable qualities in this guy. Nicole is loving the drama that is going down in front of her til Paola decided that she is going to drop the bomb that both Hayden and Nicole knew of the plan to throw the competition. Luckily for those two they are so likeable in the house and Devin is such a threatening personality people take it as they were forced to go along with it. Then Zach speaks. He flat out tells Paola that she sucks, Devin doesn’t speak an ounce of truth. He also tells Frankie and all the other house guests not to feel threatened. Singling out Frankie makes him look like he’s working against Devin. Zach makes it known that his target it Devin in hopes that people will keep him just so he can target Devin. What did you guys think of that crazy post-veto meeting? Did Zach take it too far and did Brittany not take it far enough.
The aftermath of this insane Veto ceremony is crazy. Zankie takes a hit much to my displeasure. Frankie is not happy with Zach’s performance after the Veto ceremony, and wants to know why Zach felt the need to throw him and the whole alliance under the bus. Zach could care less about the alliance but really does feel bad about bring
down Frankie. Caleb is angry as well and it makes it hard for the Bombsquad to keep Zach around. Devin has shockingly dropped Zach from the Bombsquad and has recruited Hayden. I had PTSD Flashback of week one as Devin summons Hayden upstairs and tells him there is an 8 person alliance, we had to kick out Zach but we want you to be the replacement member. Oh Hayden do you feel special to be the newest person in a huge alliance. Hayden “accepts” Devin’s offer, because he’d be stupid not to with numbers like that. Straight A student, Hayden has made it his secret mission to destroy the Bombsquad. Good work Zach, destroy them from inside. Very smart idea. I am liking the weirdo alliance more and more every episode. Do you think that Hayden can destroy the Bombsquad with the help of Nicole and Christine?
Team America has their first meeting of the summer. I love the Brain, the Beard and the Beauty. For once America did something right when it comes to voting on Big Brother. They are going over the pros and cons of keeping Zach and Paola. Donny, our loveable beard says that Paola is his best budding in the house but that doesn’t mean he won’t vote her out! Who knew he’s be cut throat? Derrick convinces them that Zach is the best option for them, Paola is useless and at least Zach has a chance of doing what he says he will. They just need to convince Caleb to keep Zach. Derrick is charged with dealing with Caleb and Frankie’s task is to tell Devin of the plan. Good luck Frankie! Derrick persuades Caleb to come on board with their Zach attack plan. Now Frankie aka The Devin Whisperer is in the HOH room with the Devin and says the Bombsquad is now 9 member. They are keeping Zach. At this point Devin is out, it’s a solo game for him and THANK GOD. Bombsquad has blown up! Devin NEEDS to win every competition he plays in at this point because his days are numbered. What are the chances that Devin is successfully backdoored this week? There is still the numbers to do it. If t here is a God any God then he WON’T be chosen for the Veto and we can all get back to the business of enjoying Big Brother the way it was meant to be.
It’s live vote time. Who will be going home tonight? Zach or Paola. For a cast who’s Diary Rooms are off the chart hysterical they are all so serious when it comes to voting. There are no secret signs of alliances, no rhymes just all business. Donny shockingly goes against Team America and votes to evict Zach. I guess he’s not so cut throat after all, or maybe since he knew the numbers were in the right favor he felt he could throw his vote to his friend. IN A VOTE OF 10-2 PAOLA HAS BEEN EVICTED FROM THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE. I am not shocked, nor upset about it. She wasn’t a great competitor and I didn’t find her all that interesting. For a girl who was cast as the spunky New Yorker AKA Gina Marie, she under delivered for me. But when you are stepping into Gina Marie’s role you have a lot to live up to. Gina Marie brought spunky New Yorker to a whole new level. Paola goes out to talk to Julie and was asked why she would she risk her safety and throw a competition like that. She had no answer, which proves what a bad player she was. She did cry at Donny’s good bye message. I can’t wait to see these two reunited at the Finale. An odd couple they proved to be but they are so cute together. Paola is rooting for Jocasta and Donny to win. No surprise there, those were the two she was closest to in the house. Was Paola’s eviction the right choice this week? I think so. You need someone who isn’t afraid of standing up to Devin, and Paola already proved she is not that girl.
Time to finally crown a new HOH. This week couldn’t end soon enough. We have gotten off the crazy train and hopefully it won’t ever take another trip. House guests are playing UNDERWATER POLO! It’s crap shoot challenge time! They each take a mallet and hit a ball down a ramp where the ball will land in a numbered slot. If your ball gets stuck on any of the obstacles and doesn’t make it down you get a score of 0! The two house guests with the highest scores are HOH! This is the type of challenge Jeff let Jordon win excpet believe their theme was golf. In the category of shit Julie says at one points she tells them “You must be ready with their balls in hand when your name is called.” I think she may be taking lessons from Jeff Probst on how to make anything and everything a strange sexual innuendo! Amber and Cody take the early lead with 17, Caleb dethrowns them and I get terrified. Thankfully Frankie pushes Caleb out of first place. Nicole then gets the highest score possible with 29 so we know who at least one of our HOH’s will be. Derrick is the last to hit and he scores a 28 sending Frankie of the podium and here you have it folks, NICOLE AND DERRICK ARE OUR NEW HOH’S! I couldn’t be happier with this outcome. Derrick and Nicole are NOT crazy. No train rides this week. I love we have a member of Team America making nominations and my up and coming favorite alliance “The Weirdo’s” are making nominations. Let’s see if Team American and Team Weirdo can allign and make a new kick ass alliance. I have high hopes for this week. What are you thinking of these HOH’s? Who do you think they will put up for nominations? Is backdooring Devin still an option? I really don’t know what Derrick or Nicole will do so I can’t wait to watch.
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