CBBUS Episode 3—2-hour episode
Chuck says he needs to knock out the veto competition. Okay, enough of the constant boxing references from Chuck. Learn a new song, please. Every episode has had at least 1. We’re 3 episodes in, so at least it’s a shortened season and he may go home tonight. The women have total control of the game and say that it’s best to take James out now, but Shannon tells him not to worry. Mark tells James that he will use the Veto on him should he win it. He says in DR that he could see taking James down benefitting him down the line.
Omorosa approached Keisha about starting a separate BGM (Black Girl Magic) alliance from the rest of the girls. I’ve got to call this out. We’ve seen Omorosa wear more afro-centric clothing and hair wraps and was wearing an afro wig on a live-feeds leak. She seems to be trying REAL hard to rehab her image with black people after supporting Trump, first as Black Outreach Director for the campaign and then in the Trump White House. With his failure to denounce white supremacists after Charlottesville, many racially-charged tweets, the travel ban and other divisive actions by the Trump administration, black people aren’t likely to forget that Omorosa was fired. She didn’t leave by choice and had to dragged out by security. People aren’t going to watch BB and think, “Omorosa is trying to make the finale with another black woman. We should forget about her standing by Trump.” BB is using Omorosa and vice versa, both seeking PR.
For the Veto, players are Keisha, Chuck, James, Shannon, Mark and Ariadna. Omorosa pipes up over Ross, asking to host the competition. Keisha talks to Mark about what he’d do with the Veto. He tells her that he’d probably use it on James. Keisha says that she will go blow up Mark’s game, but when she talks to Chuck, he says that Mark would use the veto on James. You’re so brilliant at BB, Rudy.
For the Veto Competition, the celebrities visit the Four Sneezes Spiritual Spa with a beautiful set of fountains and large statues with big noses. It’s the spelling competition with a 10-minute time limit. The noses spray out “snot” at the players as they gather letters to spell the longest word possible. Ari lets the guys in on a secret they won’t like: “I don’t like gooey, salty things in my mouth.” Mark spells the word ‘Some.’ Keisha: spells ‘primed.’ Chuck spells ‘spanned.’ Shannon spells ‘responsibilities’ to win the POV. James and Ari misspelled their words and get the Big Bro Tox treatment, which will make them look much younger.
Because Mark said he would’ve used the POV to save James, Keisha and Omorosa want to punish Mark by getting Shannon to use the Veto on Chuck and put Mark on the block. It’s a stupid idea because the alliance would still send James home. Ross speaks up and explains that if it were him that won the POV, he wouldn’t want to use it to put someone on the block that isn’t going home, which results in them getting angry. Omorosa and Keisha want to scare Mark, even though Keisha didn’t make it clear that James is her target when speaking with Mark. It’s a move that Omorosa wants to happen.
When Shannon voices her opinion about not using the veto because it’s bad for her game with all of them already targeting her, Omorosa jumps down her throat, saying that she hears Shannon saying “I, I, I and me, me, me” when this is an alliance. Ross says in DR that this is the Omorosa that he’s seen on TV. Omorosa says in DR that seeing Shannon focus on her game is not best for her long-term strategy. Then she demonstrates her hypocrisy by saying that she’s just going to focus on herself. You always have, girl. WE SEE YOU! Careful, all the sharp edges you were concealing just became glaringly into focus.
During this meeting of the Girls+Gay, Keisha speaks up saying that the women need to stick together, and may the best woman win…in front of Ross. He says in DR, “Yoo-hoo, I’m over here.” Shannon says to Ross that he’s one of the girls. Keisha says that he still has a penis. HE’S AWARE! Shannon turns on her acting skills and starts to cry, saying “You’re right; I’m wrong. I won’t say a word.” Ross says in DR: “Why is she crying? Girl, get it together.” All the girls hug Shannon, except for Omorosa.
Brandi and Ross say that using the veto is a stupid idea once they’re alone in the storage room. Ross says that it’s the second time that Keisha has said that a girl needs to win and that he has a penis. In DR, Brandi says that Ross is a great friend of hers (outside of the house) and it pisses her off that he’s being dismissed like an inanimate object. She says it’s painful, hurtful and she’s shocked.
Later, Ross talks to Marissa about the HOH meeting, pointing out that they made it clear that he is only a number to them and disposable. He says that he’s been discounted his whole life. In DR, Ross says that he doesn’t trust his alliance once the guys are voted out. Marissa feels badly for not sticking up for Ross while he was marginalized by Keisha saying “a woman to the end” in front of him. It shocks her that they aren’t more evolved, and she is questioning the alliance. She cries in the DR, saying that she feels she let down her (theater) community, more than just this game. Marissa and Ross discuss Shannon spelling responsibilities, saving the alliance. They say she’s sweet. Ross adds that she won’t be there long and maybe she shouldn’t be because she should win the whole thing. Ross says that the time will come when they do what they need to do, and it’ll be a shitty day. In DR, Ross says he’s going to let them all underestimate him all the way to the finale.
For losing the Veto competition, Ari and James receive their punishments. They’re dressed as babies, must suck on baby bottles every time BB sounds a crying baby sound effect and must crawl everywhere for 48 hours. The other houseguests get in on the action by feeding them their bottles and laugh when the baby crying stops them mid-activity. One such time is at the Veto Meeting, with James having to suck on his bottle right before the speeches and giving his speech on his knees and. Back to the pre-veto meeting drama…
Keisha says she had a great conversation with Chuck. Omorosa again says that they’ll all be surprised when BGM is in the finale. Meanwhile, Ross tells Shannon that she shouldn’t use the Veto because it draws more attention to her when she already has too much. Ross points out that while Keisha and Omorosa may be running the show right now, they’re asking Shannon to do something that will hurt her game in the long run. Ross says that Omorosa is trying to paint a bigger target on Shannon’s back. He tells her that Omorosa jumped down his throat when he asked what the point of using the veto is if they’re still voting out James. Shannon thinks that Keisha made a side deal with Chuck because she’s fighting to keep him in the house.
Shannon speaks with Keisha and Omorosa about not using the veto. Keisha gets defensive saying that the alliance collectively decided to use it on Chuck (in her own head). Shannon sees Keisha and Omorosa trying to force her to use the Veto when the target is still on the block. Brandi comes to Shannon’s defense, indicating that Brandi and Omorosa will end up on the block, and Shannon will be backdoored if Mark wins HOH. Brandi says in DR Omorosa “bulldozes people and she won’t be bulldozed. People are afraid of her and she’s not. I’m not going to lie; I’m wearing her shoes right now. I’m wearing that bitch’s shoes. She’s my bitch.”
Omorosa and Shannon talk with Omorosa saying that nobody knows the game better than them. Omorosa wants to scare the hell out of Mark. Omorosa says in DR that she loves what Keisha is proposing: shock and awe. She says that’s what you do to opponents. Omorosa tells Shannon that Keisha already talked to Chuck. Shannon starts crying, saying that if she says something, she’s wrong and if she wins, she’s wrong. In the end at the Veto Ceremony, Shannon sticks to her guns and doesn’t use the POV.
Ian, Derek, Nicole and Josh are on stage with Julie to give their perspectives on the game so far. Josh says that he’s loving that there’s no NDA, referring to Omorosa talking about Trump. Nicole says she loves Shannon, but she’s making a target of herself. Ian thinks James could win, but he wants Ross. Derek thinks Shannon could win, but he wants Marissa. Josh thinks that Ross should win.
Ross talks to Shannon about wanting to target Omorosa. Ross and Shannon both say that they don’t trust her. Ross would target her. Shannon and Ross collectively think that they should flip the vote because then Omorosa has less allies. Shannon proposes the idea to Brandi, Marissa and Ari, saying that she thinks that Omorosa and Keisha have a side deal with Chuck. Shannon says they are getting played if they don’t swap the vote. Those 5 plus James will blindside Keisha and Omorosa.
Time for the eviction: Brandi tearfully votes to evict Chuck. Ari, Ross, Shannon, Marissa, Metta and Mark all vote to evict Chuck. Omorosa is the only one that votes to evict James. Chuck is evicted, and Keisha’s mouth drops open while Omorosa just looks pissed. #RestingBitchFace Chuck says to Julie that he thinks something happened last night. He thinks that going for the gift bag and not having a good social game are the reasons that he was evicted. He wants to be on The Amazing Race. He gets to go home, watch the show and feeds and then come back to vote at the finale for a winner.
Sunday will be the HOH competition and nominations. Monday we’ll see the veto played live and the eviction. Keisha and Omorosa look pissed, but BGM has a side deal with Metta.
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