Utopia may have been cancelled by FOX *angrily shakes fist at the executives over at FOX* but you can still follow your favorite (or not so favorite) Utopians on Twitter! I have gathered a list of all the Utopians (that I am aware of) that are on Twitter. If you know of any that I missed, let me know in the comments below or contact me on Twitter. I’ll update this list as I get new information.
Thanks again for watching with us and thanks for reading all the blogs and keeping up with the live feeds account! You all have been great!
AMANDA SCOTT: @MamaBearSeattle
BRI NGUYEN: @Briizeey
CAL EFORT: @CalEfort13
CHRIS TUORTO: @tuortillini
DAVE GREEN: @5thAveDave
DEDEKER WINSTON: @DedekerWinston
HEX VANISLES (aka Kimberly Bondy): @kimAbondy
JAMES SWIFT: @jamswft
JON LOVELACE: @BigJonLovelace @PastorOfPromise
JOSH JOHNSTON: @joshslcstud
KRISTEN VANSTROM: @kristenvanstrom
MIKE QUINN: @msqsp
NIKKI NOCE: @DrNikkiNoce
RHONDA DENISTON (Newtopian): @RhondaDeniston
ROB HOSPIDOR: @hospidor *Recently deactivated account. He could reactivate it within a 30-day period.
And, if you are so inclined, you can follow the host DAN PIRARO @pirarobizarro and the executive producer JON KROLL @hippykid.
For the last time blogging Utopia, this is Vince signing out! Be sure to follow me on Twitter @TVjunkie38340.