It’s week three of Hell’s Kitchen and we are now down to 16 chefs! Cameron became the second person (and the first member of the blue team) to leave Hell’s Kitchen. For a complete recap, you should click this link. That’s what I write these things for! It’s easier than having to go back and watch! (You’re welcome!) 😉
And now, the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen! We begin after the elimination of Cameron. Everyone is heading back to the dorms for the evening and Michael, who somehow miraculously survived the elimination, lets out a shriek of victory. Hey there, Michael my boy, I don’t think being the best of the worst is exactly something to be happy about.

Everyone settles in for what is hopefully a good night’s sleep, but here comes Chef James with an airhorn to wake them up very early in the morning! This is the number one reason I could not do this show. Someone wakes me up and I’m going to jail for murder. REAL TALK. The sleep-deprived chefs stumble downstairs and outside where Chef Ramsay has another one of his crazy challenges. This time, Hell has frozen over and the two teams must dive into two pools of icy water to retrieve fish heads and match them to their tails. As these things usually go, chaos ensues. Team members are shouting at one another to find a certain type of fish, icy water is splashing around… it’s a mess. And we have Michael, the poor dimwitted Michael, gathering up an armful of fish and hoping one of them is a salmon. “It’s a monkfish, you f*cking donkey!” The men pull ahead of the women and win the first part of the challenge!
As the winners of the first part of the challenge, the blue team will receive a five minute head start in the second part of the competition: each chef has to create a unique and tasty fish entree. The teams begin preparing their dishes. Chef Ramsay brings in a special guest judge, Michael Cimarusti of Connie and Ted’s, to help critique the dishes. Things go pretty well, up until we get to Adam and Milly’s dishes. Chef Cimarusti notices that both dishes have the same rice! Ramsay forces Adam to admit he took some of Milly’s rice. Shared ingredients are a no-no! Just in case you’re wondering if you can plagiarize food… apparently you can. Obviously the men did not get the point for that round. So, the red team wins the challenge despite the men having the five minute advantage. Are you starting to see a pattern here? The women’s prize is to go to Manhattan Beach, CA to get surfing lessons! The men, as punishment for their food-stealing and general suckery, will be hauling fish into the kitchen, scaling and cleaning them in preparation for the dinner service.
The men are serving out the sentence of their punishment without too much bitching and whining. Chef James tells that at “ten after” they can “go on lunch.” Our loveable idiot Michael just hears the “go on lunch” part and walks upstairs to the dorm and starts cooking his lunch! Never once does it strike him as odd that he is the only one in the dorm. Chef James comes upstairs to retrieve Michael and make him join the rest of the men downstairs in the kitchen. At this point, I am forced to ask… Are Michael and Chrissa related? Or are they destined to be together? They are both soooo absentminded and STOOPID; there HAS to be a connection somewhere. I’m dumbfounded (but not as dumbfounded as those two) that they made it through the screening process to get cast on this show. It’s finally REALLY lunchtime and the men have to eat peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches as part of their punishment. This is very disgusting, indeed… but not nearly as disgusting as the obligatory burping and gagging segment that the producers felt was necessary to show here.

MEDIC ALERT! The men are still in the kitchen prepping for the nightly dinner service. Randy boasts about being an expert on fish and the knives used in the kitchen. So, naturally, what happens next? He stabs himself with a knife. The medic is called and he has to be taken to the hospital to be checked out and get stitches. On the way down the front steps to head to the hospital, Randy also trips on the stairs and nearly falls! I was torn between feeling pity for him and laughing my ass off. I ended up laughing, of course. LMAOOOOOO. It’s ok for me to laugh here because Randy is exactly like I am. I have a knack for falling on the stairs too (although I tend to fall going UP the stairs). But at least I’ve never stabbed myself. That’s a little too emo for me.

It is now time for another dinner service in Hell’s Kitchen. Randy has returned from the hospital (with two whole stitches!) and will be taking part in the kitchen with the others. The dining room is packed to capacity and it is more important than ever before for the teams to work together to get food out of the kitchens. The blue team, our little shining stars, are still f*cking things up. Adam, the food plagiarizer, sends a scallop salad out to the dining room with plastic in it. Plastic, which could slice open the throat of a poor unsuspecting diner. Someone find out for me if the diners have to sign waivers to be able to eat at Hell’s Kitchen. Seriously… dining at this place seems like a risky undertaking. Not to be outdone as far as murdering the guests, Nick sends undercooked pork to the pass. In the words of Bret, who has a couple of good one-liners in this episode, “undercooked pork is dangerous, you know… you can jeopardize somebody’s life, especially a pregnant woman… with a fetus.” Meanwhile, the red kitchen runs into a few hiccups of their own. Monique sends out some rubbery scallops, one of the most grievous mistakes one can make. The women get to the last order of appetizers and mess up so badly that they get ejected from the kitchen. Meanwhile, the men aren’t faring much better. Nick, once again, serves raw meat. The entire blue team is also kicked out of the kitchen.

After one of the most dreadful dinner services in Hell’s Kitchen history, Chef Ramsay does something he has never done before in 14 seasons: he goes upstairs to the contestants’ dorms. He is so pissed off that they performed worse than opening night, that both teams must nominate two people for elimination. The two nominees for the blue team are Nick and Michael. The two nominees for the red team are Mieka and Christine. The third contestant to be eliminated from Hell’s Kitchen is Michael. He made such a dangerous mistake by sticking a flaming hot pan on top of the cool pans below the fish station, which could have resulted in third degree burns. Burns so bad, as Bret puts it, you would have to have skin pulled from your ass and put on your hand. I am seriously amazed with all these dangerous mistakes being made that someone didn’t end up in the ICU or dead on this episode.
What did you think of this episode? Was the right person eliminated? Let me know in the comments below and on Twitter!
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