Week four of Hell’s Kitchen season 14 is now in the books and I am here with a complete recap for you! Last week, Michael was finally eliminated from the competition before he actually succeeded in killing one of his fellow pseudo-chef competitors. For a complete recap, click this link (and feel free to say nice things in the comments). To find out who gets eliminated this week, just keep reading!
We begin episode 4 just like we do any other week: right after the elimination of the previous chef and Chef Ramsay tells them to “f*ck off” back to the dorms. No one is really torn up that Michael is gone. Personally, I was sobbing uncontrollably for hours. I didn’t know how I could carry on with life, but I stayed strong and persevered so I could keep doing these recaps for you fine people. Bret says that Michael can come visit him in Atlantic City and he’ll give him a job as a prep cook. LOL! It’s late night and the chefs are up having drinks and having a good time unwinding. They begin playing “Never Have I Ever.” What’s supposed to be some harmless fun between competitors quickly gets ruined by Bret, this season’s killjoy who can’t stand any form of fun or for people other than him to be the center of attention.
The next morning, the chefs wake up to another “surprise” from Chef Ramsay. They are told to put on their colored jerseys, complete with their names on the back! The budget this season is phenomenal, you guys. They are then whisked away in black SUVs to a football field where they get the details of this challenge. They will be playing the Hell’s Kitchen version of football. There are four classic dishes that they will have to put a unique spin on: mac and cheese, pizza, burgers and spaghetti. They form pairs, except Randy, who will be working solo because of the odd number of people. Two hundred footballs with ingredients on them are launched into the air and they have to gather the footballs with the ingredients they would like to work with. After the pairs figure out which ingredients they are going to use in their dishes, they head back to the kitchen where they will have 40 minutes to work individually with the ingredients they chose together to put their spin on the dishes they chose. Even though they individually cooked dishes, each pair has to choose which dish they will submit for judging.

Michelle and Bret are up first with their pizzas. Bret wins 2 points for the men with his pizza even though it was over-seasoned. Next are Randy and Meghan with their burgers. Meghan ties the game with her spicy lamb burger which is like a gyro on a bun. Third, Alison and Josh face off with the battle of the mac and cheese. Josh earns another 2 points for the blue team because Alison put mac and cheese on a bun, which is just weird. Brendan and Sarah face off next with their twists on spaghetti. Of course, Sarah wins with her dish and ties the game once again. That’s how this show works. There always has to be a tiebreaker. Sarah’s, Meghan’s, Josh’s and Bret’s dishes are brought back up and the best dish overall will win the challenge for the team. The winning dish belonged to Sarah and the women win, once again. The red team will be headed to Long Beach to sail on the historic ship American Pride. The men have a punishment that will reduce them to tears. Although butthurt Bret is already being a crybaby because he lost and didn’t have the best dish. They will be getting a shipment of over 500 lbs. of onions that they have to unpack and prep for dinner service. Bret then proceeds to completely lose his shit. He storms off screaming about this being a team effort and how his dish should have won. He starts smoking and rocking back and forth in his chair. This crazy display only proves he should have been locked in a padded cell, not competing on a reality cooking show. Also, he kind of reminds me of the troll from Harry Potter, especially when he’s mad. Just saying. His toxic attitude is not helping the team morale.

It’s now time for yet another dinner service. Ramsay reminds them that last week was the worst service to date and they cannot repeat that. He informs them that they must redeem themselves tonight because it is Family Night. There will be games and stuff for the family to enjoy and Chef Ramsay has added kid friendly dishes to the menu like burgers, mac and cheese and chicken strips. Michelle puts way too much salt in the mac and cheese. She’s such a sneaky one. Kill the customers slowly… by damning them to an early demise from chronic high blood pressure and heart disease. The real shining stars of dinner service are Mieka and Monique, who keep screwing up the meat station by serving raw meat. Meanwhile, the men mess up on the strip steaks and are forced to eat their mistakes… complete with a nice glass of wine. The women never recover from their horrible service and the entire red team is kicked out of the kitchen. They are told to come up with two nominees for elimination.

The women don’t want Mieka to go home before Monique so they decide the best thing for them to do is “strategize” the elimination by putting Sarah up against Monique, ensuring Monique’s the one to go home. Apparently, these ignorant wretches have never seen Hell’s Kitchen before and don’t realize noms don’t matter. Ramsay gets rid of who he wants and you can’t out-think him. Sure enough, it’s time for the elimination and the women have nominated Sarah and Monique. Monique then rats out the women’s plan to Ramsay. He calls Monique and Sarah forward… then sends them back into the line. He calls Mieka forward and she becomes the next person eliminated from Hell’s Kitchen. Hell’s Kitchen Pro Tip: This is a competition of SKILL, not strategy! It’s not like Survivor or Big Brother where you can control who goes home. If you suck, you leave. Simple as that. If you’re auditioning for Hell’s Kitchen season 15, I hope you read this and take notes!
What did you think of this episode? Was the correct person eliminated? How much longer do you think Monique really has? Let me know in the comments below and on Twitter!
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